
26 September 2017

646. NWChem 6.6 on debian stretch (9)

I've got plenty of posts on how to compile nwchem on this blog. However, as I'm still running debian jessie on my work computers and cluster I have failed to appreciate quite how different things work in debian stretch.

This includes the compilation of ECCE (although owing to updates meant to rectify that at this isn't necessarily something you'd notice) and NWChem.

Anyway, here's how to build nwchem with openmpi support under debian stretch:

1. Download source code and patches
sudo mkdir /opt/nwchem -p sudo chown $USER:$USER /opt/nwchem cd /opt/nwchem mkdir patches6.6 cd patches6.6 for i in Tddft_mxvec20.patch.gz Tools_lib64.patch.gz Config_libs66.patch.gz Cosmo_meminit.patch.gz Sym_abelian.patch.gz Xccvs98.patch.gz Dplot_tolrho.patch.gz Driver_smalleig.patch.gz Ga_argv.patch.gz Raman_displ.patch.gz Ga_defs.patch.gz Zgesvd.patch.gz Cosmo_dftprint.patch.gz Txs_gcc6.patch.gz Gcc6_optfix.patch.gz Util_gnumakefile.patch.gz Util_getppn.patch.gz Gcc6_macs_optfix.patch.gz Xatom_vdw.patch.gz Notdir_fc.patch.gz Hfmke.patch.gz Cdfti2nw66.patch.gz ; do wget$i ; done gunzip *.gz cat *.patch > consolidated.patch cd .. wget -O Nwchem-6.6.revision27746-src.2015-10-20.tar.gz tar xvf Nwchem-6.6.revision27746-src.2015-10-20.tar.gz

Apply patches:
cd /opt/nwchem/nwchem-6.6/ cp /opt/nwchem/patches6.6/consolidated.patch . patch -p0 < consolidated.patch
In addition, you can do the following to print more information so that GabEdit properly shows MOs:
cd nwchem-6.6/ grep -rl "do klo = 0, min(n-1,9), 2"|xargs -I {} sed -i 's/do klo = 0, min(n-1,9), 2/do klo = 0, min(n-1,199), 2/g' {} grep -rl " 0.15d0,"|grep -v "atomdata"|xargs -I {} sed -i 's/0.15d0/0.01d0/g' {}

2. Install dependencies and compile.
 How exactly it is done depends on your compiler and math libs. I've used red for examples with INTEL mkl, blue for AMD acml and orange for the free openblas. ifort is shown in purple and gfortran like this.You should only use one compiler + one math lib.
Hint: also make sure your files contain paths to your math libs.
cd /opt/nwchem/nwchem-6.6 sudo apt-get install build-essential gfortran python2.7-dev libopenmpi-dev openmpi-bin export NWCHEM_TOP=`pwd` export LARGE_FILES=TRUE export TCGRSH=/usr/bin/ssh export NWCHEM_TOP=`pwd` export NWCHEM_TARGET=LINUX64 export NWCHEM_MODULES="all" export PYTHONVERSION=2.7 export PYTHONHOME=/usr export BLASOPT="-L/opt/intel/composer_xe_2013.4.183/mkl/lib/intel64/ -lmkl_core -lmkl_sequential -lmkl_intel_ilp64" export LIBRARY_PATH="$LIBRARY_PATH:/opt/intel/composer_xe_2013.4.183/mkl/lib/intel64/" export BLASOPT="-L/opt/acml/acml5.3.1/gfortran64_int64/lib -lacml" export LIBRARY_PATH="$LIBRARY_PATH:/opt/acml/acml5.3.1/gfortran64_int64/lib" export BLASOPT="-L/opt/openblas/lib -lopenblas" export LIBRARY_PATH="$LIBRARY_PATH:/opt/openblas/lib" export USE_MPI=y export USE_MPIF=y export USE_MPIF4=y export ARMCI_NETWORK=SOCKETS cd $NWCHEM_TOP/src make clean make nwchem_config make FC=ifort 1> make.log 2>make.err make FC=gfortran 1> make.log 2>make.err cd $NWCHEM_TOP/contrib export FC=ifort export FC=gfortran ./getmem.nwchem

3. Run
mpirun -n 8 /opt/nwchem-6.6/bin/LINUX64/nwchem input.nw > output.nw

23 August 2017

645. Moodle on Debian

I want to play around with moodle on my own desktop so I can experiment before making any major commits to a course website.

I first had a look at, but, realising that moodle is in sid, decided to build my own .deb package.

