05 November 2012

275. Compiling Dalton 2011 on ROCKS 5.4.3/CentOS

I've previously struggled with Dalton 2.0-cam and given up. I somehow didn't know about Dalton 2011 at that point, but it turns out it's much easier to build. Well, I managed to build it on ROCKS/CentOS (gcc 4.1). I'm still working on the debian version which has a much newer gcc (4.7)

Before you get started you may want to compile ATLAS as shown here: http://verahill.blogspot.com.au/2012/09/rocks-543-atlas-and-gromacs-on-xeon.html

First go to http://daltonprogram.org/licence/ and fill out the license agreement. Once that's done you'll get an automated email with a license form, which you should print, sign, scan and email to the email address you're given. Once your form has been processed you'll be sent another email with a user name and password. I received my user name and password the next business day.

Go online and download the source file, Dalton2011_release_v0.tgz, and put it in ~/tmp. Sort out where you want your program to end up
sudo mkdir /share/apps/dalton
sudo chown $USER /share/apps/dalton
mkdir /share/apps/dalton/bin /share/apps/dalton/basis /share/apps/dalton/lsdalton

cd ~/tmp
tar xvf Dalton2011_release_v0.tgz
cd Dalton2011_release/DALTON

and answer all the questions:
   Configuring the DALTON Makefile.config and "dalton" run script

INFO: Operating system from 'uname -s' : Linux
INFO: Processor type   from 'uname -m' : x86_64
No architecture specified, attempting auto-configuration:
This appears to be a -linux architecture. Is this correct? [Y/n] 
--> Installing DALTON on a -linux computer

Note that 64-bit integers are desirable for Cholesky and very large
scale CI, otherwise the most important effect is that some files will be bigger.

If you choose 64-bit integers, be careful that any system library
routines (incl. MPI) also use 64-bit integers!

Do you want 64-bit integers? [y/N] Do you want to install the program in a parallel MPI version? [Y/n] 
-->WARNING: Makefiles for MPI architecture are difficult to guess
   Please compare the generated Makefile.config with local documentation.

   Checking for Fortran compiler ...
   from this list: mpif90 mpiifort ifort pgf95 pgf90 gfortran g95 

Compiler /opt/openmpi/bin/mpif90 found, use this compiler? [Y/n] 
-->Compiler mpif90 found and accepted.
Is backend compiler gfortran ? [Y/n] 
   Checking for C compiler ...
   from this list: mpicc  mpiicc   icc ecc pgcc gcc 

Compiler /opt/openmpi/bin/mpicc found, use this compiler? [Y/n] 
-->Compiler mpicc found and accepted.

Testing existence of libraries in this order:
 libacml.a libmkl.so libmkl_p3.a libatlas.a libblas.a
Directory search list for libraries:
  /state/partition1/home/me/tmp/ATLAS/build/lib /state/partition1/apps/ATLAS/lib /lib /usr/local/lib /usr/lib /usr/local/lib/ATLAS /lib64 /usr/lib64 /usr/local/lib64 

Do you want to replace this with your own directory search list? [y/N] Found /state/partition1/home/me/tmp/ATLAS/build/lib/libatlas.a, use it? [Y/n] Found /state/partition1/apps/ATLAS/lib/libatlas.a, use it? [Y/n] 
-->The following mathematical library(ies) will be used:
   -L/state/partition1/apps/ATLAS/lib -llapack -llapack -lf77blas -latlas

DALTON uses almost 100 Megabytes of static
allocations, in addition to the dynamic allocation.

DALTON has the possibility to reserve an amount of static memory
for storing two-electron integrals in direct and parallel calculations
Storing some or all of the 2-el. integrals in memory will speed up
direct and parallel calculations (and in particular the latter).
NOTE: This will increase the static memory allocation used by DALTON

Would you like to activate the possibility of storing 2-el.int. in memory? [y/N] How many MB to use for storing 2-el. integrals? 
-->Program will be installed with 500 MB (65000000 words) used for storing 2-el. integrals

Maximum amount of work memory for dynamic allocations can be changed
at run time with the environment variable WRKMEM (in REAL*8 words = megabytes/8)
or by using the -M option to the run script: "dalton -M mb ..." (in megabytes).
We recommend at least 200 MB work memory,
larger for correlated calculations, but it should for maximum
efficiency NOT exceed available physical memory per CPU in parallel calculations.

