18 September 2012

240. Harmonic frequency scaling in NWChem

...is difficult to find information about, but apparently it IS possible:

Example input:

Title "acetate"

Start  acetate


charge -1

geometry autosym units angstrom
 C     0.0191498     0.0215213     0.0191498
 H     -0.621688     -0.620669     0.658428
 H     0.658428     -0.620669     -0.621688
 H     -0.628475     0.649316     -0.628475
 C     0.881900     0.883055     0.881900
 O     1.74905     0.315740     1.74905
 O     0.799516     2.22959     0.799516

* library "cc-pvtz"

  mult 1
  XC b3lyp
  grid fine


set vib:scalefreq  0.9854

task dft optimize
task dft freq

which gives:

 Temperature                      =   298.15K
 frequency scaling parameter      =   0.9854

 Zero-Point correction to Energy  =   29.486 kcal/mol  (  0.046990 au)
 Thermal correction to Energy     =   31.752 kcal/mol  (  0.050601 au)
 Thermal correction to Enthalpy   =   32.345 kcal/mol  (  0.051544 au)

 Total Entropy                    =   64.086 cal/mol-K
   - Translational                =   38.129 cal/mol-K (mol. weight =  59.0133)
   - Rotational                   =   23.739 cal/mol-K (symmetry #  =        1)
   - Vibrational                  =    2.218 cal/mol-K

 Cv (constant volume heat capacity) =   11.268 cal/mol-K
   - Translational                  =    2.979 cal/mol-K
   - Rotational                     =    2.979 cal/mol-K
   - Vibrational                    =    5.309 cal/mol-K


 Temperature                      =   298.15K
 frequency scaling parameter      =   1.0000

 Zero-Point correction to Energy  =   29.923 kcal/mol  (  0.047686 au)
 Thermal correction to Energy     =   32.173 kcal/mol  (  0.051272 au)
 Thermal correction to Enthalpy   =   32.766 kcal/mol  (  0.052215 au)

 Total Entropy                    =   64.008 cal/mol-K
   - Translational                =   38.129 cal/mol-K (mol. weight =  59.0133)
   - Rotational                   =   23.739 cal/mol-K (symmetry #  =        1)
   - Vibrational                  =    2.141 cal/mol-K

 Cv (constant volume heat capacity) =   11.132 cal/mol-K
   - Translational                  =    2.979 cal/mol-K
   - Rotational                     =    2.979 cal/mol-K
   - Vibrational                    =    5.173 cal/mol-K

239. Sun GridEngine: resetting queue status on node

I occasionally run into problems with space during a run on my cluster, which causes the job to fail and the node to be marked as unavailable:

qstat -f
queuename                      qtype resv/used/tot. load_avg arch          states
eight.q@neon                   BIP   0/0/8          0.45     lx26-amd64    
five.q@boron                   BIP   0/0/5          6.01     lx26-amd64    
six.q@boron                    BIP   0/6/6          6.01     lx26-amd64    
    788 0.75000 submit__la user         r     09/07/2012 18:36:56     6        
two.q@beryllium                BIP   0/0/2          0.24     lx26-amd64    
four.q@tantalum                BIP   0/0/4          0.05     lx26-amd64    E
three.q@beryllium              BIP   0/0/3          0.24     lx26-amd64    
main.q@beryllium               BIP   0/0/1          0.24     lx26-amd64    
main.q@boron                   BIP   0/0/1          6.01     lx26-amd64    
main.q@tantalum                BIP   0/0/1          0.05     lx26-amd64    

    789 0.67310 zoli.qsub  user         qw    09/09/2012 10:00:35     6        
    802 0.60527 submit__bi user         qw    09/10/2012 20:45:24     6        
    803 0.60525 submit__bi user         qw    09/10/2012 20:46:00     6        
    927 0.25071 submit__ac user         qw    09/18/2012 08:24:00     4        
    928 0.25000 submit__ac user         qw    09/18/2012 08:45:52     4  

Before you do anything else, free up space and consider moving your scratch dir to a different/separate disk.