This was done on debian jessie (8.9), which has at this point been overtaken by stretch as stable. I'm thus three releases behind sid.

1. Add the sid /src/ repo to sources.list
deb-src sid main non-free contrib

2. Get source and build
I don't know exactly what dependencies you'll need. Error messages will tell you.
sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install build-essential dpkg-dev mysql-server mysql-client php5-xmlrpc php5-intl sudo service mysql start mkdir ~/tmp/moodle -p cd ~/tmp/moodle sudo apt-get source moodle
Edit debian/control (necessary if you're on Jessie/8.9 -- newer debian versions may not need this):
14 Depends: ${misc:Depends}, 15 php5, php5-mysql | php5-pgsql, php5-gd, php5-curl, php5-cli, 16 apache2 | httpd, ucf, postgresql-client | default-mysql-client | virtual-mysql-client, 17 dbconfig-common, libphp-phpmailer, libphp-adodb, php-htmlpurifier, php-tcpdf, 18 php-cas (>= 1.3.3-1), libjs-jquery-migrate-1 19 Pre-Depends: debconf (>= 0.5) | debconf-2.0
Then continue in the terminal:
cd ~/tmp/moodle-2.7.19+dfsg sudo dpkg-buildpackage -us -uc cd .. sudo dpkg -i moodle_2.7.19+dfsg-2_all.deb sudo apt-get -f install sudo cp /etc/moodle/apache.conf /etc/apache2/sites-available/moodle.conf sudo ln -s /etc/apache2/sites-available/moodle.conf /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/moodle.conf sudo chmod o+r /etc/apache2/sites-available/moodle.conf sudo chmod go+w /var/lib/moodle sudo service apache2 reload
Navigate to http://localhost/moodle and follow the prompts

09 August 2017

644. Redmine -- project management -- briefly.

I've reached the point in my career that I need to start thinking seriously about how I organise my work. It used to be enough to work with a white board, google calendar (w/ lightning + thunderbird) and lots of post-it notes.

Somehow it's not working anymore, in part because I'm getting older and find it difficult to remember things -- in particular short-term.

Running a group is much like running a company (I imagine):
1. you have to manage your funds
2. you have to manage projects over short, medium and long-term
3. you have employees that need taking care of -- PhD students and Postdocs

I manage my funds using GnuCash. It's not perfect, but once you've set it up it works well enough to keep track of your assets. Of course your university accountants/administrators will do the same, but there's always a lag between you spending your money and getting updated financial reports. It's also nice to be able to 'lean' money in case of future spending. I've found that the financial reports that I've been getting from the different institutions that I've been working at have not dealt well with salaries.  I mean, salaries get taken out monthly, but as they are predictable expenses I as a PI don't want to see the money -- I want it removed from view.

Also, every now and again the accountants make a mistake, and you're much more likely to discover it if you have a means of comparing your financial reports with what you would be expecting to see.

Taking care of and managing employees is a different kettle of fish altogether, and at this point I haven't found any magic bullet in terms of management style. I'm simply being me -- which sounds fine -- but that doesn't always work due to personality clashes etc. Sometimes it's probably better to have a professional persona that you can put on.

Anyway, this post is about project planning -- I need to plan my work and my private life. I've looked at a few solutions. Most of these are serious overkill for what I need. All are free, although their websites heavily advertise paid options.
* TaskCoach
* Project Libre
* RedMine
* Odoo (formerly OpenERP)

I really wanted something like the project tracker in github, but the programs that support that style seems to be cloud based, and I'd much rather have something that I can run locally.

TaskCoach is in the debian repo, as is redmine. Project libre and odoo have debs available from their respective websites.

I failed to get odoo working -- otherwise it looked nice in the screen shots on their website.

TaskCoach was easy to use, but not very pretty, and it just didn't feel 'right' for me in terms of look/layout and workflow. If I hadn't found redmine I probably would've stayed with TaskCoach.

I got lost and confused when looking at ProjectLibre, and gave up.

Redmine has the advantage of the redmine website running on redmine, so you can see exactly what it looks like and how it works. That's what I'm using now, and it seems to work with how I think about things. I like being able to attach files, make lots of short notes that show up and give a good overview what's going on.

I don't need time tracking, Gantt charts etc -- I just need to track the qualitative progress of what I'm doing.

I installed redmine on debian jessie according to
I did
sudo cp  /usr/share/doc/redmine/examples/apache2-passenger-alias.conf /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/redmine.conf

I then edited redmine.conf to include
ServerName localhost
but made no other changes.