How many MB to use as default for work memory (hit return for default of 1000 MB)? 
-->Program will be installed with a default work memory of 900 MB (117000000 words)

-->Current directory is /home/me/tmp/Dalton2011_release/DALTON

Use default ../bin as installation directory for DALTON binaries and scripts? [Y/n] Please enter another installation directory: 
-->DALTON executable and script will be placed in /share/apps/dalton/test directory

-->Default basis set directory will be /home/me/tmp/Dalton2011_release/DALTON/../basis/

Use this directory as default basis set directory? [Y/n] 
Please choose another default basis set directory (must end with /) 
-->Default basis set directory will be /share/apps/dalton/basis/

I did not find /work, /scratch, /scr, or /temp. I will use /tmp

-->Job specific directories under $SCRATCH/$USER
-->will be used for temporary files when running DALTON

Use SCRATCH=/tmp as default root scratch space in "dalton" run script? [Y/n] 
-->Creating Makefile.config ...
gfortran version 412 prc=x86_64
INFO: Compiling with 32-bit integers.
INFO: Make sure pre-compiled BLAS, MPI etc. libraries are also with 32-bit integers!!!

Proper 64-bit file access detected.

-->Creating the DALTON run-script in /share/apps/dalton/test

   The configuration of DALTON has finished succesfully.
   Check compiler flags etc. in Makefile.config and run "make" to get executable.

Regardless of what you'll answer, here's an example of a Makefile.config that I used. The key is to add -I../modules to INCLUDES, and delete -fbacktrace.

ARCH        = linux
F90           = mpif90
CC            = mpicc
LOADER        = mpif90
RM            = rm -f
FFLAGS        = -march=x86-64 -O3 -ffast-math -funroll-loops -ftree-vectorize 
SAFEFFLAGS    = -march=x86-64 -O3 -ffast-math -funroll-loops -ftree-vectorize 
CFLAGS        = -march=x86-64 -O3 -ffast-math -funroll-loops -ftree-vectorize -std=c99 -DRESTRICT=restrict -DFUNDERSCORE=1
INCLUDES      = -I../include -I../modules
MODULES       = -J../modules
LIBS          = -L/state/partition1/apps/ATLAS/lib -llapack -llapack -lf77blas -latlas -L/opt/openmpi/lib -lmpi
INSTALLDIR    = /share/apps/dalton/test
PDPACK_EXTRAS = linpack.o eispack.o gp_zlapack.o gp_dlapack.o
GP_EXTRAS     = 
AR            = ar
ARFLAGS       = rvs
# flags for ftnchek on Dalton /hjaaj
CHEKFLAGS  = -nopure -nopretty -nocommon -nousage -noarray -notruncation -quiet  -noargumants -arguments=number  -usage=var-unitialized
# -usage=var-unitialized:arg-const-modified:arg-alias
# -usage=var-unitialized:var-set-unused:arg-unused:arg-const-modified:arg-alias
default : dalton linuxparallel.x
SAFE_FFLAGS_for_ifort = $(FFLAGS)
# Parallel initialization
MPI_LIB         = 
# Suffix rules
# hjaaj Oct 04: .g is a "cheat" suffix, for debugging.
#               'make x.g' will create x.o from x.F or x.c with -g debug flag set.
.SUFFIXES : .F .F90 .c .o .i .g .s

