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06 June 2012
176. Weaning people onto SGE, one script at a time
On a five node (1 front + 4 exec; each node has 8 cores and 8 GB RAM) cluster that I know and hang out with, people have been submitting job...
03 June 2012
172. ECCE and a ROCKS cluster: step by step
This is quite similar to a recent post, but here's a step-by-step, detailed account of how to set up ECCE for remote job submission to a...
28 May 2012
167. ECCE/Nwchem on An Australian University computational cluster using qsub with g09/nwchem
EDIT: I've just learned the First Rule of Remote Computing: always start by checking the number of concurrent processes you're al...
21 May 2012
158. Setting up ecce with qsub at An Australian University computational cluster
EDIT: this works for G09 on that particular cluster. Come back in a week or two for a more general solution (end of May 2012/beginning of Ju...
157. Restarting gaussian (g09) job on an SGE system (qsub)
The Australian University I'm working at has a computational cluster where jobs are submitted using qsub. This post is more like a perso...
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