I could then access redmine at localhost/redmine

21 July 2017

643. 'Hacking' a windows 10 computer w/o password

The scenario: a colleague's masters student had finished, and returned his university issued laptop. He didn't write down the password, and no he can't remember it. It's running Windows 10.

My colleague wants to use the laptop for a bit of testing. No IT support around, so can't reinstall windows.

It has Ubuntu installed as well.We have the password for it.

The local admin account in windows was not activated.

I looked at, and

1. Boot into windows 10. Hold 'shift' while clicking on 'Shutdown', in order to force a proper shutdown rather than hibernation.

2. Boot into Linux (in this case it was a dual boot setup, but you could boot from a linux cd or usb stick). Mount the windows partition, open a terminal and navigate to Windows/System32. Rename cmd.exe to sethc.exe and sethc.exe to cmd.exe. Restart.

3. Boot into windows. When you get the log in screen, hit 'shift' 5-6 times. You'll now get a terminal with admin powers!

4. Activate the administrator account so that safe mode becomes useful:
net user administrator /active:yes
net user administrator *

Set the password.

5. Add a new user (users: john, password: b3ngalt0r1n.) and give it admin capabilities:
net user john b3ngalt0r1n. /add
net localgroup administrators john /add

Hold 'shift' while clicking on Shutdown

6. Boot into linux, and swap cmd.exe and sethc.exe back.

7. Boot into windows.

19 July 2017

642. Garmin GPSMap 64S and the weirdest hardware bug...

Last year I bought a Garmin GPSMap 64S ( and while it has objectively made my life a lot more amazing (being able to just walk, without having to look for often hard-to-find maps before and printing them, gives you a great sense of freedom), it comes with a weird bug.

If you change the batteries (runs on 2xAA), you might not be able to turn it back on. I did some troubleshooting:
* If you change the batteries quickly -- within 5-10 minutes -- it would turn back on
* Otherwise the only way to turn the GPS back on was to plug it into your computer -- or another power source such as a phone battery bank -- using the USB cable

I sent the device back to Ryda, but when they tested it they had no issues turning it back on. Egg + Face.

Well, I finally figured it out -- it all comes down to how you put the batteries back in.

Right before Left

If you put the device face down as shown in the photo, you need to put the RIGHT battery in BEFORE the LEFT one, and the device will start fine.

If you put the left battery in before the right one, you'll need to hook the GPS up via the USB cable to a power source to start it.

WHY it's like that, and whether it's a manufacturing defect only present in my device, I don't know. I'm just happy that it's working consistently now.

641. Rant: Why is it so hard to comment on blogspot?

I'd like to respond to people who leave comments on my posts, but for some reason it's become so difficult that I normally never get around to it.

Although firefox and chrome hasn't worked for commenting for a long time (in spite of turning off adblockers, cookie blockers etc.) Epiphany ('Web' in Gnome 3) used to do the trick. Not even that works properly anymore -- I was forced to post as anonymous in the end, rather than using my google account.

The steady march of progress...

PS Thanks to everyone who posts feedback. I do read everything and appreciate that you take the time to leave comments. I just might not be able to respond...

29 June 2017

640. nordvpn with network-manager-openvpn-gnome (on debian 8), and speeds

So you've signed up for nordvpn, e.g. because you can't live without ABC for Kids and you're exiled to Europe. Unfortunately, while you can connect to a server using

sudo openvpn
you're having little luck using network-manager-openvpn-gnome, and the nordvpn official step-by-step guide isn't bleeding working.

Well, here's how to do it:
1. Go to network settings and add a new connection. Click on VPN:
The select import from file.
Select the file:

This will import some, but not all, of the settings.

You'll need to select the .crt file:
And then click on advanced. Got to the TLS Authentication tab:

You need to select 'Use additional TLS authentication' and select the tls.key. The key direction should be 1 (it's in the ovpn file)

Either way, the connection using the gnome network manager seems a lot less stable than what you get using openvpn in the terminal.

