Showing posts with label nwchem. Show all posts
Showing posts with label nwchem. Show all posts

17 June 2013

456. Adding NWChem basis sets to ECCE. Part 2. A solution:


I've moved the finished scripts to here:

They work! I've also added a number of converted basis sets to the sourceforge repo under 'examples'. You'll also find example ecp and ECPOrbital files.


Here's the README:
The programmes are not 'intelligent' -- they won't check that you are doing something reasonable. Bad input = bad output. __Installation__: Download eccepag and nwbas2ecce They are both python (2.7) programmes, so you will need to install python to run them. On linux, this is normally very easy. E.g. on debian, run 'sudo apt-get install python2.7' and you are done. If you want, you can put the files in /usr/local/bin and do 'sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/eccepage' 'sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/nwbas2ecce' and you will be able to call the scripts from any directory. __Usage__ nwbas2ecce can turn a full basis set, or a, ECP basis set, into an ECCE compatible set of basis set files. Typically, an nwchem basis set consists of a single file, e.g. 3-21g. It can also be divided into several files, e.g. def2-svp and def-ecp, where the effective core potentials (ecps) are in def2-ecp. Other basis set files, like lanl2dz_ecp, contains both the orbital and the contraction parts. Typically, a ECCE basis set suite consists of: basis.BAS basis.BAS.meta basis.POT (for ECP) basis.POT.meta (for ECP) Sometimes polarization and diffuse functions are separated from the main .BAS file. E.g. 3-21++G* consists of 3-21G.BAS 3-21GS.BAS POPLDIFF.BAS , in addition to the meta files. The meta files are just markup-language type files with e.g. references. Note that you don't HAVE to break up the basis set components like this. Since the basis set data can be broken up into smaller files, the overall basis set is defined as an entry in a category file. For example, 3-21G is defined in the category file 'pople', and points to 3-21G.BAS. 3-21G* is also defined in pople, but point to both 3-21G.BAS and 3-21GS.BAS. ECP works in a similar way, by combining a .BAS and a .POT file. Note that the .POT files look different from the .BAS files. nwbas2ecce generates .BAS and .POT files based on whether there are basis/end or ecp/end sections in the nwchem basis set file. If there are both, both POT and BAS files are generated. All these files are contained in server/data/Ecce/system/GaussianBasisSetLibrary Finally, you need to generate .pag and .dir files that go into the server/data/Ecce/system/GaussianBasisSetLibrary/.DAV directory. The .dir file is always empty, while the .pag file is unfortunately a binary file. eccepag can, however, generate it with the right input. See e.g. for more detailed information __Example__ We'll use def2-svp as an example. The nwchem basis set file def2-svp contains the basis set, while def2-ecp contains the core potentials. Use def2-svp to generate DEF2_SVP.BAS, DEF2_SVP.BAS.meta. Use def2-ecp to generate DEF2_ECP.POT, DEF2_ECP.POT.meta. As part of the generation, .descriptor files are also generated. These contain information that should go into the category file(s). Then generate the .pag files for both the POT and the BAS files, and touch the .dir files into existence. Do like this: nwbas2ecce -i def2-svp -o DEF2_SVP.BAS -n 'def2-svp' nwbas2ecce -i def2-ecp -p DEF2_ECP.POT -n 'def2-ecp' eccepag -n def2-svp -t ECPOrbital -c ORBITAL -y Segmented -s Y -o DEF2_SVP.BAS.pag eccepag -n def2-ecp -t ecp -c AUXILIARY -o DEF2_ECP.POT.pag NOTE: I don't actually know if def2-svp is segmented, and spherical. I don't think it matters for the .pag file generation. Also note that most inputs are case sensitive. Look at a similar .pag file for hints. You now have the following files: DEF2_ECP.POT DEF2_ECP.POT.descriptor DEF2_ECP.POT.meta DEF2_ECP.POT.pag DEF2_SVP.BAS DEF2_SVP.BAS.descriptor DEF2_SVP.BAS.meta DEF2_SVP.BAS.pag Copy the files. Note that you need to select the correct target directory, and that will vary with where you installed ECCE. I'll assume it's in /opt/ecce cp DEF2* /opt/ecce/server/data/Ecce/system/GaussianBasisSetLibrary cd /opt/ecce/server/data/Ecce/system/GaussianBasisSetLibrary mv *.pag .DAV/ touch .DAV/DEF2_SVP.BAS.dir .DAV/DEF2_ECP.POT.dir cat DEF2_SVP.BAS.descriptor >> ECPOrbital cat DEF2_ECP.POT.descriptor >> ECPOrbital cat DEF2_ECP.POT.descriptor >> ecp Edit ECPOrbital so that it reads: name= def2-svp files= DEF2_SVP.BAS DEF2_ECP.POT atoms= H He Li Be B C N O F Ne Na Mg Al Si P S Cl Ar K Ca Sc Ti V Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn Ga Ge As Se Br Kr Rb Sr Y Zr Nb Mo Tc Ru Rh Pd Ag Cd In Sn Sb Te I Xe Cs Ba La Hf Ta W Re Os Ir Pt Au Hg Tl Pb Bi Po At Rn atoms= Rb Sr Y Zr Nb Mo Tc Ru Rh Pd Ag Cd In Sn Sb Te I Xe Cs Ba La Hf Ta W Re Os Ir Pt Au Hg Tl Pb Bi Po At Rn

11 June 2013

446. B3LYP and WAH -- the confusion

Quite a while back I was looking at the WAH (Wilson-Amos-Handy) functional, and while it turned out to be a bit more complicated than I had hoped, it led me to type up a brief discussion about b3lyp in different computational packages.

The issue is that there are several different definitions, and that even if a paper is kind enough to provide the Becke 1993 communication as a reference, this is rarely the actual form of b3lyp used. In fact, the LYP part would speak directly against it. As someone whom isn't well-versed in the computational and theoretical arts I do think it would be nice if we could get to the point where we can get useful information by doing point-and-click computations, but as exchange-correlation functionals essentially are fudge-factors, this probably won't happen for some time.  In other words, 6-31G/B3LYP may be a winning combination for the computation of electronic energies of a limited range of (mostly organic) small molecules in the gas phase, it doesn't always yield anything useful about real-world systems.

NOTE: I wrote the original text as I was trying to figure out what WAH was -- and I thought at that point that it was a simple form of B3PW91 with tweaked prefactors. It isn't -- it's requires changes in the way the GIAOs are computed (I think). So don't focus on the WAH discussion.

Anyway, here's the story as a bench chemist (i.e. not a computational or theoretical chemist) understands it, in the context of trying to understand what the WAH exchange-correlation functional looks like.

The WAH functional is a hybrid exchange correlation functional which was developed to provide accurate NMR shift calculations.

Note that the WAH functional is correctly implemented in PQS -- see the manual.

But the story is really about B3LYP...

1. Definition of the WAH exchange-correlation functional:
The definition[1] consists of
We found that by using hybrid Kohn-Sham orbitals and eigenvalues with an adjusted 'exact-exchange' coefficient Cx, the NMR shielding parameters gave an accuracy approaching the best coupled-cluster calculations for molecules containing first and second row atoms. For B3LYP[2] we find Cx=0.05[..] give(s) best values (note that the coefficient of Local Density Exchange is (1-Cx) in the amended B3LYP. We name the resulting NMR values B3LYPGGA0.05[..].
This is the paper which is cited by the PQS manual. The definition is brief, but not unreasonable.

2 Definition of B3LYP
[The first-person account of the background to B3LYP is found here:]

In the paper which is cited as a source of B3LYP, Becke defined[2] a functional as
EXC=EXCLSDA+a0 (ExHF-ExLSDA )+axΔ ExBecke88+acΔ EcPW91   (eq 1)
where EXC denotes exchange-correlation functional, Ex denotes exchange functional, Ec denotes correlation functional, Δ denotes non-local contribution, LSDA is the local spin-density approximation, Becke88[3] is the gradient-corrected LDA and PW91 is the Perdew-Wang 1991 gradient correction.[4]. The B3 in B3LYP refers to the three parameters it involves: a0=0.2, ax=0.72 and ac=0.81. Note that a0 is the same as Cx above. We'll refer to equation 1 as B3PW91.

LSDA is poorly defined but is normally taken to be the SVWN of the form
=ExSlater+EcVWN   (eq 3)
although there's a slew of Vosko-Wilk-Nusair (VWN) functionals -- most sources suggest that Becke referred to VWN5, while my reading of the literature is a bit different (Becke states he uses the electron-gas parametrization in [4]). Either way, equation 1 now becomes
EXC=a0 ExHF+(1-a0 )ExSlater+EcVWN +axΔ ExBecke88+acΔ EcPW91 (eq 4)
This is implemented as the hybrid exchange-correlation functional acm in NWChem (the adibatic connection method) using VWN5. A very brief summary of Becke '93 vs Gaussian '92 (don't ask me about the chronology) is also available by Stephens et al. in J. Phys. Chem. 1994, 98(45), p. 11624.

2.1 Gaussian '92
You may at this point be forgiven for asking yourself why it is called B3LYP and not B3PW91. In 1991 Gaussian hadn't yet implemented PW91 (fair enough) and substituted it with the Lee-Yang-Parr (LYP) correlation functional (ΔEcLYP). Since it's difficult to separate the local component (and we want the non-local component as indicated by Δ), they wrote
Δ EcLYP=EcLYP-EcVWN (eq 5)
which turns equation 4 into
EXC=a0 ExHF+(1-a0)ExSlater+axΔ ExBecke88+acEcLYP +(1-ac)EcVWN (eq 6)
In addition, in the original Gaussian implementation VWN_1_RPA was used, which sources tell me is 100\% wrong when taking Becke's intentions into account.
EXC=a0 ExHF+(1-a0)ExSlater +axΔ ExBecke88+acEcLYP +(1-ac)EcVWN_1_RPA (eq 7)
To make matters worse, today Gaussian uses VWN_3 and it seems they know how to get the nonlocal component of LYP directly (see below). Equation 7 is what you use if you use B3LYP in most software packages (though not all -- e.g. Gamess US uses VWN5 instead of VWN_1_RPA) So in G09 it's now
EXC=a0 ExHF+(1-a0)ExSlater+axΔ ExBecke88+EcVWN_3+acEcLYP (eq 8)

2.2 PQS
PQS uses the old gaussian version (eq. 7) as the b3lyp functional, but it doesn't explicitly state which form -- b3lyp or b3pw91 -- is used for the WAH functional.

