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15 July 2013
475. How to get into a Chemistry PhD program in Australia -- or at least a reply from a prospective supervisor
Here's yet another non-linux post. I'm currently getting ready for the start of the new semester and teaching, and so haven't ha...
15 August 2012
220. My first few lectures in Australia...and the importance of thermodynamics
I'm not an expert on anything. It's not a matter of false modesty, but an observation based on the fact that I come across new thing...
22 June 2012
199. NeCTAR -Virtualisation of Australian compute resources -- first steps
So they are seeing whether they can make more efficient use of the compute resources at different institutions in Australia by creating a cl...
21 June 2012
197. Post-mortem of the Moe Quake
The news keep on reporting about a single injured person who was unlucky enough to be standing on a ladder close to the epicentre, but beyon...
28 May 2012
167. ECCE/Nwchem on An Australian University computational cluster using qsub with g09/nwchem
EDIT: I've just learned the First Rule of Remote Computing: always start by checking the number of concurrent processes you're al...
15 February 2012
65. LaTeX for 2013 ARC proposals
If you're in the limbo where you're not quite expert enough with LaTeX, but have happily said goodbye to MS Office, and you're a...
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