Showing posts with label potential energy surface. Show all posts
Showing posts with label potential energy surface. Show all posts

05 September 2013

513. Extracting data from a PES scan with gaussian

There are a few reasons to like gaussian, and many reasons not to. Gaussian is fast, and their whitepapers are great resources for learning computational techniques.

Without going into discussions about the commercial behaviour of Wavefunction inc., the things I don't like about gaussian is the clunky input format (nwchem has a much more readable syntax), the inscrutable error messages, and the unreadable output. Well, it's not unreadable in a literal sense, but it could certainly be clearer. On the other hand, I've having issues with running some of my PES scans in nwchem -- and I can't find a solution (more about that in a later post)

Anyway, here's a python script for extracting optimized structures and energies from a relaxed PES scan in Gaussian 09.

First, an example of a simple scan:
%nprocshared=2 %Chk=methanol.chk #P rB3LYP/6-31g 6D 10F Opt=(modredundant) NoSymm Punch=(MO) Pop=() methanol 0 1 ! charge and multiplicity C 0.0351714 0.00548884 0.0351714 H -0.617781 -0.634073 0.667983 H 0.667983 -0.634073 -0.617781 H -0.605139 0.646470 -0.605139 O 0.839603 0.818768 0.839603 H 1.38912 0.201564 1.38912 1 5 S 10 0.1
And here's the script, pes_parse_g09:
import sys

def getrawdata(infile):
        for line in f:
                if opt==1 and geo==1 and not ("---" in line):
                if 'Coordinates (Angstroms)' in line:
                        if opt==0:
                if opt==1 and "--------------------------" in line:
                        if geo==0:
                        elif geo==1:
                if 'SCF Done' in line:
                        energy=filter(None,line.rstrip('\n').split(' '))
                if      'Optimization completed' in line and (opt==0 and geo==0):
        return struct, energies

def periodictable(elementnumber):
        3:'Li', 4:'Be',5:'B',6:'C',7:'N',8:'O',9:'F',10:'Ne',\
        72:'Hf', 73:'Ta', 74:'W',75:'Re', 76:'Os', 77:'Ir',78:'Pt', 79:'Au', 80:'Hg',\
        81:'Tl', 82:'Pb', 83:'Bi',84:'Po',85:'At',86:'Rn',\
        return element

def genxyzstring(coords,elementnumber):
        x_str='%10.5f'% coords[0]
        y_str='%10.5f'% coords[1]
        z_str='%10.5f'% coords[2]
        xyz_string=element+(3-len(element))*' '+10*' '+\
        (8-len(x_str))*' '+x_str+10*' '+(8-len(y_str))*' '+y_str+10*' '+(8-len(z_str))*' '+z_str+'\n'
        return xyz_string

def getstructures(rawdata):
        for structure in rawdata:
                num="%03d" % (n,)
                for item in structure:
                        coords=filter(None,item.split(' '))
                g.write('Structure '+str(n)+'\n')
                for line in cartesian:
        return 0
if __name__ == "__main__":
        for n in range(0,len(energies)):

And here's what we get from the output:
g09 |tee methanol.out
pes_parse_g09 methanol.log
cat structure* >

And here's a plot of energies.dat:

511. When nwchem PES scans fail to constrain -- autoz failure

Another update:
My jobs have run long enough now that I can confirm that using your own z matrix still does not constrain the bond lengths i.e. the link at the end of the post is useless.

I'm not sure using a zmatrix actually solved this -- for each step in the optimization it seems that nwchem attempts to generate a new zmatrix, and probably ignoring my input (and yes, I'm using noautoz). I'll let my calcs run for a little while to see whether the constraints are honoured or not.

But I'm getting really frustrated with nwchem right now, especially since gaussian isn't having any issues running these particular jobs (there are other issues with gaussian, such as the format of the output, etc.)

Original post:
I set up PES scans in nwchem as shown in this post:

I was noticing that while almost all of my potential energy surface scans were working out just fine, some of them would...not. What would happen is that there would be no error messages, but for some reason the e.g. atom-atom distance that was defined (and defined using constant) would not remain constant during the geometry optimization in each step.

I saw this when looking trying to move an anion (9 atoms) step-wise closer to a large, negatively charged metal oxide ion (25 atoms).