So, will it work for streaming? Not really, from what I can see. I do admittedly have a really crappy connection even w/o vpn, and I'm doing this over wifi. Here are results using google speed test:

No VPN: 6.36/9.75 Mbps Up/Down
uk32 (udp): 1.79/7.89
au10 (udp): 3.94/2.85 -- first try
au32 (tcp): 0.86(!)/0.96
us621 (udp): 0.47(!)/3.22
au10 (udp): 1.13/1.45 -- second try
No VPN: 7.53/2.96 -- second try

These are just random servers. There may be higher speed ones out there. Also, note how living in an area with a high concentration of students can cause large variations in your speeds in general.
Update: I ran a couple of tests from work where I have a /fast/ ethernet connection. I did it using Okla:
No VPN: 94.09/94.08 -- first try
No VPN: 94.10/94.02 -- second try
ch7 (udp): 87.95/87.87
au10(udp): 0.53/0.75 -- even just running the test took ages

Another fun little trick when using openvpn in the terminal is -- if you're not concerned about protecting your username/password -- to follow this post:

After creating your auth.txt file, in the folder with your .ovpn files, do
sed -i 's/auth-user-pass/auth-user-pass auth.txt/' *.ovpn

Now you can switch vpns quickly and happily.

28 June 2017

639. ECCE is under active development again!

The Extensible Computational Chemistry Environment package (ECCE) by EMSL/PNNL has been forked and placed on github.

It is now under active development. Several bug fixes have been made, binary packages are being provided, and new features are being added.

All rejoice!

You can find the github repo here:

There are three main branches, in increasing order of excitement:
* master
This branch has minimal changes from the PNNL code. It's basically in maintenance mode. Nothing exciting to see here.
* stable
Stable, like master, incorporates bug fixes, but also includes a few new features, such as SLURM support. A tiny bit of excitement to be had.
* develop
No holds barred, anything goes, everything's added. Might not suit everyone, but has got tons of fixes and features added, such as explicit g09 support and added selection options in the GUI.

14 June 2017

638. ECCE on Centos 7

I use the minimal centos 7 iso from

It was pretty straightforward otherwise:

yum install vim csh gcc gcc-c++ gcc-gfortran java-1.7.0-openjdk-devel python-devel ant gtk2-devel libjpeg-turbo-devel libtool ImageMagick libXt-devel xterm mesa-libGLU-devel kernel-devel perl-Digest-Perl-MD5 perl-Digest-MD5 bzip2 perl-Env
mkdir ~/tmp
cd ~/tmp
Download ecce from into ~/tmp 
tar xvf ecce-v7.0-src.tar.bz2
cd ecce-v7.0/
export ECCE_HOME=`pwd`
cd build/
./build_ecce|tee xerxes.log
./build_ecce|tee mesa.log
./build_ecce|tee wxwidgets.log
./build_ecce|tee wxpython.log
./build_ecce|tee httpd.log
./build_ecce|tee ecce.log

If you want a desktop:
sudo yum -y groups install "GNOME Desktop" 
ECCE asks about netstat as well.

12 June 2017

637. ECCE on Ubuntu 16.04.2

I just tried to build ECCE on Ubuntu LTS 16.04.2 according to and it worked without a hitch. The only things that needed changing were

* from openjdk-7-jdk in debian to openjdk-8-jdk in ubuntu
* src/inv/flclient/flfreetype.c: <ftoutln.h> needed changing to <freetype/ftoutln.h>

18 May 2017

636. Bulk convert mp4 file to mp3 (avconv/xargs)

I have mp4 files that have weird characters etc. in them.

To handle them, I used the following to convert them using xargs and avconv:
find *.mp4 -print0|sed 's/mp4//g'|xargs -0 -I {} avconv -i {}mp4 {}mp3

21 March 2017

635. Installing R on Rocks 5.4.3

Rocks 5.4.3 is based on CentOS 5.6 which is practically ancient by now (released Jan 2011).

Either way, when dealing with someone else's cluster its better to not fiddle too much with what is already working.

Here's a not at all elegant way of install R on Rocks 5.4.3

sudo yum install R-3.3.2-3.el5.x86_64.rpm libRmath-devel-3.3.2-3.el5.x86_64.rpm libRmath-3.3.2-3.el5.x86_64.rpm R-devel-3.3.2-3.el5.x86_64.rpm R-core-3.3.2-3.el5.x86_64.rpm R-core-devel-3.3.2-3.el5.x86_64.rpm libssh2-0.18-10.el5.x86_64.rpm xdg-utils-1.0.2-4.el5.noarch.rpm texinfo-tex-4.8-14.el5.x86_64.rpm xz-devel-4.999.9-0.3.beta.20091007git.el5.x86_64.rpm texinfo-4.8-14.el5.x86_64.rpm 
[..] Total size: 169 M Downloading Packages: Running rpm_check_debug Running Transaction Test Finished Transaction Test Transaction Test Succeeded Running Transaction Installing : libssh2 1/11 Installing : libRmath 2/11 Installing : texinfo 3/11 Installing : texinfo-tex 4/11 Installing : libRmath-devel 5/11 Installing : xz-devel 6/11 Installing : xdg-utils 7/11 Installing : R-core 8/11 Installing : R-core-devel 9/11 Installing : R-devel 10/11 Installing : R 11/11 Installed: R.x86_64 0:3.3.2-3.el5 R-core.x86_64 0:3.3.2-3.el5 R-core-devel.x86_64 0:3.3.2-3.el5 R-devel.x86_64 0:3.3.2-3.el5 libRmath.x86_64 0:3.3.2-3.el5 libRmath-devel.x86_64 0:3.3.2-3.el5 libssh2.x86_64 0:0.18-10.el5 texinfo.x86_64 0:4.8-14.el5 texinfo-tex.x86_64 0:4.8-14.el5 xdg-utils.noarch 0:1.0.2-4.el5 xz-devel.x86_64 0:4.999.9-0.3.beta.20091007git.el5 Complete!