3 So what definition did WAH use?
All we really care about is reproducing the original paper by Handy et al. -- not whether Becke would approve or not. But here's where the problem of citing papers you may not have read becomes an issue.

Wilson, Amos and Handy cite the 1993 paper by Becke which defines the canonical version of B3LYP (i.e. B3PW91), which should settle it in favour of WAH being defined as shown in equation 4.

However, they used CADPACK, which implements it as in equation 7. Reading the CADPACK manual I can see what Handy et al. probably did: the way you define custom parameters for hybrid functionals in CADPACK is by doing
hybrid a0 ax ac
so that they during the development of their functional most likely typed in
b3lyp 0.05 0.72 0.81
which meant they probably used
EXC=0.05 ExHF+0.95 ExSlater+ +0.72 Δ ExBecke88+0.81 EcLYP +0.19 EcVWN_1_RPA (eq 9)

4 Implementing it in your package of choice
[NOTE: this will NOT set up WAH correctly -- I'm leaving it as it shows how to set up custom XCs in nwchem, G09 and Dalton]

The canonical version of Becke's functional, B3PW91, is implemented as acm in NWChem and which is manually entered as
xc HFexch 0.2 slater 0.8 becke88 nonlocal 0.72 vwn_5 1 Perdew91 0.81
while the Gaussian '92 form is manually entered as
xc HFexch 0.2 slater 0.8 becke88 nonlocal 0.72 vwn_1_rpa 0.19 lyp 0.81
This means that the two possible forms of WAH are:
xc HFexch 0.05 slater 0.95 becke88 nonlocal 0.72 vwn_5 1 Perdew91 0.81
 xc HFexch 0.05 slater 0.95 becke88 nonlocal 0.72 vwn_1_rpa 0.19 lyp 0.81
We'll refer to them as B3PW910.05 and B3LYP0.05, respectively.

4.2 Gaussian 09
Gaussian is a lot less elegant. The canonical version of Becke's functional, B3PW91, is implemented as acm in Gaussian as B3PW91, which is manually entered as
BPW91 IOp(3/76=1000002000) IOp(3/77=0720008000) IOp(3/78=0810010000)
while the old Gaussian form is manually entered as
BLYP IOp(3/76=1000002000) IOp(3/77=0720008000) IOp(3/78=0810001900
This means that the two forms of WAH are:
BPW91 IOp(3/76=1000000500) IOp(3/77=0720009500) IOp(3/78=0810010000)
BLYP IOp(3/76=1000000500) IOp(3/77=0720009500) IOp(3/78=0810001900)
We'll refer to them as B3PW910.05 and B3LYP0.05, respectively.

4.3 Dalton
The notations are (more or less)
Combine HF=0.20 Slater=0.80 Becke=0.72 PW91c=0.81 VWN5=1
Combine HF=0.20 Slater=0.80 Becke=0.72 LYP=0.81 VWN=0.19
Combine HF=0.05 Slater=0.95 Becke=0.72 PW91c=0.81 VWN5=1
Combine HF=0.05 Slater=0.95 Becke=0.72 LYP=0.81 VWN=0.19
As an aside, I don't think anyone at this point would be surprised to learn that B3PW91 in Dalton and Gaussian are two completely different exchange-correlation functionals...

NOTE: the results don't quite make any sense to me anymore -- using the same XCs and basis sets and structures one would expect to get the exact same results for all three packages. I don't know why that wasn't the case, assuming that I implemented the XCs correctly, and assuming that the basis sets really are the same (which often they actually aren't...). So keep that in mind.

I used the same equilibrium structures as Handy (i.e. those of Cybulski), and used the aug-cc-pVTZ basis set with a fine DFT grid (not the same as Handy -- but should be as good. Also, I've done this with def2-qzvp and 6-31+g* as well). All calculations are for the gas phase. Handy's values are for the Huzinaga IV basis set in their GIAO paper[5], but it doesn't really matter much which basis set is chosen. The results are tabulated in table 1.

Note that Handy also saw chemical shifts for the oxygen in carbon monoxide which were around -80 ppm. Basically, I can reproduce everything except for his B3LYP0.05gga. I did a few test-runs with Huz-IV in Dalton and it was just as bad as the other methods.

Table 1: Tabulated calculated gas phase NMR shifts using different combinations of exchange-correlation functionals and the aug-cc-pvtz basis set. Note that Handy's experimental data are not in agreement with my sources, which are 1.0, -42.3 and 344 ppm for CO, CO and H2O, respectively.
Package b3lypa gb3lypb acmc b3pw91b b3lyp0.05 b3pw910.05 Handy
Carbon in CO (ppm)
NWChem -10.32 -10.32 -8.80 -8.80 -8.08 -6.55 5.6 2.8
G09 -7.71 -7.71 -9.95 -9.95 -5.66 -7.74
Dalton -10.21 -10.21 N/A -12.65 -7.97 -10.38
Oxygen in CO (ppm)
NWChem -71.51 -71.51 -72.34 -72.34 -70.06 -70.93 -40 -36.7
G09 -78.82 -78.82 -77.89 -77.89 -77.57 -76.86
Dalton -71.50 -71.50 N/A -72.03 -70.04 -70.89
Oxygen in water
NWChem 328.45 328.45 329.28 329.28 329.79 330.48 327 358
G09 N/A 328.76 328.39 328.39 328.95 328.31
Dalton 328.50 328.50 N/A 328.02 329.85 329.07
aNote that G09 uses eq. 8 by default (gives -11.70, -77.63, and 328.34 ppm), but I forced it to use eq. 7. b These were my manual implementations of 'b3lyp' and 'acm' to make sure I got things right. c This is acm in NWChem and B3PW91 in Gaussian 09.

[1] P. J. Wilson, R. D. Amos, H. N. C., Chem. Phys. Letters 1999, 321, 475-484.
[2] A. D. Becke, J. Chem. Phys. 1993, 98, 5648-5652.
[3] A. D. Becke, Phys. Rev. A 1988, 38, 3098-3100.
[4] J. P. Perdew, Y. Wang, Phys. Rev. B 1991, 45, 13244-13249.
[5] T. Helgaker, P. J. Wilson, R. D. Amos, N. C. Handy, J. Chem. Phys. 2000, 113, 2983-2989.

05 June 2013

439. Calculate frequencies from a hessian file from NWChem: example in Octave (matlab)

I wanted to calculate normal modes (frequencies) for specific atoms in a calculation, and so I had to write my own code.

This Octave code calculates frequencies for the first N atoms, where N is given in the input.mass file.

The format that NWChem uses for the Hessian is that of a flat, triangular matrix i.e. a triangular matrix such as
2 3 
4 5 6
is represented as

The Hessian is symmetric around the diagonal, so the full Hessian matrix is
1 2 4
2 3 5
4 5 6

The Hessian is independent of the masses of the atom pairs, while the frequencies are heavily dependent on the masses (isotope effects are quite visible for light elements).

To get the mass-weighted matrix we divide by the square root of the product of the masses (H * /(sqrt(m1*m2))). Note that the matrix reported in the nwchem output ("MASS-WEIGHTED NUCLEAR HESSIAN (Hartree/Bohr/Bohr/Kamu)") is multiplied by 1,000.

Once you have the mass-weighted hessian you need to calculate the eigenvalues, sort them and convert them to cm-1 using a scaling factor.

That's it.

The code:
See below for example input.mass and input.hess

%% prepare
format long

%%Calculate conversion factor from H/B/B/amu to cm-1

%% csi=299792458; %speed of light, m/s 
%% t2au=2.418884326505E-17; % seconds per a.u.
%% Better to do it by hand to avoid rounding errors:
cau=(2.99792458 * 2.418884326505)*1E-9; %c in metres per t(a.u.)

%% 1 electron (au)=9.10938291E-31 kg
%% 1 amu = 1.66053892E-27 kg
%% Better to do by hand to avoid rounding errors:
amu2au=(1.66053892/9.10938291)*1E4;% 1 amu in a.u. (via kgs)
%% For clarity
cmtom=1/100; %m per cm
%% And finally we get our scaling factor:
scaling=cmtom*(1/(2*pi*cau*sqrt(amu2au))); %( m/cm * 1/((m/au) * au) = m/cm * 1/m = 1/cm)

%%read masses
% The mass file contains the masses of the atoms
% The first line is the number of atoms in the file
% The remaining lines are the atom masses in the same order
% as the atoms are given in the nwchem input
for i = 1:natoms

%% Read and construct hessian from flat hessian in .hess file
%% The .hess file provided by nwchem is flat (i.e. one
%% dimensional) and is the triangular form (i.e half) of 
%% the full hessian. We use fgetl/str2num so that we can deal 
%% with instances of scientific notation in the hessian file.
%% While we"re at it we construct the mass-weighted force matrix too.

for i = 1:3*natoms
 for j=1:i
  massweighted(i,j)=hessian(i,j)/sqrt( mass(ceil(i/3))*mass(ceil(j/3)));

for i=1:3*natoms
 for j=1:i

%% Diagonalize and compute frequencies in cm^{-1}

%% Make imaginary frequencies negative and store them 
%% in a new array
for n=1:size(freqs,1)
 if imag(freqs(n))==0

%% Echo frequencies to stdout
printf("%10.4f \n",frequencies)
%% Save frequencies as well to modes.outs
fprintf(outfile,"%i \n",natoms);
fprintf(outfile,"%10.10f \n",frequencies);
%save 'modes.out' -ascii  frequencies

input.mass (for water):

input.hess (this one has imaginary frequencies as well):


 Normal Eigenvalue ||                 Infra Red Intensities
  Mode   [cm**-1]  || [atomic units] [(debye/angs)**2] [(KM/mol)] [arbitrary]
 ------ ---------- || -------------- ----------------- ---------- -----------
    1      -11.004 ||    0.426523           9.840       415.796      59.477
    2       -1.633 ||    0.000029           0.001         0.028       0.004
    3        3.168 ||    0.000003           0.000         0.003       0.000
    4        3.930 ||    0.000700           0.016         0.682       0.098
    5        7.581 ||    0.134394           3.101       131.014      18.741
    6       12.286 ||    0.000000           0.000         0.000       0.000
    7     1619.021 ||    0.070174           1.619        68.409       9.786
    8     3616.091 ||    0.004517           0.104         4.404       0.630
    9     3781.135 ||    0.009065           0.209         8.837       1.264

19 May 2013

421. NWChem 6.3 on ROCKS 5.4.3/CentOS 5.6

Update 23 May 2013: The execution times are pretty much the same as for 6.1.1 with a new patch. I've updated the instructions below to incorporate this new patch (

Update 21 May 2013:
The execution times can be improved considerably by setting

They are still ca 30% longer than 6.1.1 though due to slower SCF convergence.

