02 May 2012

127. It's that time again...

Linux is dead on the desktop, only 1%, barely a blip etc. etc.

Well, 1% is still a truck-load of people. In fact, it's quite a number of truck-loads, with it being in the 10s of millions of people.

Anyway, every time a website needs to boost their visitor numbers (Why? If no-one cared and there were no linux users, how could this possibly boost the number of visitors? Shouldn't it go the other way) you get one of those Linux + Desktop = dead/lost/flop stories.

I don't want to include links more than absolutely necessary.

Most of those types of stories are ill-informed -- someone discovers that Linux != Windows. Usually they include something along the lines of you needing to be a programmer to use linux (Why programmer? SysAdmin would make a lot more sense. I don't think linux is the preferred dev env for e.g. C#  or cocoa). But once in a while you come across something that is not just ill-informed, but ill-willed.

Like this:

Yes, I really shouldn't link to it.

In this article which reminds me more of a thinly veiled press release, someone from this company is given the opportunity to belt out some remarkable statements. That company has a long history of doing lobbying on behalf of Microsoft. Why the 'journalist' at networkworld.com played along puzzles me though. Other people are interview too however, and it's not particularly impressive.

Some snippets:

A very minor one is
But, as the old saying goes, it's "free as in puppy, not free as in beer.
What about free as in speech? 

A very major one:
You have to switch to the new version of Linux every year," he says. "Microsoft supports each version of Windows for ten years."
Really? REALLY? And he then goes on to say that at least Microsoft supports free security fixes without you having to pay for support. 

This one gives a good idea of the purpose of the article
... is a myth, he adds, one of many myths surrounding Linux deployment.

Approaching a tautology:
Plus, most professionals tend to be familiar with the leading commercial software products for the work that they do

1. That something is 'leading' doesn't mean anything in terms of quality or it being the best tool for the job. 

2. The main drawback of e.g. Libreoffice vs Microsoft Office is the moving goal-post of file compatibility, and that is entirely artificial. The products are, as far as I can tell (I use latex), identical. But since more people use office (see the introduction of .docx as an example of microsoft breaking backward compatibility on purpose to get the upgrades going) it forces everyone else to use the same exact tool. Document standards and adherence to them (MS has a way of ignoring their own standards to prevent full compatibility) would erase this hurdle.

3. What's the real cost of training? It's always presumed to be high, but is it? This is of course something that will depend on a lot of factors, and I do not have an answer. But I suspect that in the case of Libreoffice vs MS Office it is negligible.

And more:
"The problem is that things like custom billing apps, SAP, desktop productivity apps from Adobe and industry-specific apps are developed solely for the Windows desktop,"

This is true. And it is why companies are waking up to find themselves locked in -- it's a great argument in favour of not repeating the same mistake, but to use open source tools instead.

This extrapolation I find very difficult to believe:

According to Gartner's Silver, a typical organization will have one application for every 10 users, and, today, about half of those applications require the Windows operating system.
"That percentage has been declining, but still, it's pretty high," Silver says. "So if I have 10,000 users, and 1,000 applications, 500 of those applications will need Windows to run."

Also, what about equivalent, rather than identical, pieces of software?

And then another stinker:
"A typical thing in a Windows setting is to establish some usage policies, and set up some limitations on the systems to keep them stable. Linux doesn't have those types of standards out of the box."
Really? Even the default file systems in linux have user management built in -- and on top of that you have group, group membership and incredibly fine-grained control over rights and device access. Windows is a PITA for this.

Well, at least they didn't use the word 'hobbyist' even once in the piece...

30 April 2012

126. linux ssh examples: rsync across portforwarded ssh and helping remotely via ssh behind firewalls

Even bog-standard ssh is pretty neat, since there's little that can't be done in the terminal. However, firewalls can be annoying and if you set somebody up with linux you will have to be prepared to support them for years to come -- at least with debian wheezy the odd breakage happen, and people tend to be less forgiving with linux problems than with windows problems.


1. rsync across a server 
A can connect to B, B can connect to C. A can't connect directly to C. B and C can't connect directly to A. B and C can connect to each other either direction. An example is when B is your home router and C sits on your local network, while A has a public IP but sits behind a corporate firewall.