R version 3.3.2 (2016-10-31) -- "Sincere Pumpkin Patch" Copyright (C) 2016 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing Platform: x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu (64-bit) R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. You are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions. Type 'license()' or 'licence()' for distribution details. Natural language support but running in an English locale R is a collaborative project with many contributors. Type 'contributors()' for more information and 'citation()' on how to cite R or R packages in publications. Type 'demo()' for some demos, 'help()' for on-line help, or 'help.start()' for an HTML browser interface to help. Type 'q()' to quit R. > q() Save workspace image? [y/n/c]: n

634. Compiling EQ3/6 on Debian

EQ3/6, a program for calculation of geochemical equilibrium in aqueous systems and which can be downloaded here, has a spectacularly unhelpful Install.txt file.

Sadly, we do not provide specific instructions on how to compile and link
the software to build the executables. You have to figure that out yourself
for your specific platform. It will require some number of steps. Also, we 
do not provide makefiles. It is not necessary to use make files, although
some people like them. If all this seems to exceed your knowledge and capacity,
seek the assistance of a qualified Linux or Unix maven who knows how to do
these things on your platform. 

Here I describe how I went about to compile it.

1. Download from

2. Extract it. Move the EQ3_6v8.0a folder to ~
You can put it wherever you want, but then need to edit eq36cfg, and you'll have to deal with csh not handling long paths that well. It's just easier to give up and put EQ3_6v8.0a under $HOME

3. Time to extract further, compile and set up
cd ~/EQ3_6v8.0a
ls *.tar |xargs -I {} tar xvf {}
find -name "*.gz"|xargs -I {} gunzip {}

Time to look at what we have. There are .f files in

A lot of these are subroutines. We'll compile all files as modules and make static libraries
cd eqlibg/src
gfortran -c *.f
ar cr eqlibg.a *.o
cd ../../eqlibu/src
gfortran -c *.f
ar cr eqlibu.a *.o
cd ../../eqlib/src
gfortran -c *.f
ar cr eqlib.a *.o

cd ../../eqpt/src
sh makelinks
gfortran *.f *.a -o eqpt
cp eqpt ../../bin/
cd ../../xcon3/src
sh makelinks
gfortran *.f *.a -o xcon3
cp xcon3 ../../bin/
cd ../../xcon6/src
sh makelinks
gfortran *.f *.a -o xcon6
cp xcon6 ../../bin/
cd ../../eq3nr/src
sh makelinks
gfortran *.f *.a -o eq3nr
cp eq3nr ../../bin/
cd ../../eq6/src
sh makelinks
gfortran *.f *.a -o eq6

You'll get
eq6.f:16.9: use mod6pt 1 Fatal Error: Can't open module file 'mod6pt.mod' for reading at (1): No such file or directory eqcalc.f:77.9: use mod6pt 1 Fatal Error: Can't open module file 'mod6pt.mod' for reading at (1): No such file or directory eqphas.f:129.9: use mod6pt 1 Fatal Error: Can't open module file 'mod6pt.mod' for reading at (1): No such file or directory eqshel.f:146.9: use mod6pt 1 Fatal Error: Can't open module file 'mod6pt.mod' for reading at (1): No such file or directory exivar.f:121.9: use mod6pt 1 Fatal Error: Can't open module file 'mod6pt.mod' for reading at (1): No such file or directory
Don't despair, just run again:

gfortran *.f *.a -o eq6
cp eq6 ../../bin/

You should now have a bin/ that looks like
eq3nr eq6 eqpt readme.txt runeq3 runeq6 runeqpt xcif3 xcif6 xcon3 xcon6
cd ~/EQ3_6v8.0a
cat eq36cfg >> ~/.cshrc
cd scripts/
ln -s runeq36 runeq3
ln -s runeq36 runeq6
sudo mkdir /usr/tmp
sudo chmod ugo+rw /usr/tmp
cd ../db/
csh ../scripts/runeqpt all
------------------------------------ All done