UPDATE 20 May 2013:
Nwchem 6.3 is very slow compared to 6.1.1. A six-core run (out of eight cores available) was 121 s using 6.1.1 but 254 seconds on 6.3!

I observed this on debian as well: 6.3 on debian is five times slower (190s vs 40 s for example at 8 cores in than 6.1.1. Not sure why that is.

NWChem 6.3 is out now. Here's how to build it on ROCKS 5.4.3 (based on Centos 5.6) for CPU-based calculations (currently only CCSD(T) can take advantage of GPU/CUDA anyway).

To build on debian, see

This assumes that you've got a proper build environment (gcc, fortran, openmpi) installed.

I've added all users who do computations to the group compchem.
sudo mkdir /share/apps/openblas
sudo chown $USER:compchem /share/apps/openblas
cd ~/tmp
tar xvf v0.1.1
cd xianyi-OpenBLAS-e6e87a2/
make all BINARY=64 CC=/usr/bin/gcc FC=/usr/bin/gfortran USE_THREAD=0 INTERFACE64=1 1> make.log 2>make.err

make PREFIX=/share/apps/openblas install
cp lib*.*  /share/apps/openblas/lib
sudo chmod 755 /share/apps/openblas -R

For later use with nwchem and ecce, add /share/apps/openblas/lib to /etc/ and do
sudo ldconfig

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/share/apps/openblas/lib
in ~/.bashrc and/or queue files.

I've added all users who do computations to the group compchem.
sudo mkdir /share/apps/nwchem/
sudo chown $USER:compchem /share/apps/nwchem/

cd /share/apps/nwchem
tar xvf Nwchem-6.3-src.2013-05-17.tar.gz 
cd nwchem-6.3-src.2013-05-17/
cd src/
gzip -d Iswtch.patch
patch -p0 < Iswtch.patch
cd ../
export TCGRSH=/usr/bin/ssh
export NWCHEM_TOP=`pwd`
export NWCHEM_MODULES="all python"
export PYTHONHOME=/opt/rocks
export USE_MPI=y
export USE_MPIF=y
export USE_MPIF4=y
export MPI_LOC=/opt/openmpi
export MPI_INCLUDE=/opt/openmpi/include
export LIBRARY_PATH=$LIBRARY_PATH:/opt/openmpi/lib:/share/apps/openblas
export LIBMPI="-lmpi -lopen-rte -lopen-pal -ldl -lmpi_f77 -lpthread"
export BLASOPT="-L/share/apps/openblas/lib -lopenblas -lopenblas_nehalem-r0.1.1 -lopenblas_nehalemp-r0.1.1"


cd $NWCHEM_TOP/src
export FC=gfortran
make clean
make  nwchem_config
make  FC=gfortran
cd ../contrib
 sudo chmod 755 /share/apps/nwchem/nwchem-6.3-src.2013-05-17 -R

Create a default.nwchemrc in /share/apps/nwchem
nwchem_basis_library /share/apps/nwchem/nwchem-6.3-src.2013-05-17/src/basis/libraries/ ffield amber amber_1 /share/apps/nwchem/nwchem-6.3-src.2013-05-17/src/data/amber_s/ amber_2 /share/apps/nwchem/nwchem-6.3-src.2013-05-17/src/data/amber_x/ amber_3 /share/apps/nwchem/nwchem-6.3-src.2013-05-17/src/data/amber_q/ amber_4 /share/apps/nwchem/nwchem-6.3-src.2013-05-17/src/data/amber_u/ amber_5 /share/apps/nwchem/nwchem-6.3-src.2013-05-17/src/data/custom/ spce /share/apps/nwchem/nwchem-6.3-src.2013-05-17/src/data/solvents/spce.rst charmm_s /share/apps/nwchem/nwchem-6.3-src.2013-05-17/src/data/charmm_s/ charmm_x /share/apps/nwchem/nwchem-6.3-src.2013-05-17/src/data/charmm_x/
and put symmlinks to it in the users' home directories, e.g.
cd ~
ln -s /share/apps/nwchem/default.nwchemrc .nwchemrc

15 May 2013

414. Frequency vs cores? Crude benchmarking on AMD FX 8150

I'm thinking about building my next computational node, and one issue which is preoccupying me is whether to go for lots of cores (e.g. a dual sock mobo with two 16 core 2.1 GHz cpus) or for a balance of cores and frequency (e.g. single-socket mobo with a 3.8 GHz 8 core cpu). Remember, this is built with private money -- not research grants -- so the budget is tight.

I mean, I can't look at something like this without wanting to buy it: The question is whether I'm better off buying another one or two fx8150 for the price of 16x2 down-clocked cores.

Benchmarking with the FX 8150 actually makes some sense here if one of the newegg reviewers is to be believed, since the Opteron 6272 is described as two 8150s glued together and down-clocked.

The system: 32 gb ram, fx 8150, nwchem 6.1.1 with acml 5.3.1 (gfortran,int64, fma4) and openmpi.

Short of finding benchmarks for the type of applications that interest me (nwchem, mostly), I figure I could get a rough idea by throttling the frequency of my eight-core FX8150 and compare with unthrottled runs where the number of cores is limited.

Two things to take into account when looking at the times below:
  • modern processors are complex beasts -- I don't claim to fully understand threads vs virtual threads and integer vs FPU. In the FX8150 there are four fpus but eight cores. What this really means in practical terms when doing these particular test calculations, I don't know.
  • This isn't my job, and I need my nodes for running job-related calcs, so by necessity I had to use a short test job. There's inevitably some variability in the results, and using longer test jobs might affect the results somewhat.
  • The execution times vary A LOT for 'identical' conditions (see raw data), hence why I repeated the runs in bold ten times at 3.6 GHz to get reasonably solid comparison values. Still not perfect since the distribution isn't properly gaussian.

The specific question I wanted answered is:
Are 8 threads at 2.1 GHz significantly better than 4 threads at 3.6 GHz?
Short answer: No.
Looks like I won't be investing in 2 x 16 core 2.1 GHz cpus after all.

c/f     3.60    3.30    2.70    2.10    1.40
8       44/3    49/6    58/1    75/6    110/5  
7       48/3                     72
6       52/1                    106
5       59/4            85       97
4       67/8            93     113/10    156
3       85/7
2      117/10
1      237/24
c=number of cores; f= frequency in GHz.

(times in seconds. 44/3 means 44 s +/- 3 s)

The way I read this is that it's better to have a 4-core 3.6 GHz cpu than an 8-core 2.1 GHz CPU. The whole 4 FPU/8 cores has me confused though, so I'm not sure whether that's affecting the results in a significant way.

The other thing to take into account is that there isn't normally a linear relationship between number of cores and execution times anyway -- doubling the number of cores doesn't normally lead to a halving of the execution time, so 16 cores at 2.10 GHz wouldn't necessarily be anywhere near 75/2=37 s. (again, that's ignoring the 2 cores/1 fpu issue)

c/f: raw data
8/3.6: 37.7,47.4,46.9,38.8, 46.8, 42.4,46.6, 43.9,44.7,42.8 => 44+/-3 s
7/3.6: 41.3,48.7,47.9,48.8,47.0,48.8,50.8,42.4,52.1,47.9 => 48+/-3 s
6/3.6: 49.5,53.4,50.5,53.4,52.4,53.3,51.3,53.4,52.5,53.55 => 52+/-1 s
5/3.6: 54.1,57.1, 67.7,52.2,59.6,58.4,59.8,57.6,59.4,58.6 => 59+/-4 s
4/3.6: 83.1,63.5,73.7,70.0,68.6,58.1,58.1,67.2,69.9,58.2 => 67 +/-8 s
3/3.6: 89.5, 86.0, 82.8, 97.9, 74.4,86.2,89.7, 86.3, 74.5, 86.2 => 85 +/-7 s
2/3.6: 114.1,137.4, 118.6, 108.3, 116.3, 123.6, 104.4,124.3,104.7, 120.6 => 117+/-10 s
1/3.6: 242.6,201.9,232.9,242.7, 233.2,202.0,233.1,265.2, 278.9,233.5 => 237+/- 24
8/3.3: 51.9, 42.4,42.7,55.3,43.3,55.8,54.6,48.1,42.4,48.1 => 49+/-6 s
8/2.7: 59.4, 57.3,59.1,57.8,58.9,56.8,59.0,58.5,59.2,56.9 => 58+/-1
8/2.1: 75.6,82.9,73.7,65.1,76.9,84.3,65.4,73.9,76.4,78.1 => 75+/-6 s
8/1.4: 112.5,110.5,112.1,108.6,113.1,114.4,112.4,109.1,97.9 => 110+/-5
4/2.1: 124.9,103.7,104.1, 92.4, 117.6,115.5,117.5,120.1,115.6,120.2 => 113+/-10 s

An alternative would be to report the fastest time (out of e.g. 10 tries) since it represents maximum capacity.

optimization input
scratch_dir /scratch
start benzeneopt 

geometry units angstroms
C  0.100  1.396  0.000
C  1.209  0.698  0.000
C  1.209 -0.698  0.000
C  0.000 -1.396  0.000
C -1.209 -0.698  0.000
C -1.209  0.698  0.000
H  0.000  2.479  0.000
H  2.147  1.240  0.000
H  2.147 -1.240  0.000
H  0.000 -2.479  0.000
H -2.147 -1.240  0.000
H -2.147  1.240  0.000

 H library "6-31+g*" 
 c library "6-31+g*"

task dft optimize

Setting frequency
The following script was called with the frequency in GHz, e.g. sudo setfreq 3.6

/usr/bin/cpufreq-set -c 0 -g userspace
/usr/bin/cpufreq-set -c 1 -g userspace
/usr/bin/cpufreq-set -c 2 -g userspace
/usr/bin/cpufreq-set -c 3 -g userspace
/usr/bin/cpufreq-set -c 4 -g userspace
/usr/bin/cpufreq-set -c 5 -g userspace
/usr/bin/cpufreq-set -c 6 -g userspace
/usr/bin/cpufreq-set -c 7 -g userspace
/usr/bin/cpufreq-set -c 0 -f $1G
/usr/bin/cpufreq-set -c 1 -f $1G
/usr/bin/cpufreq-set -c 2 -f $1G
/usr/bin/cpufreq-set -c 3 -f $1G
/usr/bin/cpufreq-set -c 4 -f $1G
/usr/bin/cpufreq-set -c 5 -f $1G
/usr/bin/cpufreq-set -c 6 -f $1G
/usr/bin/cpufreq-set -c 7 -f $1G

10 May 2013

411. Attempt at OPENMP enabled NWChem 6.1.1 -- not successful...

Update 4 June 2013:
I might return to this later and have a look at how to make the parallel executable in the bin/LINUX64 folder.