I took a while to chase this down. First I though that well maybe the distances weren't really set as immutable, but were just associated with a certain force constant -- and that the anion-anion repulsion somehow overcame this. That wasn't the case.

Instead it was something that I should've paid attention to: the zmatrix generation.
If you find that for some reason the PES scan is not constrained at all, look for something along the lines of the following in your output:
NWChem Input Module ------------------- molecules_def2_svp ---------------- Scaling coordinates for geometry "geometry" by 1.889725989 (inverse scale = 0.529177249) ------ auto-z ------ warning. autoz generated 10 bonds for atom 24 warning. autoz generated 10 bonds for atom 25 warning. autoz generated 10 bonds for atom 26 warning. autoz generated 10 bonds for atom 27 warning. autoz generated 10 bonds for atom 28 warning. autoz generated 10 bonds for atom 29 autoz: The atoms group into disjoint clusters cluster 1: 1 2 3 4 cluster 2: 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Connecting clusters 1 2 via atoms 3 7 r = 3.71 autoz: regenerating connections with new bonds warning. autoz generated 10 bonds for atom 24 warning. autoz generated 10 bonds for atom 25 warning. autoz generated 10 bonds for atom 26 warning. autoz generated 10 bonds for atom 27 warning. autoz generated 10 bonds for atom 28 warning. autoz generated 10 bonds for atom 29 autoz: excessive number of variables 2066 81 AUTOZ failed to generate good internal coordinates. Cartesian coordinates will be used in optimizations.

If that happens, cartesian coordinates will be used, and your
python from nwgeom import * geom = ''' geometry adjust zcoord bond 1 14 %f bond constant end end '''

won't do anything.

The solution is to provide the coordinates as a zmatrix instead -- and that's the focus of my next post:

Oh, and don't forget to include noautz

28 August 2013

503. (relaxed) PES scanning in Nwchem revisited.

Update 2: The coordinates are actually gradients, and so aren't terribly informative to a casual user like myself. See this post for how to extract the geometries properly:

Please note that the coordinates in square brackets ([]) in the python output are not raw coordinates for the atoms in the molecule -- I haven't quite figured out how they scale, but it's not a simple matter of just multiplying. The energies are good though, and you can always extract the coordinates the slow and painful way by manually going through the output.

Another issue which should be stressed is that scan_input(geom,[1.398],[3.398],19,'dft',task_optimize) does not do the end points -- i.e. you won't get the energy for a bond length of 1.398, and you won't get the energy for a bond length of 3.398. Instead you'll get 19 data points in between these. It's a bit...awkward.

Original post:
A long time ago I made a post on doing potential energy surface (PES) scans in nwchem using python.

This is a post giving PES another look. The impetus for the post is that I'm tired of Gaussian failing and being opaque about the whole procedure.

The following page was of great help:

NOTE: you'll need to compile nwchem with python support. See e.g. (the post is a bit messy, but persevere -- it's not that difficult)

On Debian the key is to change
    EXTRA_LIBS +=    -lnwcutil  -lpthread -lutil -ldl
    EXTRA_LIBS +=    -lnwcutil  -lpthread -lutil -ldl -lssl -lz

in config/makefile.h before compiling. It's not necessary on RHEL clones.

Below I'll show three examples:
* a simple bond dissociation reaction. I also discuss the use of 'constant', and task_energy vs task_optimize.
* an SN2 reaction (CH3Br + I-)
* a 2D/parallel PES scan of ethane ( C-C bond length, H-C-C angle). I also show constant vs free variables.

Example 1.
Breaking the C-O bond in methanol

I set this up in ecce (see e.g. next example), but you don't have to. The input file I used was the following:
scratch_dir /scratch Title "meoh_pes" Start meoh_pes echo charge 0 geometry autosym units angstrom C 0.0351714 0.00548884 0.0351714 H -0.617781 -0.634073 0.667983 H 0.667983 -0.634073 -0.617781 H -0.605139 0.646470 -0.605139 O 0.839603 0.818768 0.839603 H 1.38912 0.201564 1.38912 end ecce_print ecce.out basis "ao basis" cartesian print H library "3-21G" O library "3-21G" C library "3-21G" END dft mult 1 direct XC b3lyp grid fine iterations 99 mulliken end driver default maxiter 888 end python from nwgeom import * geom = ''' geometry adjust zcoord bond 1 5 %f cccc constant end end ''' results=scan_input(geom,[1.398],[3.398],19,'dft',task_optimize) for i in range(0,len(results)): print results[i][0][0],results[i][1] end task python
The PES bit is highlighted in blue. Note the 'constant' keyword -- if you omit that the bond length will initially be set to whatever you define it to in your scan, but it can relax back to the optimum length. If you DO set 'constant' everything BUT that bond will be relaxed. Most likely this is what you will want to do.