4. Test
cd ~/EQ3_6v8.0a/3tlib_fmt
csh ../scripts/runeq36 fmt ../db/data0 c4pgwbN2.3i
[..] Done. Optimization ended outside requested limits. Starting hybrid Newton-Raphson iteration. Done. Hybrid Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 56 iterations. * Warning - (EQ3NR/eq3nr) The calculated TDS of 3.44395E+05 mg/L differs from the input file value of 3.54016E+05 mg/L by more than 1%. The calculated value will be used in subsequent calculations. The pickup file has been written. No further input found. Start time = 13:57:15 21Mar2017 End time = 13:57:15 21Mar2017 Run time = 0.586E-01 seconds Normal exit Note: The following floating-point exceptions are signalling: IEEE_UNDERFLOW_FLAG ------------------------------------ The following output files were written: c4pgwbN2.3o c4pgwbN2.3p ------------------------------------ The following input files were run without generating any EQ3NR error messages: c4pgwbN2.3i ------------------------------------ All done
The question here is whether the error is indicative of a serious issue with the compiled software.

I reran as
csh ../scripts/runeq3 fmt c4pgwbN2.3i |tee c4pgwbN2.3o

and compared
diff c4pgwbN2.3o Outputs/c4pgwbN2.3o
18c18 < Run 14:12:44 21Mar2017 --- > Run 13:18:06 07Sep2011 870,871c870,871 < -0.0000 per cent of the total charge < -0.0000 per cent of the mean charge --- > 0.0000 per cent of the total charge > 0.0000 per cent of the mean charge 1235,1236c1235,1236 < Start time = 14:12:44 21Mar2017 < End time = 14:12:44 21Mar2017 --- > Start time = 13:18:06 07Sep2011 > End time = 13:18:06 07Sep2011 1238c1238 < Run time = 0.586E-01 seconds --- > Run time = 0.781E-01 seconds

The results are the same.We're good.

Everything put together as a script:
mkdir ~/tmp cd ~/tmp wget unzip cd Linux mv EQ3_6v8.0a ~/ rm -rf Linux cd ~/EQ3_6v8.0a ls *.tar |xargs -I {} tar xvf {} find -name "*.gz"|xargs -I {} gunzip {} cd eqlibg/src gfortran -c *.f ar cr eqlibg.a *.o cd ../../eqlibu/src gfortran -c *.f ar cr eqlibu.a *.o cd ../../eqlib/src gfortran -c *.f ar cr eqlib.a *.o cd ../../eqpt/src sh makelinks gfortran *.f *.a -o eqpt cp eqpt ../../bin/ cd ../../xcon3/src sh makelinks gfortran *.f *.a -o xcon3 cp xcon3 ../../bin/ cd ../../xcon6/src sh makelinks gfortran *.f *.a -o xcon6 cp xcon6 ../../bin/ cd ../../eq3nr/src sh makelinks gfortran *.f *.a -o eq3nr cp eq3nr ../../bin/ cd ../../eq6/src sh makelinks gfortran *.f *.a -o eq6 gfortran *.f *.a -o eq6 cp eq6 ../../bin/ cd ~/EQ3_6v8.0a cat eq36cfg >> ~/.cshrc cd scripts/ ln -s runeq36 runeq3 ln -s runeq36 runeq6 sudo mkdir /usr/tmp sudo chmod ugo+rw /usr/tmp cd ../db/ csh ../scripts/runeqpt all

31 January 2017

633. Multiwfn on debian, with gaussian

Not much to say. I wanted to do some Bader-type AIM analyses, and I don't have AIM2000/AIMPAC. Multiwfn can do this, and a lot more.

Setting up multiwfn
Download the precompiled Multiwfn binaries here:

Extract the binary and the copy the directory to .e.g /opt

$ ls /opt/Multiwfn_3.3.9_bin_Linux/
examples  Multiwfn  settings.ini

Edit your ~/.bashrc and add:
export KMP_STACKSIZE=64000000
export Multiwfnpath=/opt/Multiwfn_3.3.9_bin_Linux

When I hit 0 to visualize something, the plot screen is empty. Check/uncheck a box in the window and the plot will show.
Generating wfx files in gaussian:
If you've already run a job that has generated a .chk file, then run a simple quick job like this:
%nprocshared=2 %mem=500Mb %chk=test.chk #P chkbasis geom=allcheck guess=(check,only) output=wfx pop=(none) test.wfx

To analyse the .wfx file using multiwfn, look at the examples in the manual:
The strength of multiwfn is that it can do a LOT. That's also its weakness, in the sense that the menu options are a bit overwhelming. Following the examples in the manual is probably mandatory.