Original post:
This is another addition to my growing list over unsuccessful, abandoned or only partially successful builds.
(see e.g.

In other words -- yes, it builds. But no, it is unusable.

I can build nwchem with openmp support, and it does run in parallel -- but the wall time is enormous since most of the time only a single thread is running.

Maybe someone will read this and see what's missing, or feel inspired to make their own attempt

What I did
ACML libraries were installed as shown in e.g.

Nwchem was downloaded:
sudo mkdir /opt/nwchem
sudo chown $USER:$USER /opt/nwchem
cd /opt/nwchem
tar xvf Nwchem-6.1.1-src.2012-06-27.tar.gz
cd nwchem-6.1.1-src/

Next I edited src/config/makefile.h
2363 ifdef OPTIMIZE 2364 FFLAGS = $(FOPTIONS) $(FOPTIMIZE) 2365 CFLAGS = $(COPTIONS) $(COPTIMIZE) -fopenmp 2366 else 2367 # Need FDEBUG after FOPTIONS on SOLARIS to correctly override optimization 2368 FFLAGS = $(FOPTIONS) $(FDEBUG) 2369 CFLAGS = $(COPTIONS) $(CDEBUG) -fopenmp 2370 endif 2371 INCLUDES = -I. $(LIB_INCLUDES) -I$(INCDIR) $(INCPATH) 2372 CPPFLAGS = $(INCLUDES) $(DEFINES) $(LIB_DEFINES) 2373 LDFLAGS = $(LDOPTIONS) -L$(LIBDIR) $(LIBPATH) 2374 LIBS = $(NW_MODULE_LIBS) $(CORE_LIBS) -lgomp 2375
I then built using the following build script:
export LARGE_FILES=TRUE export TCGRSH=/usr/bin/ssh export NWCHEM_TOP=`pwd` export NWCHEM_TARGET=LINUX64 export NWCHEM_MODULES="all" export PYTHONVERSION=2.7 export PYTHONHOME=/usr export BLASOPT="-L/opt/acml/acml5.3.1/gfortran64_fma4_mp_int64/lib -lacml_mp -lpthread" export USE_OPENMP=y export LIBRARY_PATH="$LIBRARY_PATH:/opt/acml/acml5.3.1/gfortran64_fma4_mp_int64/lib" cd $NWCHEM_TOP/src make clean make nwchem_config make FC=gfortran 2> make.err 1>make.log cd $NWCHEM_TOP/contrib export FC=gfortran ./getmem.nwchem
So far so good.

Where it fails
A picture is probably in order:
Note that while this is a short run, it is perfectly representative of what I'm seeing with 'real' jobs too -- I get eight threads auto-spawning (as seen by top), but only one thread is active most of the time.

Basically, most of the time only one core is running at 100% (i.e. showing as 12.5 % here since I have 8 cores), with the other cores occasionally kicking in (the 'spikes').

The wall times is 63 seconds, and the 'cpu time' is 83.1 seconds. Ideally, for a fully parallel run the cpu time should be as close to the wall time multiplied with eight for a shared run like this (but is always smaller).

As a comparison, here's an mpi-enabled binary:
Here all cores are active over most of the (short) run. The cpu time was 9.9 seconds and the wall time 11.8 seconds. For an mpi run the wall time should be as close to the cpu time as possible (but is always larger)

So it's not particularly 'parallel' in the OMP case -- but I don't know why. Maybe nwchem 6.1.1 isn't quite ready for OMP yet? I've noticed that it's one of the areas where the upcoming release is supposed to have been improved.

'profiling' with sar -- how-to
sudo apt-get install syssstat

Edit /etc/default/sysstat:
8 # will be overwritten by debconf! 9 ENABLED="true" 10
sudo service sysstat restart

Before launching the run, set sar to run in another windows and collect data before immediately launching the run you want to monitor in a different window:

sar 1 180 >> run.log
collects data every 1 seconds and repeats it 180 times (i.e. 181 seconds) and stores the data in run.log.

17 April 2013

390. NWChem: "Fix collapse/expand in xc_nucder_gen" when using actlist and frequency calc

I ended up with the error in the title when running a job today -- the job does a calc on a complex system, where I'm only interested in optimising and doing normal mode analysis on part of the system. I (am supposed to) achieve this using actlist.

Googling shows the following two posts:

There doesn't seem to be a follow up between then and now (nine years later).

Note that this is completely different from this post which seems to be due to the OP not putting the actlist in deck A2 (i.e. s/he computes the frequencies for different systems in A and B)

The issue:
The smallest job I can use to trigger this is the following:
scratch_dir /scratch Title "trigger" Start trigger echo charge 0 geometry autosym units angstrom O -1.79757 -0.236404 0.264744 H -2.77094 -0.198938 0.271156 H -1.44498 0.380299 -0.412669 O -0.0458786 1.77247 -0.0605460 H -0.317322 1.32556 0.781197 H 0.894700 1.49387 -0.199468 end ecce_print ecce.out basis "ao basis" cartesian print H library "6-31G" O library "6-31G" END dft mult 1 direct XC b3lyp grid fine iterations 999 mulliken end task dft energy set geometry:actlist 1:3 task dft freq

Here's the error message:
HESSIAN: the one electron contributions are done in 0.1s Fix collapse/expand in xc_nucder_gen 0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ current input line : 0: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ This error has not yet been assigned to a category ------------------------------------------------------------------------ For more information see the NWChem manual at
I can't trigger it with just one water and using an actlist of 1:3 -- seems like I need inactive atoms. However, I've run similar calcs in the past without issue.

The solution:
Do a numerical instead of analytical frequency calculation.

This works:
scratch_dir /scratch Title "trigger" Start trigger echo charge 0 geometry autosym units angstrom O -1.79757 -0.236404 0.264744 H -2.77094 -0.198938 0.271156 H -1.44498 0.380299 -0.412669 O -0.0458786 1.77247 -0.0605460 H -0.317322 1.32556 0.781197 H 0.894700 1.49387 -0.199468 end ecce_print ecce.out basis "ao basis" cartesian print H library "6-31G" O library "6-31G" END dft mult 1 direct XC b3lyp grid fine iterations 999 mulliken end task dft energy set geometry:actlist 1:3 task dft freq numerical

15 April 2013

389. Patches for NWChem 6.1.1 on Debian Wheezy/Testing

There are a couple of issues with the current version of NWChem (27th of June 2012):
* PSPW is broken when NWChem is compiled with/run on systems with gcc 4.7 (here)
* Python support requires patching to include -lz -lssl (here)
* for GabEdit to work more detail needs to be printed (here)

To fix all those issues in one go, do the following:

1. Copy the text at the end of the post, and paste it into a file, e.g. diff.patch.

2. Put the patch file in NWCHEM_TOP (i.e. the root of the source code) e.g. /opt/nwchem/nwchem-6.1.1
If you are patching a previously compiled version of nwchem then do

patch -p0 < diff.patch
export TCGRSH=/usr/bin/ssh
export NWCHEM_TOP=`pwd`
export NWCHEM_MODULES="all python"
export PYTHONHOME=/usr
export BLASOPT="-L/opt/openblas/lib -lopenblas"
export USE_MPI=y
export USE_MPIF=y
export USE_MPIF4=y
export MPI_LOC=/usr/lib/openmpi/lib
export MPI_INCLUDE=/usr/lib/openmpi/include
export LIBRARY_PATH=$LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/lib/openmpi/lib:/opt/openblas/lib
export LIBMPI="-lmpi -lopen-rte -lopen-pal -ldl -lmpi_f77 -lpthread"
export FC=gfortran
cd $NWCHEM_TOP/src/ddscf
cd $NWCHEM_TOP/src/nwdft/scf_dft
cd $NWCHEM_TOP/src/mcscf
cd $NWCHEM_TOP/src
make link
cd $NWCHEM_TOP/contrib