You want to rsync from A to C

On A, do
ssh user_at_B@B_ip_address -L 5555:C_ip_address:22
then in another terminal
rsync -avz  --progress --stats -e "ssh -p 5555" /home/user_a/work user_c@localhost:/home/user_c/Documents

2. Helping someone in the terminal across a server
A and C can't connect to each-other. A and C can both connect to B. B can't connect to A or C. A wants to connect to C to start e.g a screen session to help out. An example is when both users A and C can connect to a lab router from their respective home, but their ISPs are preventing direct ssh access between them.

Setting up reverse ssh, on C, do
autossh -R 19998:localhost:22 user_B@B_ip_address

Connecting from A to C, do
ssh user_B@B_ip_address -L 19999:localhost:19998
then in another terminal
ssh user_C@localhost -p 19999

You can then set up a screen session to both help and teach.

28 April 2012

125. Fixed: No internet on old Dell after debian testing upgrade

The situation:
I remotely dist-upgraded someone's old Dell laptop (Inspiron 6000). They were running Wheezy, but had not done a full apt-get upgrade/dist-upgrade since January. After a reboot, the laptop would not connect to the internet via either the wired or wireless interfaces.

ip addr and ifconfig showed three ifs:

NOTE: A simple reason why you don't have wireless is because you'll need firmware-iwlwifi -- make sure you've enabled non-free and contrib in your repos.

The solution:
auto eth0
iface eth0 inet dhcp

to /etc/network/interfaces and commenting out
allow-hotplug eth0

followed by executing
sudo service networking restart && sudo service network-manager restart

brought up the wired interface, allowing for installation of packages and remote help. These instructions are simple enough for most to follow and can get you back in the driver's seat.

Next, I installed the wicd packages (wicd-curses, wicd-cli etc.)
sudo apt-get install wicd-cli wicd-curses wicd-daemon python-wicd

 -- at this point about 70 other packages got pulled in. Suspicious. I had seen that apt wanted me to autoremove a lengthy list of programs:

The following packages were automatically installed and are no longer required:  python-crypto mono-2.0-gac python-tagpy libgnomekbd4 seahorse-daemon libboost-python1.46.1 python-pyasn1 libswscale0 libjs-jquery-ui python-twisted-core ekiga python-opengl rpm2cpio xsltproc pnm2ppa libavutil50 gnuchess-book  gnome-nettool gnome-games-extra-data gnome-desktop-data libgnomepanel2.24-cil aisleriot gtali libglade2.0-cil libsushi-1.0-0 python-mako glchess libbabl-0.0-0 gir1.2-javascriptcoregtk-3.0 libgegl-0.0-0 ttf-sil-gentium libicu44  libraw2 libx264-116 libx264-118 tcptraceroute gir1.2-sushi-1.0 gnome-video-effects libcamel-1.2-23 python-clientform gnome-games gnome-session-canberra gdebi anthy-common anthy quadrapassel python-twisted-web libedataserverui1.2-11  update-manager-core gnobots2 libgnome-media0 libqtmultimediakit1 gnome-cards-data liferea-data libgraphite3 libmagickcore4-extra libglew1.6 rhythmbox bsh-gcj python-gdata gedit libnm-util1 xdg-user-dirs-gtk libgexiv2-0  python-gtksourceview2 gnome-office update-manager-gnome libwebkit-1.0-2 python-gtkglext1 xulrunner-5.0 libart2.0-cil libboost-program-options1.46.1 libminiupnpc5 libcamel1.2-19 librpmio2 update-notifier-common libpostproc51 librpm2  seahorse rpm-common libgnome2-perl libaccess-bridge-java-jni xulrunner-8.0 xulrunner-9.0 libnotify1 libaccess-bridge-java update-notifier python-mechanize libwebp0 libgnome2.24-cil libndesk-dbus1.0-cil gnome-media-common libgpod4  gnibbles libavformat52 rhythmbox-data libmono-cairo2.0-cil gedit-plugins libgrilo-0.1-0 zeitgeist-core system-tools-backends libboost-thread1.46.1 libgweather1 libgnome-bluetooth7 dasher python-configobj guile-1.8-libs shotwell  libpolkit-gtk-1-0 libdmapsharing-3.0-2 python-serial gedit-common libboost-serialization1.46.1 libboost-date-time1.46.1 libgmime2.4-cil python-gnomedesktop software-center libopal3.6.8 python-pam python-openssl libhwloc3  libmono-i18n-west2.0-cil libgssdp-1.0-2 simple-scan gir1.2-webkit-3.0 libebook1.2-10 libqtlocation1 python-markupsafe libgck0 python-webkit libmono-posix2.0-cil bsh libedataserverui-3.0-0 rhythmbox-plugin-cdrecorder libgdata11  libhunspell-1.2-0 librhythmbox-core4 librhythmbox-core5 libgtksourceview2.0-common libmono-security2.0-cil libgtksourceview2.0-0 libgnome2-vfs-perl gnotski dasher-data libegroupwise1.2-13 libvpx0 libedata-cal-1.2-11 libnm-glib2  gnome-doc-utils libecal1.2-8 python-twisted-conch libgmime-2.4-2 python-louie libunique-1.0-0 libedataserver1.2-14 libpython2.6 libimobiledevice1 libedata-book-1.2-9 python-nevow gnome-games-data iagno glines media-player-info  python-pysqlite2 libcupsdriver1 python-gnomeapplet libclutter-gtk-0.10-0 gnome-sudoku libslab0a libmagickcore4 tcl gir1.2-gucharmap-2.90 libmono-sharpzip2.84-cil libmagick++4 libmono-corlib2.0-cil python-epsilon  libgnome-window-settings1 libgpod-common rhythmbox-plugins libv8- libv8- libcryptui0a ntfsprogs python-axiom libmozjs2d libquvi0 python-bugbuddy libmozjs5d gir1.2-rb-3.0 libtracker-client-0.10-0 liferea libpt2.6.7  libmozjs8d libmozjs9d python-coherence libmagickwand4 libchamplain-0.8-1 libgupnp-1.0-3 python-gdbm libchamplain-gtk-0.8-1 gnotravex gnome-netstatus-applet libnl1 libnl3 gnect libavcodec52 python-evolution libanthy0 libyajl1  liboobs-1-4 libgucharmap7 liboobs-1-5 mahjongg libndesk-dbus-glib1.0-cil libid3tag0 libraptor1 gnome-system-tools python-wnck libtracker-sparql-0.10-0 libgnome-desktop-2-17 libtracker-sparql-0.12-0 hamster-applet gnuchess libfreerdp0  libgnome-vfs2.0-cil min12xxw libwebkit-1.0-common minissdpd transmission-common libgtkglext1 libnatpmp1 libnet1 python-twisted-bin libmatroska4 libgupnp-igd-1.0-3 libmono-system2.0-cil libgnome2-canvas-perl file-roller  libxalan2-java-gcj transmission-gtk python-rdflib sound-juicer gnomine

 and suddenly it made sense:

aptitude search gnome-core

pB  gnome-core                                                                                                     - The GNOME Desktop Environment -- essential components

Basically, it seems that gnome got 'uninstalled' (technically just the meta package) -- most of the files related to it won't get removed until you do apt-get autoremove, but it's crippled enough to reduce functionality.
At least that was my thesis.

sudo service network-manager stop
sudo wicd-curses eth1

showed no wireless networks. Something not right.

Make sure the system is really up to date, then reboot, and have another go at it:
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade
which pulled in some glib-networking-* packages.
sudo apt-get install gnome gnome-core
sudo shutdown -r now

After boot
sudo service network-manager stop
sudo wicd-curses eth1

et voilá -- I do get a list over the local wireless networks. There's still a worrying list over stuff when you look at what would be autoremoved (e.g. apt-get -s autoremove)

Rebooted and the wireless interface seems to be handled ok by network-manager.
There is still a number of packages marked for autoremove, so...
sudo apt-get autoremove

System seems to work ok still.
sudo apt-get install update-manager-gnome update-notifier

And my job is done.

Here's the final /etc/network/interfaces:
# This file describes the network interfaces available on your system
# and how to activate them. For more information, see interfaces(5).
# The loopback network interface
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback
# The primary network interface
allow-hotplug eth1
#NetworkManager#iface eth0 inet dhcp
#allow-hotplug eth1
auto eth1
#iface eth1 inet dhcp
auto eth0
iface eth0 inet dhcp