12 January 2017

632. How to set up a few different types of jobs in Gaussian 09 (D/E)

I haven't posted anything for a long time. Partly because with each post I have one fewer issue to solve in the future, and partly because I'm busy, which is a good thing to be if you're an academic.

Either way, I've been doing a lot of fun computational stuff during the past year. Because I have the memory of a goldfish (not as bad as they claim) I'll post some of the techniques here. Nothing fancy, but still handy stuff.

Let's start with the easiest. I'll also have to disappoint by not actually going through the inputs (I don't have the time) -- but at least it gives you something to dissect.

Paramagnetic systems
You should always do a fragment guess when doing computations on a paramagnetic system. There used to be pretty decent example on the gaussian website, but the link's dead.
So, here's an example using MnII(H2O)72+:
#P uPBE1PBE/def2svp 5D 7F Punch=(MO) Pop=() guess=(fragment=8,only) nosymm


2 6 2 6 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1! charge and multiplicity
 Mn(fragment=1)    -0.00562000     -0.159820     -0.00534000
 O(fragment=2)    0.806850     2.92945     0.648110
 H(fragment=2)    0.517800     2.22992     1.19065
 H(fragment=2)    0.710610     2.64504     -0.251480
 O(fragment=3)    -2.27505     2.01043     -0.829720
 H(fragment=3)    -1.61846     1.53635     -1.35764
 H(fragment=3)    -2.16217     1.69798     0.0680700
 O(fragment=4)    1.25719     0.434100     -2.53776
 H(fragment=4)    1.44642     -0.489420     -2.38016
 H(fragment=4)    1.93095     0.912890     -2.06836
 O(fragment=5)    -0.763700     -0.365100     2.64881
 H(fragment=5)    -1.25350     0.434770     2.55458
 H(fragment=5)    0.142800     -0.109660     2.78161
 O(fragment=6)    2.85799     -0.0152600     0.774460
 H(fragment=6)    2.85234     -0.657260     0.0556300
 H(fragment=6)    2.56047     -0.559630     1.50359
 O(fragment=7)    -2.58701     -1.35998     -0.392700
 H(fragment=7)    -2.33975     -1.98479     0.179520
 H(fragment=7)    -2.25366     -1.27355     -1.16844
 O(fragment=8)    0.506670     -2.98431     -0.354720
 H(fragment=8)    0.314610     -2.83412     0.445580
 H(fragment=8)    0.228450     -2.74784     -1.07163

#P uPBE1PBE/chkbasis 5D 7F Opt=() SCRF=(PCM,Solvent=water)  Punch=(MO) Pop=() guess=read geom=allcheck nosymm
The keys here are: 1) everything is divided into fragments (Mn and each H2O are individual fragments). 2) The spin state for the total system is given, followed by the multiplicities and charges of each fragment and 3) the first calculation is just used to generate a fragment guess ( guess=(fragment=8,only) ). 4) The first job is then immediately followed by a second job defined in link1, and it reads in the fragment guess, the geometry and the basis set from the first job. NOTE: fragment guesses can't use SCRF.

Freezing atoms
This is pretty basic, but useful. The example uses Mg(H2O)62+.
#P rPBE1PBE/gen 5D Opt=(readopt)  Punch=(MO) Pop=() 


2 1 ! charge and multiplicity
 Mg     0.00000     0.00000     0.00000
 O     0.00000     2.09000     0.00000
 H     -0.691981     2.65500     -0.691981
 H     0.691981     2.65500     0.691981
 O     1.47785     2.22045e-16     1.47785
 H     1.87737     0.978609     1.87737
 H     1.87737     -0.978609     1.87737
 O     -1.47785     -1.11022e-16     1.47785
 H     -1.18539     7.33956e-09     2.56935
 H     -2.56935     -7.33957e-09     1.18539
 O     0.00000     -2.09000     0.00000
 H     -0.691981     -2.65500     0.691981
 H     0.691981     -2.65500     -0.691981
 O     -1.47785     2.22045e-16     -1.47785
 H     -1.87737     -0.978609     -1.87737
 H     -1.87737     0.978609     -1.87737
 O     1.47785     -1.11022e-16     -1.47785
 H     1.18539     -2.20187e-08     -2.56935
 H     2.56935     2.20187e-08     -1.18539

noatoms atoms=Mg,O

Mg H O 0

Keys: 1) use opt=(readopt) to make gaussian look for more instructions immediately noatoms makes all atoms inactive. Then make Mg and O active again using 'atoms'. You can also give a numerical range, e.g. atoms=1-2,5,8 etc. You can also use notatoms, which specifies atoms to make inactive (instead of noatoms which makes all inactive).