If it's a freshly extracted source, otherwise look at

diff -rupN src.original/config/makefile.h src/config/makefile.h --- src.original/config/makefile.h 2013-04-15 12:41:45.016853322 +1000 +++ src/config/makefile.h 2013-04-15 12:38:44.933319544 +1000 @@ -1169,7 +1169,7 @@ endif FOPTIONS = -Wextra #-Wunused #-ffast-math FOPTIMIZE = -O2 -ffast-math -Wuninitialized DEFINES += -DGFORTRAN - _GCC46= $(shell gfortran -dumpversion 2>&1|awk ' /4.6./ {print "Y";exit};/4.7./ {print "Y";exit};{print "N"}') + _GCC46= $(shell gfortran -dumpversion 2>&1|awk ' /4.6/ {print "Y";exit};/4.7/ {print "Y";exit};{print "N"}') ifeq ($(_GCC46),Y) DEFINES += -DGCC46 endif @@ -1298,7 +1298,7 @@ endif FVECTORIZE=-O3 -ffast-math -mtune=native -mfpmath=sse -msse3 -ftree-vectorize -ftree-vectorizer-verbose=1 -fprefetch-loop-arrays -funroll-all-loops # FOPTIMIZE=-O1 # FVECTORIZE=-O1 - _GCC46= $(shell gfortran -dumpversion 2>&1|awk ' /4.6./ {print "Y";exit};/4.7./ {print "Y";exit};{print "N"}') + _GCC46= $(shell gfortran -dumpversion 2>&1|awk ' /4.6/ {print "Y";exit};/4.7/ {print "Y";exit};{print "N"}') ifeq ($(_GCC46),Y) DEFINES += -DGCC46 endif @@ -1890,7 +1890,7 @@ endif FOPTIONS += -ff2c -fno-second-underscore endif DEFINES += -DCHKUNDFLW -DGCC4 - _GCC46= $(shell gfortran -dumpversion 2>&1|awk ' /4.6./ {print "Y";exit};/4.7./ {print "Y";exit};{print "N"}') + _GCC46= $(shell gfortran -dumpversion 2>&1|awk ' /4.6/ {print "Y";exit};/4.7/ {print "Y";exit};{print "N"}') ifeq ($(_GCC46),Y) DEFINES += -DGCC46 endif @@ -1954,7 +1954,7 @@ endif ifeq ($(BUILDING_PYTHON),python) # EXTRA_LIBS += -ltk -ltcl -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lX11 -ldl - EXTRA_LIBS += -lnwcutil -lpthread -lutil -ldl + EXTRA_LIBS += -lnwcutil -lpthread -lutil -ldl -lssl -lz LDOPTIONS = -Wl,--export-dynamic endif ifeq ($(NWCHEM_TARGET),CATAMOUNT) diff -rupN src.original/ddscf/movecs_pr_anal.F src/ddscf/movecs_pr_anal.F --- src.original/ddscf/movecs_pr_anal.F 2013-04-15 12:41:45.036852381 +1000 +++ src/ddscf/movecs_pr_anal.F 2013-04-15 12:23:28.100409225 +1000 @@ -195,7 +195,7 @@ c 22 format(1x,2(' Bfn. Coefficient Atom+Function ',5x)) write(LuOut,23) 23 format(1x,2(' ----- ------------ ---------------',5x)) - do klo = 0, min(n-1,9), 2 + do klo = 0, min(n-1,199), 2 khi = min(klo+1,n-1) write(LuOut,2) ( $ int_mb(k_list+k)+1, diff -rupN src.original/ddscf/rohf.F src/ddscf/rohf.F --- src.original/ddscf/rohf.F 2013-04-15 12:41:45.036852381 +1000 +++ src/ddscf/rohf.F 2013-04-15 12:23:28.100409225 +1000 @@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ c ilo = 1 ihi = nmo endif - call movecs_print_anal(basis, ilo, ihi, 0.15d0, g_movecs, + call movecs_print_anal(basis, ilo, ihi, 0.01d0, g_movecs, $ 'ROHF Final Molecular Orbital Analysis', $ .true., dbl_mb(k_eval), oadapt, int_mb(k_irs), $ .true., dbl_mb(k_occ)) diff -rupN src.original/ddscf/scf_vec_guess.F src/ddscf/scf_vec_guess.F --- src.original/ddscf/scf_vec_guess.F 2013-04-15 12:41:45.036852381 +1000 +++ src/ddscf/scf_vec_guess.F 2013-04-15 12:23:28.100409225 +1000 @@ -505,19 +505,19 @@ c nprint = min(nclosed+nopen+30,nmo) if (scftype.eq.'RHF' .or. scftype.eq.'ROHF') then call movecs_print_anal(basis, 1, - & nprint, 0.15d0, g_movecs, + & nprint, 0.01d0, g_movecs, & 'ROHF Initial Molecular Orbital Analysis', & .true., dbl_mb(k_eval), oadapt, int_mb(k_irs), & .true., dbl_mb(k_occ)) else nprint = min(nalpha+20,nmo) call movecs_print_anal(basis, max(1,nbeta-20), - & nprint, 0.15d0, g_movecs, + & nprint, 0.01d0, g_movecs, & 'UHF Initial Alpha Molecular Orbital Analysis', & .true., dbl_mb(k_eval), oadapt, int_mb(k_irs), & .true., dbl_mb(k_occ)) call movecs_print_anal(basis, max(1,nbeta-20), - & nprint, 0.15d0, g_movecs(2), + & nprint, 0.01d0, g_movecs(2), & 'UHF Initial Beta Molecular Orbital Analysis', & .true., dbl_mb(k_eval+nbf), oadapt, int_mb(k_irs+nmo), & .true., dbl_mb(k_occ+nbf)) diff -rupN src.original/ddscf/uhf.F src/ddscf/uhf.F --- src.original/ddscf/uhf.F 2013-04-15 12:41:45.036852381 +1000 +++ src/ddscf/uhf.F 2013-04-15 12:23:28.096409414 +1000 @@ -144,11 +144,11 @@ C enddo ihi = max(ihi-1,1) 9611 continue - call movecs_print_anal(basis, ilo, ihi, 0.15d0, g_movecs, + call movecs_print_anal(basis, ilo, ihi, 0.01d0, g_movecs, $ 'UHF Final Alpha Molecular Orbital Analysis', $ .true., dbl_mb(k_eval), oadapt, int_mb(k_irs), $ .true., dbl_mb(k_occ)) - call movecs_print_anal(basis, ilo, ihi, 0.15d0, g_movecs(2), + call movecs_print_anal(basis, ilo, ihi, 0.01d0, g_movecs(2), $ 'UHF Final Beta Molecular Orbital Analysis', $ .true., dbl_mb(k_eval+nbf), oadapt, int_mb(k_irs+nmo), $ .true., dbl_mb(k_occ+nbf)) diff -rupN src.original/mcscf/mcscf.F src/mcscf/mcscf.F --- src.original/mcscf/mcscf.F 2013-04-15 12:41:45.000854073 +1000 +++ src/mcscf/mcscf.F 2013-04-15 12:23:23.748613695 +1000 @@ -680,7 +680,7 @@ c if (util_print('final vectors analysis', print_default)) $ call movecs_print_anal(basis, $ max(1,nclosed-10), min(nbf,nclosed+nact+10), - $ 0.15d0, g_movecs, 'Analysis of MCSCF natural orbitals', + $ 0.01d0, g_movecs, 'Analysis of MCSCF natural orbitals', $ .true., dbl_mb(k_evals), .true., int_mb(k_sym), $ .true., dbl_mb(k_occ)) c diff -rupN src.original/nwdft/scf_dft/dft_mxspin_ovlp.F src/nwdft/scf_dft/dft_mxspin_ovlp.F --- src.original/nwdft/scf_dft/dft_mxspin_ovlp.F 2013-04-15 12:41:45.604825677 +1000 +++ src/nwdft/scf_dft/dft_mxspin_ovlp.F 2013-04-15 12:23:28.228403211 +1000 @@ -184,14 +184,14 @@ c call ga_sync() c call movecs_print_anal(basis,int_mb(k_non),int_mb(k_non) - & ,0.15d0,g_alpha,'Alpha Orbitals without Beta Partners', + & ,0.01d0,g_alpha,'Alpha Orbitals without Beta Partners', & .false., 0.0 ,.false., 0 , .false., 0 ) c if (nct.GE.2) then do i = 2,nct ind = int_mb(k_non+i-1) call movecs_print_anal(basis,ind,ind - & ,0.15d0,g_alpha,' ', + & ,0.01d0,g_alpha,' ', & .false., 0.0 ,.false., 0 , .false., 0 ) enddo endif @@ -350,7 +350,7 @@ c endif c endif c 9990 format(/,18x,'THERE ARE',i3,1x,'UN-PARTNERED ALPHA ORBITALS') c - call movecs_print_anal(basis, 1, nalp, 0.15d0, g_ualpha, + call movecs_print_anal(basis, 1, nalp, 0.01d0, g_ualpha, & 'Alpha Orb. w/o Beta Partners (after maxim. alpha/beta overlap)', & .false., 0.0 ,.false., 0 , .false., 0 ) c diff -rupN src.original/nwdft/scf_dft/dft_scf.F src/nwdft/scf_dft/dft_scf.F --- src.original/nwdft/scf_dft/dft_scf.F 2013-04-15 12:41:45.608825490 +1000 +++ src/nwdft/scf_dft/dft_scf.F 2013-04-15 12:23:28.228403211 +1000 @@ -1733,7 +1733,7 @@ c else blob='DFT Final Beta Molecular Orbital Analysis' endif - call movecs_print_anal(ao_bas_han, ilo, ihi, 0.15d0, + call movecs_print_anal(ao_bas_han, ilo, ihi, 0.01d0, & g_movecs(ispin), & blob, & .true., dbl_mb(k_eval(ispin)), oadapt, diff -rupN src.original/nwdft/scf_dft_cg/dft_cg_solve.F src/nwdft/scf_dft_cg/dft_cg_solve.F --- src.original/nwdft/scf_dft_cg/dft_cg_solve.F 2013-04-15 12:41:45.612825303 +1000 +++ src/nwdft/scf_dft_cg/dft_cg_solve.F 2013-04-15 12:23:28.220403588 +1000 @@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ c blob = 'DFT Final Beta Molecular Orbital Analysis' endif call movecs_fix_phase(g_movecs(ispin)) - call movecs_print_anal(basis, ilo, ihi, 0.15d0, + call movecs_print_anal(basis, ilo, ihi, 0.01d0, & g_movecs(ispin),blob, & .true., dbl_mb(k_eval+(ispin-1)*nbf), & oadapt, int_mb(k_irs+(ispin-1)*nbf),

388. NWChem, PSPW and Fortran runtime error

I'm following this post:

The issue:
If, on debian testing/wheezy 64 bit with gcc 4.7,  you run the following using NWChem 6.1.1