        $(F90) $(INCLUDES) $(MODULES) $(CPPFLAGS) $(FFLAGS) -c $*.F 

        $(F90) $(INCLUDES) $(MODULES) $(CPPFLAGS) -E $*.F > $*.i

        $(F90) $(INCLUDES) $(MODULES) $(CPPFLAGS) $(SAFEFFLAGS) -g -c $*.F 

        $(F90) $(INCLUDES) $(MODULES) $(CPPFLAGS) $(FFLAGS) -S -g -c $*.F 

        $(F90) $(INCLUDES) $(MODULES) $(CPPFLAGS) $(FFLAGS) -c $*.F90 

        $(F90) $(INCLUDES) $(MODULES) $(CPPFLAGS) -E $*.F90 > $*.i

        $(F90) $(INCLUDES) $(MODULES) $(CPPFLAGS) $(SAFEFFLAGS) -g -c $*.F90 

        $(F90) $(INCLUDES) $(MODULES) $(CPPFLAGS) $(FFLAGS) -S -g -c $*.F90 

        $(CC) $(INCLUDES) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c $*.c 

        $(CC) $(INCLUDES) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -E $*.c > $*.i

        $(CC) $(INCLUDES) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -g -c $*.c 

        $(CC) $(INCLUDES) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -S -g -c $*.c 

If all is looking well, make.
cd ../
cp basis/* /share/apps/dalton/basis

DO NOT RUN MAKE IN PARALLEL i.e. no make -j3 or anything like that.
Add /share/apps/dalton/bin to your PATH i.e. add a line saying
export PATH=$PATH:/share/apps/dalton/bin
to your ~/.bashrc and source it.
So far I haven't had much time to look at it, but here's the result of the 'short' test series:
./TEST -dalton /share/apps/dalton/bin/dalton short 

 prop_exci prop_vibg2 walk_vibave2 dftmm_1
date and time         : Sun Nov  4 18:41:59 PST 2012

Here's what I found for each of the troublesome ones above:

126:  INFO from READIN: Threshold for discarding integrals was    1.00D-16
127:  INFO from READIN: Threshold is reset to minimum value       1.00D-15
But otherwise it finished ok.

 SIROUT stat info, IST and IEND =                   0                  -1
 IST or IEND out of bounds - probably no optimization in this run.
But otherwise it finished ok.

3 informational messages have been issued by Dalton,
output from 'grep -n INFO'  (max 10 lines):
549: *** SETSIR-INFO, time in NSETUP:       0.00 seconds.
2346: *** SETSIR-INFO, time in NSETUP:       0.00 seconds.
3691: *** SETSIR-INFO, time in NSETUP:       0.00 seconds
But otherwise it finished ok.

 NOTE:    1 warnings have been issued.
 Check output, result, and error files for "WARNING".
dftmm_1.tar.gz has been copied to /home/me/tmp/Dalton2011_release/DALTON/test
2 WARNINGS have been issued by Dalton,
output from 'grep -n -i WARNING'  (max 10 warnings):
711: NOTE:    1 warnings have been issued.
712: Check output, result, and error files for "WARNING".
I can't find the warning in the output, which looks like it finished ok.

All in all, it looks very promising.

Note on running in parallel
I had to do

mkdir /tmp/$USER

In addition, when running I have to explicitly define my scratch directory:
dalton -t /tmp/$USER -N 4 myinput.dal myinput.mol
Other than that it's OK. I just get the overall impression that things aren't very stable (some jobs crash, some don't)

02 November 2012

274. Kernel 3.7-rc3

There's a specific driver (Silicom devices) included in the new kernel (3.7) that interests a friend. I do not suggest people in general run an -rc kernel, so I'm not going to put any effort into making this post user-friendly.

Having said that, in general you should be fine. In general.

sudo apt-get install kernel-package fakeroot build-essential
mkdir ~/tmp
cd ~/tmp
wget http://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/v3.0/testing/linux-3.7-rc3.tar.bz2
tar xvf linux-3.7-rc3.tar.bz2 
cd linux-3.7-rc3/
cat /boot/config-`uname -r`>.config
make oldconfig

At this stage you'll be asked questions about all the shiny new things that are found in the kernel. See bottom of the post for a list of the questions.

If you regret the answer to a question you can change your mind later by doing
make menuconfig

Once you're done answering questions, compile!
make-kpkg clean
time fakeroot make-kpkg -j3 --initrd --revision=3.7.0 --append-to-version=-rc3 kernel_image kernel_headers

It takes 43 minutes on my old AMD X3.

To install the kernel:
mv ../linux-*-3.7.0-rc3*.deb .
sudo dpkg -i *.deb

And you're done!