Also note that a constrained (i.e. not relaxed) PES scan can be done by doing task_energy instead of task_optimize.

ECCE can't quite handle the textual output (alt+O) since there are lines that are too long. The output is properly written though -- you'll just have to look in the Output folder of the job. The ecce.out file works fine though.

The job takes 90-100 seconds on an old 3-core node (AMD Athlon II X3).

The very end of the output file has all the results, but in a non-obvious way:
1.498 (-115.07289914310056, [-0.00130778291169336, 0.01798903956433226, 0.0, -4.009155466250247e-05, 1.693340302064139e-05, -6.637550254401381e-06, -4.009155466250247e-05, 1.693340302064139e-05, 6.637550254401381e-06, 2. 4514244186701895e-05, -1.5885649893555842e-05, 0.0, 0.0012636893525275195, -0.018041103298149008, 0.0, 9.97624242821682e-05, 3.4082577691996185e-05, 0.0]) (-114.8737952986994, [-4.7287277448850376e-05, 0.030029200359777717, 0.0, -1.3711175166353229e-06, -8.452926738775068e-08, 9.941241931599176e-07, -1.3711175166353229e-06, -8.452926738775068e-08, -9.941241931599176e-07, 8. 167348279908282e-07, -2.5820569179275075e-06, 0.0, 4.871429991895604e-05, -0.030027845123621805, 0.0, 4.984777179639632e-07, 1.3958792967685985e-06, 0.0]) 1.498 (-115.07289914310056, [-0.00130778291169336, 0.01798903956433226, 0.0, -4.009155466250247e-05, 1.693340302064139e-05, -6.637550254401381e-06, -4.009155466250247e-05, 1.693340302064139e-05, 6.637550254401381e-06, 2. 4514244186701895e-05, -1.5885649893555842e-05, 0.0, 0.0012636893525275195, -0.018041103298149008, 0.0, [..] 3.198 (-114.87977711993531, [-0.00018979360652668711, 0.033296276783081655, 0.0, -2.3787379704320877e-06, 1.7510009376556918e-06, 1.3530564600128248e-06, -2.3787379704320877e-06, 1.7510009376556918e-06, -1.3530564600128248e-06, 8. 24207064487048e-06, -8.055936327900498e-07, 0.0, 0.00018027576986845428, -0.03329589479259992, 0.0, 6.033241931824307e-06, -3.0783987173960137e-06, 0.0]) 3.298 (-114.8737952986994, [-4.7287277448850376e-05, 0.030029200359777717, 0.0, -1.3711175166353229e-06, -8.452926738775068e-08, 9.941241931599176e-07, -1.3711175166353229e-06, -8.452926738775068e-08, -9.941241931599176e-07, 8. 167348279908282e-07, -2.5820569179275075e-06, 0.0, 4.871429991895604e-05, -0.030027845123621805, 0.0, 4.984777179639632e-07, 1.3958792967685985e-06, 0.0])
All in all, there are 58 lines for 19 steps. I think that there are three things happening -- firstly, the line in blue is the output from the 19th step, and that somehow gets mixed in with the output from all the calculations. Secondly, the structure and energy of each step is reported twice at a time. Thirdly, the optimised structures/energies are reported one more time by injecting them into the output, like this:

where A is the first step, S is the 19th step etc. This way you get 19x3+1=58 lines. This is clearly idiotic.