Title "boric acid" Start boric echo charge 0 geometry autosym units angstrom B 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 O -4.93432e-17 1.55000 0.00000 H 1.06537 1.92667 0.00000 O 1.34234 -0.775000 0.00000 H 1.13586 -1.88597 0.00000 O -1.34234 -0.775000 0.00000 H -2.20123 -0.0406974 0.00000 end ecce_print ecce.out nwpw mult 1 xc pbe96 cutoff 90.0 np_dimensions -1 -1 tolerances 1e-7 1e-7 car-parrinello nose-hoover 1.000000e+03 2.981500e+02 1.000000e+03 2.981500e+02 time_step 0.500000e+00 fake_mass 1.000000e+02 loop 10 100 scaling 1.000000e+00 1.000000e+00 end end task pspw energy task pspw car-parrinello
You'll end up with
**************************************************** * * * NWPW PSPW Calculation * * * * [ (Grassman/Stiefel manifold implementation) ] * * * * [ NorthWest Chemistry implementation ] * * * * version #5.10 06/12/02 * * * * This code was developed by Eric J. Bylaska, * * and was based upon algorithms and code * * developed by the group of Prof. John H. Weare * * * **************************************************** >>> JOB STARTED AT Mon Apr 15 10:05:42 2013 <<< ================ input data ======================== library name resolved from: compiled reference NWCHEM_NWPW_LIBRARY set to: Generating 1d pseudopotential for B At line 649 of file psp_generator_input.F (unit = 99, file = './junk.inp') Fortran runtime error: Sequential READ or WRITE not allowed after EOF marker, possibly use REWIND or BACKSPACE -------------------------------------------------------------------------- mpirun has exited due to process rank 0 with PID 28100 on node neon exiting without calling "finalize". This may have caused other processes in the application to be terminated by signals sent by mpirun (as reported here). -------------------------------------------------------------------------

The fix
/opt/nwchem/nwchem-6.1.1-src is the NWCHEM_TOP of my particular nwchem source. See e.g. here for build instructions in general and not that e.g. BLASOPT settings etc. correspond to what I need on my system. Modify as necessary.

cd /opt/nwchem/nwchem-6.1.1-src/
gunzip Makefile.h.gcc46.patch.gz
patch -p0 < Makefile.h.gcc46.patch
cd src/nwpw/
touch `egrep -l GCC46 */*/*F`

export TCGRSH=/usr/bin/ssh
export NWCHEM_TOP=/opt/nwchem/nwchem-6.1.1-src
export NWCHEM_MODULES="all"
export PYTHONHOME=/usr
export BLASOPT="-L/opt/acml/acml5.2.0/gfortran64_fma4_int64/lib -lacml"
export USE_MPI=y
export USE_MPIF=y
export USE_MPIF4=y
export MPI_LOC=/usr/lib/openmpi/lib
export MPI_INCLUDE=/usr/lib/openmpi/include
export LIBRARY_PATH="$LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/lib/openmpi/lib:/opt/acml/acml5.2.0/gfortran64_fma4_int64/lib"
export LIBMPI="-lmpi -lopen-rte -lopen-pal -ldl -lmpi_f77 -lpthread"
export FC=gfortran
cd ../
make link

Because we just relink instead of recompiling from scratch, recompiling is fairly quick (2-3 minutes in total)


It now continues as it should:
================ input data ======================== library name resolved from: compiled reference NWCHEM_NWPW_LIBRARY set to: Generating 1d pseudopotential for B

and everything is good from there-on.

NOTE: you need to delete the output files from any previous run, or you might end up with errors during the Car-Parrinello portion (e.g.
At line 170 of file MOTION.F (unit = 19, file = './boric.ion_motion')
Fortran runtime error: Sequential READ or WRITE not allowed after EOF marker, possibly use REWIND or BACKSPACE

Stay tuned...
What remains for me is to start collecting the patches that are needed for nwchem to work properly (from my perspective -- I only have to support myself and my debian boxes, not a heterogeneous set of users with equally heterogeneous hardware, so my job is easier than that of the nwchem devs) so that installing and upgrading nwchem becomes less painful (yes, I've been patching by hand up till now...).

The issues that need to be patched are:
* including libz and libssl on debian when building with python support (e.g. step 1 in this post)
* changing the details in the output to support gabEdit (e.g. this post)
* patching for GCC 4.7 (i.e. what you've just read)

Update: The post is here now:

08 April 2013

380. Modifying NWChem code without a full recompile

This isn't a secret trick or anything, but may still not be immediately obvious to most people.

A full compilation of NWChem can easily take 20-40 minutes, depending on your build machine.

Sometimes you need to make changes to the source code, e.g. if you want to use GabEdit to analyse output -- ECCE is a fantastic piece of software and is great for managing computations, but GabEdit has implemented some pretty interesting routines for orbital analyses. In order for you to be able to reliably import NWChem output into GabEdit you need to modify a handful of fortran files.

See e.g. for patching NWChem, and for how to run your nwchem jobs and how to visualize them in gabEdit (you need to explicitly define your basis sets).

Angelo Rossi made this comment:

Thank you so much for this valuable information.

But under the heading of "Compilation" above, the directions lead to a pointer to compile the entire NWChem source. But only one or two subroutines are modified. Shouldn't there be a more surgical way of proceeding after making the suggested changes? Actually this would make a great separate post. That is, provide a procedure to recompile and link when small changes to NWChem are made. I've done this, but I can't remember.

Kind regards,


The answer was on this page:
So here we go:

Partial recompile/relinking of NWChem

1. Environmental variables
Define your environmental variable like you would during a normal compile
export LARGE_FILES=TRUE export TCGRSH=/usr/bin/ssh export NWCHEM_TOP=`pwd` export NWCHEM_TARGET=LINUX64 export NWCHEM_MODULES="all python" export PYTHONVERSION=2.7 export PYTHONHOME=/usr export BLASOPT="-L/opt/openblas/lib -lopenblas" export USE_MPI=y export USE_MPIF=y export USE_MPIF4=y export MPI_LOC=/usr/lib/openmpi/lib export MPI_INCLUDE=/usr/lib/openmpi/include export LIBRARY_PATH=$LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/lib/openmpi/lib:/opt/acml/acml5.2.0/gfortran64_int64/lib:/opt/openblas/lib export LIBMPI="-lmpi -lopen-rte -lopen-pal -ldl -lmpi_f77 -lpthread" export FC=gfortran
2. Run make in modified directories
In the GabEdit example we made changes to files in src/ddscf, src/nwdft/scf_dft, and src/mcscf
cd $NWCHEM_TOP/src/ddscf
cd $NWCHEM_TOP/src/nwdft/scf_dft
cd $NWCHEM_TOP/src/mcscf

3. Run make link in the src directory
cd $NWCHEM_TOP/src
make link

4. Do your usual post-compilation memory magic
cd $NWCHEM_TOP/contrib


This all in all took around 6 seconds instead of 30-odd minutes.

18 February 2013

340. Issues when compiling Nwchem 6.1.1 -- missing *.fh in src/include

The problem:
If you modify the nwchem sources, build, do a make realclean and then pack them up to export your patched sources to other nodes you might find that compiling doesn't work that well, yielding errors such as (I'll list them all to help google):

make[1]: *** No rule to make target `/opt/nwchem/nwchem-6.1.1-src_mod/src/include/stdio.fh', needed by `/opt/nwchem/nwchem-6.1.1-src_mod/lib/LINUX64/libnwcutil.a(basis.o)'.  Stop.
make: *** [libraries] Error 1


make[1]: *** No rule to make target `/opt/nwchem/nwchem-6.1.1-src_mod/src/include/nwc_const.fh', needed by `/opt/nwchem/nwchem-6.1.1-src_mod/lib/LINUX64/libnwcutil.a(basis.o)'.  Stop.
make: *** [libraries] Error 1
nwchem.F:3:0: fatal error: errquit.fh: No such file or directory
compilation terminated.
stubs.F:15:0: fatal error: errquit.fh: No such file or directory


make[1]: *** No rule to make target `/opt/nwchem/nwchem-6.1.1-src_mod/src/include/errquit.fh', needed by `/opt/nwchem/nwchem-6.1.1-src_mod/lib/LINUX64/libnwcutil.a(basis.o)'.  Stop.
make: *** [libraries] Error 1


make[1]: *** No rule to make target `/opt/nwchem/nwchem-6.1.1-src_mod/src/include/util.fh', needed by `/opt/nwchem/nwchem-6.1.1-src_mod/lib/LINUX64/libnwcutil.a(bas_input.o)'.  Stop.


/opt/nwchem/nwchem-6.1.1-src_mod/src/include/util.fh:1:0: fatal error: printlevels.fh: No such file or directory
compilation terminated.
make[1]: *** [/opt/nwchem/nwchem-6.1.1-src_mod/lib/LINUX64/libnwcutil.a(bas_input.o)] Error 1
make[1]: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....


basisP.F: In function 'nbf_from_ucont':
basisP.F:427:0: warning: '__result_nbf_from_ucont' may be used uninitialized in this function [-Wmaybe-uninitialized]
make[2]: warning: -jN forced in submake: disabling jobserver mode.
make[1]: warning: -jN forced in submake: disabling jobserver mode.
make[1]: *** No rule to make target `/opt/nwchem/nwchem-6.1.1-src_mod/src/include/msgids.fh', needed by `/opt/nwchem/nwchem-6.1.1-src_mod/lib/LINUX64/libnwcutil.a(geom.o)'.  Stop.


make[1]: *** No rule to make target `/opt/nwchem/nwchem-6.1.1-src_mod/src/include/bitops.fh', needed by `/opt/nwchem/nwchem-6.1.1-src_mod/lib/LINUX64/libnwcutil.a(pstat_alloc.o)'.  Stop.