I defined the basis set at the bottom only to show what order things come in i.e. readopt input comes before basis gen.

NOTE: if you do opt=(readopt) and freq=() in the same job those atoms will be frozen in the Hessian

Mixing basis sets
What if you have a large cluster and want to use a triple-zeta basis set for some oxygens, and a double-zeta for others that are less 'important'?
#P rPBE1PBE/gen 5D Opt=(readopt)  Punch=(MO) Pop=() 


2 1 ! charge and multiplicity
 Mg     0.00000     0.00000     0.00000
 O     0.00000     2.09000     0.00000
 O     -1.47785     -1.11022e-16     1.47785
 O     0.00000     -2.09000     0.00000
 O     -1.47785     2.22045e-16     -1.47785
 O     1.47785     2.22045e-16     1.47785
 O     1.47785     -1.11022e-16     -1.47785
 H     -0.691981     2.65500     -0.691981
 H     0.691981     2.65500     0.691981
 H     1.87737     0.978609     1.87737
 H     1.87737     -0.978609     1.87737
 H     -1.18539     7.33956e-09     2.56935
 H     -2.56935     -7.33957e-09     1.18539
 H     -0.691981     -2.65500     0.691981
 H     0.691981     -2.65500     -0.691981
 H     -1.87737     -0.978609     -1.87737
 H     -1.87737     0.978609     -1.87737
 H     1.18539     -2.20187e-08     -2.56935
 H     2.56935     2.20187e-08     -1.18539

Mg 0
O 0
8-12 0
13-19 0

In this case Mg uses 6-311G, O uses def2svp, and some of the H use 6-31G while others use 6-311+G(2d,2p). The input obviously doesn't make any chemical sense, but it works as an example. To add ECP, put in an empty space after the last basis set, and then define the ECPs like you would basis sets (but use e.g. def2 instead of def2tzvp, since def2 contains the ecps).

Partial Charges in DFT input
I'm not 100% sure about this one, but I've checked against nwchem and it gives the same output as using 'charge' in nwchem input.
#P rPBE1PBE/GEN 5D Opt=()  Punch=(MO) Pop=() 


2 1 ! charge and multiplicity
 Mg    0.00000     0.00000     0.00000
 O     0.00000     2.09000     0.00000
 O     1.47785     2.22045e-16     1.47785
 O     -1.47785     -1.11022e-16     1.47785
 O     0.00000     -2.09000     0.00000
 O     -1.47785     2.22045e-16     -1.47785
 O     1.47785     -1.11022e-16     -1.47785
 H(znuc=.91666666666666666666)   -0.691981     2.65500     -0.691981
 H(znuc=.91666666666666666666)   0.691981     2.65500     0.691981
 H(znuc=.91666666666666666666)   1.87737     0.978609     1.87737
 H(znuc=.91666666666666666666)   1.87737     -0.978609     1.87737
 H(znuc=.91666666666666666666)   -1.18539     7.33956e-09     2.56935
 H(znuc=.91666666666666666666)   -2.56935     -7.33957e-09     1.18539
 H(znuc=.91666666666666666666)   -0.691981     -2.65500     0.691981
 H(znuc=.91666666666666666666)   0.691981     -2.65500     -0.691981
 H(znuc=.91666666666666666666)   -1.87737     -0.978609     -1.87737
 H(znuc=.91666666666666666666)   -1.87737     0.978609     -1.87737
 H(znuc=.91666666666666666666)   1.18539     -2.20187e-08     -2.56935
 H(znuc=.91666666666666666666)   2.56935     2.20187e-08     -1.18539

Mg O H 0

Again, it's an artificial example. I've set the charges of the H to 11/12ths, so that the charge of the entire complex is 1, and not 2+ anymore. Confusingly, I can only get it to work properly if I set the charge to 2+ in the input i.e. ignoring the changed charges for different atoms. Either way, it gives the same result as nwchem (although in nwchem I'd set the total charge to +1 in recognition of the change atomic charges).