New stuff (compared to kernel 3.6.3):

* CPU/Task time and stats accounting
Cputime accounting
> 1. Simple tick based cputime accounting (TICK_CPU_ACCOUNTING) (NEW)
  2. Fine granularity task level IRQ time accounting (IRQ_TIME_ACCOUNTING)
choice[1-2]: 1

Consider userspace as in RCU extended quiescent state (RCU_USER_QS) [N/y/?] (NEW) 
Module signature verification (MODULE_SIG) [N/y/?] (NEW)  
Legacy cpb sysfs knob support for AMD CPUs (X86_ACPI_CPUFREQ_CPB) [Y/n/?] (NEW) 
Packet: sockets monitoring interface (PACKET_DIAG) [N/m/y/?] (NEW)
IPv6: GRE tunnel (IPV6_GRE) [N/m/y/?] (NEW) 
IPv4 NAT (NF_NAT_IPV4) [N/m/?] (NEW) 
IPv6 NAT (NF_NAT_IPV6) [N/m/?] (NEW) 
Maximum expected bad eraseblock count per 1024 eraseblocks (MTD_UBI_BEB_LIMIT) [20] (NEW)
UBI Fastmap (Experimental feature) (MTD_UBI_FASTMAP) [N/y/?] (NEW)
Calxeda Highbank SATA support (SATA_HIGHBANK) [N/m/?] (NEW) 
Virtual eXtensible Local Area Network (VXLAN) (VXLAN) [N/m/y/?] (NEW) Y
PCH PTP clock support (PCH_PTP) [N/y/?] (NEW)
Solarflare SFC9000-family PTP support (SFC_PTP) [Y/n/?] (NEW)
Drivers for Atheros AT803X PHYs (AT803X_PHY) [N/m/?] (NEW)
MAX310X support (SERIAL_MAX310X) [N/y/?] (NEW)
SCCNXP serial port support (SERIAL_SCCNXP) [N/m/y/?] (NEW)
TPM HW Random Number Generator support (HW_RANDOM_TPM) [M/n/?] (NEW) 
TPM Interface Specification 1.2 Interface (I2C - Infineon) (TCG_TIS_I2C_INFINEON) [N/m/?] (NEW) 
NXP SC18IS602/602B/603 I2C to SPI bridge (SPI_SC18IS602) [N/m/?] (NEW)
Analog Devices ADT7410 (SENSORS_ADT7410) [N/m/?] (NEW)
Maxim MAX197 and compatibles (SENSORS_MAX197) [N/m/y/?] (NEW)
generic cpu cooling support (CPU_THERMAL) [N/y/?] (NEW) Y
Fairchild FAN53555 Regulator (REGULATOR_FAN53555) [N/m/?] (NEW)
Media USB Adapters (MEDIA_USB_SUPPORT) [N/y/?] (NEW)
Media PCI Adapters (MEDIA_PCI_SUPPORT) [N/y/?] (NEW) 
Media test drivers (V4L_TEST_DRIVERS) [N/y] (NEW) 
ISA and parallel port devices (MEDIA_PARPORT_SUPPORT) [N/y/?] (NEW) 
Autoselect tuners and i2c modules to build (MEDIA_SUBDRV_AUTOSELECT) [Y/n/?] (NEW) 
Maximum debug level (NOUVEAU_DEBUG) [5] (NEW)
Default debug level (NOUVEAU_DEBUG_DEFAULT) [3] (NEW)
Backlight Driver for LM3630 (BACKLIGHT_LM3630) [N/m/?] (NEW)
Backlight Driver for LM3639 (BACKLIGHT_LM3639) [N/m/?] (NEW)
Sony PS3 BD Remote Control (HID_PS3REMOTE) [N/m/?] (NEW)
HID Sensors framework support (HID_SENSOR_HUB) [N/m/?] (NEW)
ZTE USB serial driver (USB_SERIAL_ZTE) [N/m/?] (NEW)
Functions for loading firmware on EZUSB chips (USB_EZUSB_FX2) [M/y/?] (NEW) 
OMAP USB2 PHY Driver (OMAP_USB2) [N/m/y/?] (NEW)
LED support for LM3642 Chip (LEDS_LM3642) [N/m/?] (NEW)
LED support for LM355x Chips, LM3554 and LM3556 (LEDS_LM355x) [N/m/?] (NEW)
Dallas DS2404 (RTC_DRV_DS2404) [N/m/y/?] (NEW) 
Silicom devices (NET_VENDOR_SILICOM) [Y/n/?] (NEW) Y
Silicom BypassCTL library support (SBYPASS) [N/m/?] (NEW)m
Silicom BypassCTL net support (BPCTL) [N/m/?] (NEW) m
Cambridge Electronic Design 1401 USB support (CED1401) [N/m/?] (NEW)
Digi Realport driver (DGRP) [N/m/y/?] (NEW)
STE-Modem remoteproc support (STE_MODEM_RPROC) [N/m/y/?] (NEW)
SMB2 network file system support (EXPERIMENTAL) (CIFS_SMB2) [N/y/?] (NEW)
Red-Black tree test (RBTREE_TEST) [N/m/?] (NEW)
Interval tree test (INTERVAL_TREE_TEST) [N/m/?] (NEW)
CAST5 (CAST-128) cipher algorithm (x86_64/AVX) (CRYPTO_CAST5_AVX_X86_64) [N/m/y/?] (NEW)
CAST6 (CAST-256) cipher algorithm (x86_64/AVX) (CRYPTO_CAST6_AVX_X86_64) [N/m/y/?] (NEW)
Asymmetric (public-key cryptographic) key type (ASYMMETRIC_KEY_TYPE) [N/m/y/?] (NEW)