In file included from pstat_alloc.F:12:0:
/opt/nwchem/nwchem-6.1.1-src_mod/src/include/bitops.fh:11:0: fatal error: bitops_decls.fh: No such file or directory
compilation terminated.
make[1]: *** [/opt/nwchem/nwchem-6.1.1-src_mod/lib/LINUX64/libnwcutil.a(pstat_alloc.o)] Error 1


In file included from pstat_alloc.F:12:0:
/opt/nwchem/nwchem-6.1.1-src_mod/src/include/bitops.fh:12:0: fatal error: bitops_funcs.fh: No such file or directory
compilation terminated.
make[1]: *** [/opt/nwchem/nwchem-6.1.1-src_mod/lib/LINUX64/libnwcutil.a(pstat_alloc.o)] Error 1


make[2]: warning: -jN forced in submake: disabling jobserver mode.
make[2]: *** No rule to make target `/opt/nwchem/nwchem-6.1.1-src_mod/src/include/itri.fh', needed by `/opt/nwchem/nwchem-6.1.1-src_mod/lib/LINUX64/libnwcutil.a(sym_sh_pair.o)'.  Stop.
make[2]: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....


make[2]: *** No rule to make target `/opt/nwchem/nwchem-6.1.1-src_mod/src/include/bgj.fh', needed by `/opt/nwchem/nwchem-6.1.1-src_mod/lib/LINUX64/libnwints.a(exactd_mem.o)'.  Stop.


make[1]: *** No rule to make target `/opt/nwchem/nwchem-6.1.1-src_mod/src/include/numerical_constants.fh', needed by `/opt/nwchem/nwchem-6.1.1-src_mod/lib/LINUX64/librimp2.a(rimp2_v_e2.o)'.  Stop.


make[2]: *** No rule to make target `/opt/nwchem/nwchem-6.1.1-src_mod/src/include/util_sgroup.fh', needed by `/opt/nwchem/nwchem-6.1.1-src_mod/lib/LINUX64/libdntmc.a(gibbs.o)'.  Stop.


nwchem.F:11:0: fatal error: bgj_common.fh: No such file or directory

This has been mentioned before on the nwchem forum, but not in explicit enough detail.
The solution is to copy a series of files from src/util and to remove make realclean from your build instructions (or at least do the copying after the make realclean step).

Copy these files
cp src/util/stdio.fh src/include/
cp src/util/nwc_const.fh src/include/
cp src/util/errquit.fh src/include/
cp src/util/util.fh src/include/
cp src/util/printlevels.fh src/include/
cp src/util/msgids.fh src/include/
cp src/util/bitops.fh src/include/
cp src/util/bitops_decls.fh src/include/
cp src/util/bitops_funcs.fh src/include/
cp src/util/itri.fh src/include/
cp src/util/bgj.fh src/include/
cp src/util/numerical_constants.fh src/include/
cp src/util/util_sgroup.fh src/include/
cp src/util/bgj_common.fh src/include/

Then build, using e.g.
export TCGRSH=/usr/bin/ssh
export NWCHEM_TOP=`pwd`
export NWCHEM_MODULES="all python"
export PYTHONHOME=/usr
export BLASOPT="-L/opt/openblas/lib -lopenblas"
export USE_MPI=y
export USE_MPIF=y
export USE_MPIF4=y
export MPI_LOC=/usr/lib/openmpi/lib
export MPI_INCLUDE=/usr/lib/openmpi/include
export LIBRARY_PATH=$LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/lib/openmpi/lib:/opt/openblas/lib
export LIBMPI="-lmpi -lopen-rte -lopen-pal -ldl -lmpi_f77 -lpthread"
cd $NWCHEM_TOP/src
make nwchem_config
make FC=gfortran 1>make.log 2>make.err
export FC=gfortran
cd ../contrib

12 February 2013

337. Modifying Nwchem 6.1.1 to work with GabEdit

Karol Strutynski left the following comment on a post about NWChem and Gabedit:

I have one important comment:
The vectors coefficients in the nwchem output are incomplete!
The default behaviour of nwchem is to print 10 first coefficients with value bigger than 0.15. For systems with many atoms it is not enough, usually its not even close.

This behaviour is hard-coded in the nwchem source.
To change this you must search each instance of movecs_print_anal in the source code and replace 0.15d0 for smaller value in appropriate calls.
Furthermore you must change one loop in the src/ddscf/movecs_pr_anal.F file and around 200 line there will be loop:
do klo = 0, min(n-1,9), 2
You must increase the range of this loop, for something more reasonable like:
do klo = 0, min(n-1,199), 2

After recompiling the nwchem will print more coefficients and the gabedit will produce more reliable orbitals.

Best regards,
Karol Strutynski

So let's modify NWChem. I'll be modifying the 27th of June release of NWChem 6.1.1, which you'll obtain as Nwchem-6.1.1-src.2012-06-27.tar.gz from

Change the number in red to something smaller (I tried 0.01d0) in the following files:
 146  9611    continue
 147          call movecs_print_anal(basis, ilo, ihi, 0.15d0, g_movecs,
 148      $        'UHF Final Alpha Molecular Orbital Analysis',
 149      $        .true., dbl_mb(k_eval), oadapt, int_mb(k_irs),
 150      $        .true., dbl_mb(k_occ))
 151          call movecs_print_anal(basis, ilo, ihi, 0.15d0, g_movecs(2),
 152      $        'UHF Final Beta Molecular Orbital Analysis',
 153      $        .true., dbl_mb(k_eval+nbf), oadapt, int_mb(k_irs+nmo),
 154      $        .true., dbl_mb(k_occ+nbf)

506          if (scftype.eq.'RHF' .or. scftype.eq.'ROHF') then
507             call movecs_print_anal(basis, 1,
508      &           nprint, 0.15d0, g_movecs,
509      &           'ROHF Initial Molecular Orbital Analysis',
510      &           .true., dbl_mb(k_eval), oadapt, int_mb(k_irs),
511      &           .true., dbl_mb(k_occ))
512          else
513             nprint = min(nalpha+20,nmo)
514             call movecs_print_anal(basis, max(1,nbeta-20),
515      &           nprint, 0.15d0, g_movecs,
516      &           'UHF Initial Alpha Molecular Orbital Analysis',
517      &           .true., dbl_mb(k_eval), oadapt, int_mb(k_irs),
518      &           .true., dbl_mb(k_occ))
519             call movecs_print_anal(basis, max(1,nbeta-20),
520      &           nprint, 0.15d0, g_movecs(2),
521      &           'UHF Initial Beta Molecular Orbital Analysis',
522      &           .true., dbl_mb(k_eval+nbf), oadapt, int_mb(k_irs+nmo),
523      &           .true., dbl_mb(k_occ+nbf))

155          endif
156          call movecs_print_anal(basis, ilo, ihi, 0.15d0, g_movecs,
157      $        'ROHF Final Molecular Orbital Analysis',
158      $        .true., dbl_mb(k_eval), oadapt, int_mb(k_irs),
159      $        .true., dbl_mb(k_occ))

680       if (util_print('final vectors analysis', print_default))
681      $     call movecs_print_anal(basis,
682      $     max(1,nclosed-10), min(nbf,nclosed+nact+10),
683      $     0.15d0, g_movecs, 'Analysis of MCSCF natural orbitals',
684      $     .true., dbl_mb(k_evals), .true., int_mb(k_sym),
685      $     .true., dbl_mb(k_occ))
686 c

166           call movecs_fix_phase(g_movecs(ispin))
167           call movecs_print_anal(basis, ilo, ihi, 0.15d0,
168      &         g_movecs(ispin),blob,
169      &         .true., dbl_mb(k_eval+(ispin-1)*nbf),
170      &         oadapt, int_mb(k_irs+(ispin-1)*nbf),
171      &         .true., dbl_mb(k_occ+(ispin-1)*nbf))
172         enddo

1736             call movecs_print_anal(ao_bas_han, ilo, ihi, 0.15d0,
1737      &           g_movecs(ispin),
1738      &           blob,
1739      &           .true., dbl_mb(k_eval(ispin)), oadapt,
1740      &           int_mb(k_ir+(ispin-1)*nbf_ao),
1741      &           .true., dbl_mb(k_occ+(ispin-1)*nbf_ao))

186       call movecs_print_anal(basis,int_mb(k_non),int_mb(k_non)
187      & ,0.15d0,g_alpha,'Alpha Orbitals without Beta Partners',
188      &   .false., 0.0 ,.false., 0 , .false., 0 )
189 c
190       if (nct.GE.2) then
191       do i = 2,nct
192       ind = int_mb(k_non+i-1)
193       call movecs_print_anal(basis,ind,ind
194      & ,0.15d0,g_alpha,' ',
195      &   .false., 0.0 ,.false., 0 , .false., 0 )
196       enddo
197       endif

352 c
353        call movecs_print_anal(basis, 1, nalp, 0.15d0, g_ualpha,
354      & 'Alpha Orb. w/o Beta Partners (after maxim. alpha/beta overlap)',
355      &   .false., 0.0 ,.false., 0 , .false., 0 )
356 c
Otherwise once could presumably edit the header in ./src/ddscf/movecs_pr_anal.F directly and substitute thresh. At a minimum you should edit that file according to Karol's instructions: change the number in red below to e.g. 199.

198             do klo = 0, min(n-1,9), 2
199                khi = min(klo+1,n-1)
200                write(LuOut,2) (
201      $              int_mb(k_list+k)+1,
202      $              dbl_mb(k_vecs+int_mb(k_list+k)),
203      $              (byte_mb(k_tags+int_mb(k_list+k)*16+m),m=0,15),
204      $              k = klo,khi)
205  2             format(1x,2(i5,2x,f12.6,2x,16a1,4x))
206             enddo

At this point you should be able to follow post 242. Briefly: Compiling NWChem 6.1.1 with Python on Debian Testing (Wheezy) and compile nwchem with python etc. Don't forget to edit /src/config/makefile.h for python support as shown in that post. Once you're done with that you can compare the GabEdit plots with and without the modification.

Alternatively, if you're simply making changes to a copy of nwchem that you've compiled before, you can speed thing up by a factor of ca 300 by following this post:

The difference:
I ran a job on benzene as described in post 281. Visualising NWChem output with GabEdit. I chose to run use the ELF (electron localisation function) on output from the unmodified and modified nwchem binaries. It's a pretty big difference:



07 February 2013

334. Compiling nwchem with openmpi and python on Arch linux

Here's the reason why I gave my virtual machine 30 Gb in post 333 -- to be able to evaluate whether I can figure out how to build all the software that I need on Arch.

Behold my surprise when I realised that there's no need for separate -dev packages, as is the case on Debian i.e. the headers are generally installed together with the package (so e.g. python is enough -- you don't need python-dev as well).