Instead, you can look through the output and search for 'Scanning NWChem input - results from step' to see all the output for the optimised structures one by one:
Scanning NWChem input - results from step 2 (-115.06618436935011, [-0.0038228970733096973, 0.050051062094932305, 0.0, 2.9196769046224702e-05, -6.928661348853948e-06, 4.746536668570611e-06, 2.9196769046224702e-05, -6.928661348853948e-06, -4.746536668570611e-06, -1.0103262985700079e-05, 1.6491089715894858e-05, 0.0, 0.003767244388907326, -0.05005618579508188, 0.0, 7.362409274846993e-06, 2.489933151654522e-06, 0.0])
In this particular case I can grep my way through by doing
cat nwch.nwout |grep '^(-'|cat -n
1 (-115.07289914310056, [-0.00130778291169336, 0.01798903956433226, 0.0, -4.009155466250247e-05, 1.693340302064139e-05, -6.637550254401381e-06, -4.009155466250247e-05, 1.693340302064139e-05, 6.637550254401381e-06, 2.4514244186701895e-05, -1.5885649893555842e-05, 0.0, 0.0012636893525275195, -0.018041103298149008, 0.0, 9.97624242821682e-05, 3.4082577691996185e-05, 0.0]) 2 (-115.06618436935011, [-0.0038228970733096973, 0.050051062094932305, 0.0, 2.9196769046224702e-05, -6.928661348853948e-06, 4.746536668570611e-06, 2.9196769046224702e-05, -6.928661348853948e-06, -4.746536668570611e-06, -1.0103262985700079e-05, 1.6491089715894858e-05, 0.0, 0.003767244388907326, -0.05005618579508188, 0.0, 7.362409274846993e-06, 2.489933151654522e-06, 0.0]) 3 (-115.05478103866017, [-0.005033784212299788, 0.06848598587431667, 0.0, -1.3396548676491982e-06, -2.5875637174599397e-08, -5.261746410523127e-07, -1.3396548676491982e-06, -2.5875637174599397e-08, 5.261746410523127e-07, 1.4459720645843e-07, -2.8328952926398587e-06, 0.0, 0.005034455335082233, -0.0684825786855032, 0.0, 1.8635897582608418e-06, -5.225422206114883e-07, 0.0]) 4 (-115.04079235517, [-0.005485543277166251, 0.07798880362126945, 0.0, 4.745460307237215e-06, -5.597510268573469e-06, 5.645418744981701e-07, 4.745460307237215e-06, -5.597510268573469e-06, -5.645418744981701e-07, -6.651712157745848e-07, 6.750842351778419e-06, 0.0, 0.00548062073181968, -0.07798086728839469, 0.0, -3.903204054994669e-06, -3.4921546817404114e-06, 0.0]) 5 (-115.02560006674966, [-0.0054233976595857575, 0.08166232318137269, 0.0, -1.659239761503395e-06, -4.376603580866223e-07, 4.4580035316599265e-06, -1.659239761503395e-06, -4.376603580866223e-07, -4.4580035316599265e-06, 3.034808945895362e-06, -6.726118036586015e-06, 0.0, 0.005436665955901393, -0.08164730868562775, 0.0, -1.2984625724410392e-05, -7.4130570159938736e-06, 0.0]) [..] 16 (-114.89364787840326, [-0.0005591249462735259, 0.04018795560035916, 0.0, -5.34666220519675e-07, 1.1370871814235517e-06, 4.809133242467123e-07, -5.34666220519675e-07, 1.1370871814235517e-06, -4.809133242467123e-07, -6.9140095421138525e-06, -3.095664552260277e-06, 0.0, 0.0005695756951453745, -0.040185884820554796, 0.0, -2.467406898132296e-06, -1.2492896190128416e-06, 0.0]) 17 (-114.8863872514371, [-0.00036666056940981573, 0.03667976502852128, 0.0, 2.9101399354747315e-06, -2.094045026924257e-06, -4.933288234976185e-06, 2.9101399354747315e-06, -2.094045026924257e-06, 4.933288234976185e-06, 1.6531622304416516e-07, 1.511517903679191e-07, 0.0, 0.00036162347288279384, -0.03668602744257765, 0.0, -9.484995716624312e-07, 1.0299352320775057e-05, 0.0]) 18 (-114.87977711993531, [-0.00018979360652668711, 0.033296276783081655, 0.0, -2.3787379704320877e-06, 1.7510009376556918e-06, 1.3530564600128248e-06, -2.3787379704320877e-06, 1.7510009376556918e-06, -1.3530564600128248e-06, 8.24207064487048e-06, -8.055936327900498e-07, 0.0, 0.00018027576986845428, -0.03329589479259992, 0.0, 6.033241931824307e-06, -3.0783987173960137e-06, 0.0]) 19 (-114.8737952986994, [-4.7287277448850376e-05, 0.030029200359777717, 0.0, -1.3711175166353229e-06, -8.452926738775068e-08, 9.941241931599176e-07, -1.3711175166353229e-06, -8.452926738775068e-08, -9.941241931599176e-07, 8.167348279908282e-07, -2.5820569179275075e-06, 0.0, 4.871429991895604e-05, -0.030027845123621805, 0.0, 4.984777179639632e-07, 1.3958792967685985e-06, 0.0])
Not pretty, but manageable.
cat nwch.nwout |grep '^(-'|sed 's/\,/\t/g;s/(\([^)]*\))/\1/g'|cat -n|gawk '{print $1,$2}' > profile.dat