Since I keep forgetting how to reset it, here it is -- as a SGE admin do:
 /usr/bin/qmod -c four.q@tantalum
me@beryllium changed state of "four.q@tantalum" (no error)
And now everything is good:

qstat -f
queuename                      qtype resv/used/tot. load_avg arch          states
eight.q@neon                   BIP   0/0/8          0.25     lx26-amd64    
five.q@boron                   BIP   0/0/5          5.91     lx26-amd64    
six.q@boron                    BIP   0/6/6          5.91     lx26-amd64    
    788 0.75000 submit__la user         r     09/07/2012 18:36:56     6        
two.q@beryllium                BIP   0/0/2          0.44     lx26-amd64    
four.q@tantalum                BIP   0/4/4          0.17     lx26-amd64    
    927 0.25071 submit__ac user         r     09/18/2012 11:01:26     4        
three.q@beryllium              BIP   0/0/3          0.44     lx26-amd64    
main.q@beryllium               BIP   0/0/1          0.44     lx26-amd64    
main.q@boron                   BIP   0/0/1          5.91     lx26-amd64    
main.q@tantalum                BIP   0/0/1          0.17     lx26-amd64    

    789 0.67310 zoli.qsub  user         qw    09/09/2012 10:00:35     6        
    802 0.60527 submit__bi user         qw    09/10/2012 20:45:24     6        
    803 0.60525 submit__bi user         qw    09/10/2012 20:46:00     6        
    928 0.25000 submit__ac user         qw    09/18/2012 08:45:52     4   

17 September 2012

238. Calculating pKa, part 2: CBS extrapolation basics

I'm typing this up as I'm learning. Be prepared that there may be outright errors, fuzzy thinking and misunderstood concepts in this post. Use it as an inspiration for learning about Complete Basis Set extrapolation -- not as an authoritative guide. What follows is just what I think I've understood. It's a short post since I'll just put it here in order that I can refer to it later.

The general idea
The basic idea behind Complete Basis Set extrapolation seems to be that as you make your basis sets larger and larger by adding Zeta functions to your valence orbitals (making your valence orbitals more 'flexible') the energies you get start to approach those you would get with an infinitely large or complete (and thus 'true') basis set. Exactly how quickly this approach (exponential?) occurs is a matter for debate, so there's a number of ways of extrapolating it.

In practical terms, what seems to be done is:
1. The structure of a molecule is first optimised using a specific level of theory (e.g. MP2/cc-aug-pvdz) in the gas phase. This structure is used for all subsequent calculations.
2. A single point calculation at MP2/aug-cc-pVDZ is done. The electronic energy is recorded.
3. A single point calculation at MP2/aug-cc-pVTZ is done. The electronic energy is recorded.
4. A single point calculation at MP2/aug-cc-pVQZ is done. The electronic energy is recorded.
5. A single point calculation at MP2/aug-cc-pV5Z is done. The electronic energy is recorded.

where D=double(2), T=triple (3), Q=Quadruple (4)

Using MP2 and the Dunning-Knoll series of correlation consistent basis sets, for formate I got
2   -188.772348824917 (MP2/aug-cc-pVDZ)
3   -188.930859478806 (MP2/aug-cc-pVTZ)
4   -188.984671946038 (MP2/aug-cc-pVQZ)

Which looks like this:
Not everyone will appreciate the default choice of green and red by gnuplot...
The fitted line is MP2energy=1*exp(-0.599028936687644*Zetafunctions)-189.082170648532

Plotting an exponential with three unknown based only on three points is obviously poor form, but the point is fairly clear.

The extrapolated energy is -189.082170648532 hartree. For practical use you will need to obtain enthalpy/entropy corrections and solvation energies using a set method. Also, there are normally corrections for unpaired electrons etc.

The Peterson Scheme:
 (Peterson, K. A.; Woon, D. E.; Dunning, T. H., Jr. J. Chem. Phys. 1994100, 7410, link)

Instead of a straight A*exp(-B*x)+C fit you do E(x)=A+B*exp(-(x-1))+C*exp(-(x-1)**2), where A is the CBS energy.

So, using gnuplot we can put our energies in 'cbs.dat':
2 -188.772348824917
3 -188.930859478806
4 -188.984671946038

and fit it in gnuplot using:

set xrange [0:5]
fit f(x) 'cbs.dat' u 1:2 via A,B,C
plot 'cbs.dat' u 1:2, f(x) lc 3

which gives us a CBS energy of -189.016 Hartree (c.f. -189.082 using a simple exponential).

The basic underlying principle behind CBS is thus pretty clear even to someone who's not skilled in the art of computational chemistry.

The difficulties seem to be:
1. What basis set family to use (cc-pVXZ ?)
2. Whether to use diffuse/polarisation/extra orbital functions (aug, p, d+)?
3.  What level to do solvation calc on (DFT, MP2; COSMO, CPCM)?
4. What level to do structural optimisation at?
5. What level to do frequency calculation at?

Remember that a great many basis sets haven't been parametrised for elements beyond Ar.

Also, as far as solvation calculations are concerned an issue seems to be that the correct way to calculate solvation energy seems to be using gas phase structures -- and NOT structures optimised using a solvation model. This can cause issues if the gas phase and solution phase conformations are considerably different.