While debian is probably the best choice for my nodes (I want stability -- not the latest flashiest stuff), nwchem is a good test case since I've been playing with it for years, and it's not available in the pacman or AUR repos.

Your mileage with openblas will vary depending on your hardware. ACML is an alternative on e.g. FX-8150. ATLAS doesn't seem to work with NWChem when I try it, but I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. See the original post for examples on how to link to other math libs.

I'm mainly looking at this post:

pacman -S wget base-devel gcc-fortran tcsh openmpi

Download from

sudo mkdir /opt/openblas
sudo chown $USER /opt/openblas
tar xvf xianyi-OpenBLAS-v0.1.1-0-g5b7f443.tar.gz
cd xianyi-OpenBLAS-e6e87a2/
make all BINARY=64 CC=/usr/bin/gcc FC=/usr/bin/gfortran USE_THREAD=0 INTERFACE64=1 1> make.log 2>make.err
make PREFIX=/opt/openblas install
cp lib*.*  /opt/openblas/lib

sudo mkdir /opt/nwchem
sudo chown $USER /opt/nwchem
cd /opt/nwchem
tar xvf Nwchem-6.1.1-src.2012-06-27.tar.gz
cd nwchem-6.1.1-src/

Edit nwchem-6.1.1-src/src/config/makefile.h and edit line 1957 as shown in this post.

Then continue:
export TCGRSH=/usr/bin/ssh
export NWCHEM_TOP=`pwd`
export NWCHEM_MODULES="all python"
export PYTHONHOME=/usr
export BLASOPT="-L/opt/openblas/lib -lopenblas"
export USE_MPI=y
export USE_MPIF=y
export USE_MPIF4=y
export MPI_LOC=/usr/lib/openmpi
export MPI_INCLUDE=/usr/include
export LIBRARY_PATH=$LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/lib/openmpi:/opt/openblas/lib
export LIBMPI="-L/usr/lib/openmpi -lmpi -lopen-rte -lopen-pal -ldl -lmpi_f77 -lpthread"
cd $NWCHEM_TOP/src
make clean
make nwchem_config
make FC=gfortran 1> make.log 2>make.err
export FC=gfortran
cd ../contrib

Note that some of the locations are a little bit different from debian.

Edit your ~/.bashrc and add:
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/opt/openblas/lib export PATH=$PATH:/opt/nwchem/nwchem-6.1.1-src/bin/LINUX64
You can now test your new binary by running a job, e.g. co.nw:
title "co nmr" geometry c 0 0 0 o 0 0 1.13 end basis * library "6-311+g*" end dft direct grid fine mult 1 xc HFexch 0.05 slater 0.95 becke88 nonlocal 0.72 vwn_5 1 perdew91 0.81 end task dft optimize

nwchem co.nw


mpirun -n 2 nwchem co.nw

23 January 2013

325. Compiling ECCE 6.4 on Debian Testing

!NOTE! If you provide ECCE with 'localhost' as the hostname, be aware that this will block outside access:

There's a new release of ECCE 6.4 out which fixes the following bug:

A note on Java: I've only had luck with the openjdk packages -- not with the Oracle/sun java ones (see here:

This build was tested in a chrooted Testing/Wheezy i.e. I should've caught most of the necessary packages.

Download the source to ecce from, and put it in e.g. ~/tmp

sudo apt-get install bzip2 build-essential autoconf libtool ant pkg-config gtk+-2.0-dev libxt-dev csh gfortran openjdk-7-jdk python-dev libjpeg-dev imagemagick xterm
cd ~/tmp
tar xvf ecce-v6.4-src.tar.bz2
cd ecce-v6.4/
export ECCE_HOME=`pwd`
cd build/
Hit return if xterm was found... The /home/sandbox/tmp/ecce-v6.4/scripts/sysdir script identifies the build platform directory as: empty Because this value is empty no platform-specific parent directory will be created for ECCE executables, libraries, etc. This works fine unless your site needs support for multiple platforms. Finished checking prerequisites for building ECCE. Do you want to skip these checks for future build_ecce invocations (y/n)? Y
Xerces built
Mesa OpenGL built
wxWidgets built
running build_ext wxPython built
Apache HTTP server built
Making combined tar file ecce.v6.4.tar Copying NWChem binary distribution nwchem-6.1.1-binary-rhel5-gcc4.1.2-m64.tar.bz2 Copying NWChem common distribution nwchem-6.1.1-binary-common.tar.bz2 Concatenating install script and combined tar file ecce.v6.4.tar create_ecce_bin finished ECCE built and distribution created in /home/sandbox/tmp/ecce-v6.4
cd ../ ./install_ecce.v6.4.csh

And see the next section for the installation steps.
The compilation steps take progressively longer and longer, so be patient during the build.

Digital ink is cheap, so I'll show the whole process:
Main ECCE installation menu =========================== 1) Help on main menu options 2) Prerequisite software check 3) Full install 4) Full upgrade 5) Application software install 6) Application software upgrade 7) Server install 8) Server upgrade IMPORTANT: If you are uncertain about any aspect of installing or running ECCE at your site, please refer to the detailed ECCE Installation and Administration Guide at Hit at prompts to accept the default value in brackets. Selection: [1] 3 Host name: [beryllium] localhost Application installation directory: [/home/sandbox/tmp/ecce-v6.4/ecce-v6.4/apps] /home/sandbox/.ecce/apps Server installation directory: [/home/sandbox/.ecce/server] ECCE v6.4 will be installed using the settings: Installation type: [full install] Host name: [localhost] Application installation directory: [/home/sandbox/.ecce/apps] Server installation directory: [/home/sandbox/.ecce/server] Are these choices correct (yes/no/quit)? [yes] Installing ECCE application software in /home/sandbox/.ecce/apps... Extracting application distribution... Extracting NWChem binary distribution... Extracting NWChem common distribution... Extracting client WebHelp distribution... Configuring application software... Configuring NWChem... Installing ECCE server in /home/sandbox/.ecce/server... Extracting data server in /home/sandbox/.ecce/server/httpd... Extracting data libraries in /home/sandbox/.ecce/server/data... Extracting Java Messaging Server in /home/sandbox/.ecce/server/activemq... Configuring ECCE server... ECCE installation succeeded. *************************************************************** !! You MUST perform the following steps in order to use ECCE !! -- Unless only the user 'sandbox' will be running ECCE, start the ECCE server as 'sandbox' with: /home/sandbox/.ecce/server/ecce-admin/start_ecce_server -- To register machines to run computational codes, please see the installation and compute resource registration manuals at -- Before running ECCE each user must source an environment setup script. For csh/tcsh users add this to ~/.cshrc: if ( -e /home/sandbox/.ecce/apps/scripts/runtime_setup ) then source /home/sandbox/.ecce/apps/scripts/runtime_setup endif For sh/bash users, add this to ~/.profile or ~/.bashrc: if [ -e /home/sandbox/.ecce/apps/scripts/ ]; then . /home/sandbox/.ecce/apps/scripts/ fi ***************************************************************

Instead of following the instructions above I normally do:
echo 'export ECCE_HOME=/home/sandbox/.ecce/apps' >> ~/.bashrc
echo 'PATH=$PATH:/home/sandbox/.ecce/server/ecce-admin/:/home/sandbox/.ecce/apps/scripts/' >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc

You can now start ecce by either doing

or if that complains, do

then waiting a little while (10 s), followed by


Selecting Java version
sudo update-alternatives --config java
There are 7 choices for the alternative java (providing /usr/bin/java). Selection Path Priority Status ------------------------------------------------------------ 0 /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk-amd64/jre/bin/java 1061 auto mode 1 /usr/bin/gij-4.4 1044 manual mode 2 /usr/bin/gij-4.6 1046 manual mode 3 /usr/bin/gij-4.7 1047 manual mode 4 /usr/lib/jvm/j2re1.6-oracle/bin/java 314 manual mode 5 /usr/lib/jvm/j2sdk1.6-oracle/jre/bin/java 315 manual mode 6 /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk-amd64/jre/bin/java 1061 manual mode * 7 /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-amd64/jre/bin/java 1051 manual mode

I've got ECCE running fine with openjdk 7 as well as openjdk 6.

24 November 2012

281. Visualising NWChem output with GabEdit

Update: please read Karol's comment below. I will put a link here once I've written up a post on how to modify nwchem.

Update 2: Here's the post: .The conclusion is that you MUST edit nwchem. Luckily, it's easy.

Original post:
I've never liked Gabedit much (looks a bit dated, tries to do 'too much') -- until today. Suddenly I have a newfound respect for the developer(s) behind it. It actually doesn't try to do 'too much' -- it simply does A LOT, and actually does it in a pretty transparent way.

Long story short -- you can do things with gabedit which you can't do (easily) with ECCE, and as such it has become an important ally. Besides, it's always nice to have alternatives.

GabEdit is in the Debian repos.

Running your calculations
There are some restrictions"
1. NOTE: you must run your nwchem job with explicit basis sets (i.e. entered as text) -- to do that in ECCE tick the box as shown in the figure below. If you're running 'pure' nwchem, you (probably) have to cut and paste from the basis set directory -- see e.g. section 7.2 here. It's a minor convenience for gaining access to what GabEdit has to offer.

2. You can only open Single point/Energy calculations i.e. Optimizations won't work. So do a single point calculation on your optimized structure.

3. Also, you need to rename/copy your output file so that it ends with .out.
gabedit won't read it otherwise

It's fairly straightforward -- just point and click. One thing which you will want to play with are the iso-surface settings. The defaults are rarely good.

Anyway, I'll let the screenshots do the talking:

Go straight to the Output viewer -- Geometry/Orbital/Density
Click on the M, or right-click anywhere in the window, and load your renamed nwchem output file.

Here's triplet oxygen. The alpha, beta orbitals are listed in the right window

You can do electron localisation

Look at spin density (the unpaired electrons are in the anti-bonding  pi orbitals)

Contour plots are neat -- here showing spin density

Electrostatic potential. 

There's a lot to explore. GabEdit can obviously also prepare and submit jobs, but I'm happy with ECCE in this respect, and content with using GabEdit for post-processing.