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13 September 2012
235. CPMD with Netlib's lapack, blas and your own fftw3 on ROCKS 5.4.3/CentOS 5.6
Update 8 Feb 2013: I somehow had forgot to include some of the instructions for the BLAS part. Fixed now. Post: This is done pretty much...
234. CPMD with netlib lapack, blas and your own fftw on debian testing
This is a minor update to my previous post on CPMD . Back in the days I had issue linking to my Openblas libs (got a binary which would not ...
12 September 2012
233. Compiling netlib's lapack and blas on Debian Testing (Wheezy)
In addition to specific BLAS/LAPACK libs such as ACML, MKL, and ATLAS netlib provides (what I understand to be) reference versions of BLAS ...
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