As for Intel devices the pre-existing settings were:

Intel devices (NET_VENDOR_INTEL) [Y/n/?] y
      Intel(R) PRO/100+ support (E100) [M/n/y/?] m
      Intel(R) PRO/1000 Gigabit Ethernet support (E1000) [M/n/y/?] m
      Intel(R) PRO/1000 PCI-Express Gigabit Ethernet support (E1000E) [M/n/y/?] m
      Intel(R) 82575/82576 PCI-Express Gigabit Ethernet support (IGB) [M/n/y/?] m
        Direct Cache Access (DCA) Support (IGB_DCA) [Y/n/?] y
        PTP Hardware Clock (PHC) (IGB_PTP) [N/y/?] n
      Intel(R) 82576 Virtual Function Ethernet support (IGBVF) [M/n/y/?] m
      Intel(R) PRO/10GbE support (IXGB) [M/n/y/?] m
      Intel(R) 10GbE PCI Express adapters support (IXGBE) [M/n/y/?] m
        Intel(R) 10GbE PCI Express adapters HWMON support (IXGBE_HWMON) [Y/n/?] y
        Direct Cache Access (DCA) Support (IXGBE_DCA) [Y/n/?] y
        Data Center Bridging (DCB) Support (IXGBE_DCB) [Y/n/?] y
        PTP Clock Support (IXGBE_PTP) [N/y/?] n
      Intel(R) 82599 Virtual Function Ethernet support (IXGBEVF) [M/n/y/?] m
      Intel (82586/82593/82596) devices (NET_VENDOR_I825XX) [Y/n/?] y
        Zenith Z-Note support (EXPERIMENTAL) (ZNET) [N/m/y/?] n

31 October 2012

273. NWChem and COSMO: custom radii

There are two approaches described in the nwchem manual for using custom radii in COSMO calculations:

  H  0 0 0
  H  0 1 0
  O  1 0 0
       radius 1.1

set cosmo:map custom.par

where custom.par looks like this:
H 1.1
O 1.8
The downside to the first example is that it's a PITA to use -- you need to enter each vdw radius in the order you are listing the atoms in the geometry section. It means that for a 50 atom geometry you need to enter 50 values, even if all 50 atoms are the same element.

The downside with the second example is that you need to first create the run folder, put cosmo.par there and first then can you submit.

An easier approach is to create the custom.par on the fly using task shell:
task shell "echo -e 'H 1.1 \n O 1.8' > mycosmopars.par"
set cosmo:map mycosmopars.par