and then plot it:

Example 2.
SN2 reaction between iodide and bromomethane

You can set up your calc however you want, but ECCE is easier than anything else.

Draw bromomethane, then throw in an iodine atom. Adjust the angle across Br-C-I to 180 degrees, and set the C to I distance to 3 Å.

Set up the calculation -- in this case I used b3lyp/def2-svp
Edit the input and add
python from nwgeom import * geom = ''' geometry adjust zcoord bond 1 6 %f cccc constant end end ''' results=scan_input(geom,[3.00],[1.5],20,'dft',task_optimize) for i in range(0,len(results)): print results[i][0][0],results[i][1] end task python

(Delete 'task dft optimize')

You'll now have the following input file:
scratch_dir /scratch
Title "sn2_br"

Start  sn2_br


charge -1

geometry noautosym units angstrom
 C     0.00000     0.00000     0.00000
 H     -0.675500     -0.675500     0.675500
 H     0.675500     -0.675500     -0.675500
 H     -0.675500     0.675500     -0.675500
 Br     1.10274     1.10274     1.10274
 I     -1.73205     -1.73205     -1.73205

ecce_print ecce.out

basis "ao basis" spherical print
  H library "def2-svpd"
  Br library "def2-svpd"
  C library "def2-svpd"
  I library "def2-svpd"
  I library "def2-ecp"

  mult 1
  XC b3lyp
  grid fine
  iterations 99

  maxiter 99

from nwgeom import *
geom = '''
    geometry adjust
            bond 1 6 %f cccc constant
for i in range(0,len(results)):
    print results[i][0][0],results[i][1]

task python
Launch it and wait...eventually (2h 30 min on a slow three-core node) you'll get an output like the one below. Note that I didn't pre-optimise the bromomethane, so there's a bit of a drop in energy at the beginning. Likewise, I let the C-I distance get so short that the energy is rising rapidly at the end
Structure at the beginning

Transition-state-ish structure


Example 3:
Two-dimensional PES scan

I'll keep this brief. First we do a scan where we use 'constant' for the angle, but not the bond length:
scratch_dir //scratch Title "2d_pes-1" Start 2d_pes-1 echo charge 0 geometry noautosym units angstrom C -2.51242e-66 1.67495e-66 -0.767732 H -0.722530 0.722530 -1.16548 H -0.264464 -0.986995 -1.16548 H 0.986995 0.264464 -1.16548 C 2.51242e-66 -2.51242e-66 0.767732 H 0.264464 0.986995 1.16548 H -0.986995 -0.264464 1.16548 H 0.722530 -0.722530 1.16548 end ecce_print ecce.out basis "ao basis" cartesian print H library "6-31G" C library "6-31G" END dft mult 1 direct XC b3lyp grid fine iterations 99 mulliken end driver default end python from pes_scan import pes_scan geom = ''' geometry noprint adjust zcoord bond 1 5 %f cc angle 2 1 5 %f hcc constant end end ''' results = pes_scan(geom, \ [1.535, 111.269], [1.800, 90], 5, 'dft', task_optimize) end task python

And the output:
What's happening is that the bond length ends up being the same no matter what we initially set it to

If we instead set constant for the bond as well:
python from pes_scan import pes_scan geom = ''' geometry noprint adjust zcoord bond 1 5 %f cc constant angle 2 1 5 %f hcc constant end end ''' results = pes_scan(geom, \ [1.535, 111.269], [1.800, 90], 5, 'dft', task_optimize) end task python

And we get: