15 October 2012

255. Google Blogger Stats gone

Update: And...most of the stats are back. (03:19 GMT 15 October 2012)

02:30 GMT 15 October 2012
Did the google stats data just get reset/deleted?

Suddenly my stat counter shows just above 30 visitors -- all-time. That's a bit fewer than the 72k I was expecting. Oh well. I've at least got statcounter too keep me entertained.

It seems to have happened around 0:00 GMT 15 October 2012, although looking at the stats on blogger it may have happened around 9-10 am Eastern Aussie Daylight Savings time.

The angry posts are already beginning to appear: http://productforums.google.com/forum/#!topic/blogger/eOZyb9ws2IU
which bumps stuff in this direction:
which has this statement from Blogger:
"We are aware of this issue and working to resolve it. "
And here's the official Blogger blog: http://knownissues.blogspot.com.au/

Not that I've ever had much use for the 'official' google stats much anyway -- although I obviously care enough about it to 1) notice that they're gone and 2) blog about it. But whatever.

12 October 2012

254. Compiling Thunderbird 16 on Debian Wheezy

I've posted how to compile thunderbird (12 and 13) in the past. Here's v 16.0.1:

First you need to sort out the dependencies:

sudo apt-get install libdbus-glib-1-dev gir1.2-notify-0.7 libnotify-dev yasm checkinstall libzip-dev zip libgtk2.0-dev

As usual, I prefer to do the building in ~/tmp
If you have a ~/tmp/comm-release directory, make sure to delete it first:

rm ~/tmp/comm-release -rf

Now download the new source (106 Mb):

cd ~/tmp
wget ftp://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/thunderbird/releases/16.0.1/source/thunderbird-16.0.1.source.tar.bz2

Untar it, and create a new directory for out-of-tree building:

tar xvf thunderbird-16.0.1.source.tar.bz2
mkdir thunderbird16
cd thunderbird16/

Time to configure:
../comm-release/./configure --disable-necko-wifi

And build (40 minutes on a triple core AMD II)

make -j4

where -j4 indicates that it's built in parallel on a 3 core (3+1=4) processor. Note that this has nothing to do with running the finished binaries in parallel -- it's just a way of speeding up the compilation.

Make sure that you don't have an older version of thunderbird install via dpkg i.e.

aptitude search thunderbird|grep ^i

should come up blank. If not, uninstall that package.

Finally, install your new binaries:

sudo make install

And you're done.

09 October 2012

253. Leadtek DTV 1000s in kernel 3.6 (debian wheezy)

My Leadtek DTV 1000s has been working fine for a long time after the initial set-up, but when upgrading from kernel 3.4.0 to 3.6.0 on my tv computer' it suddenly stopped working.
me-tv 1.3.7-3

lspci shows
01:06.0 Multimedia controller: Philips Semiconductors SAA7130 Video Broadcast Decoder (rev 01)

 lsmod|grep saa 

returns nothing and there's nothing that looks right in /dev

sudo modprobe saa7134
FATAL: Module saa7134 not found.

 ls /lib/modules/3.4.0-amd64/kernel/drivers/media
common  dvb  media.ko  radio  rc  video

ls /lib/modules/3.6.0-amd64/kernel/drivers/media
common  dvb
Basically, saa7134.ko is never built.

I installed kernel 3.6 from deb files compiled on another computer. My first step was to uninstall linux-headers-3.6.0-amd64 and linux-image-3.6.0-amd64

Next, to get the saa7134 module-- roughly follow this post we get

wget http://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/v3.0/linux-3.6.tar.bz2
tar xvf linux-3.6.tar.bz2
cd linux-3.6/
cat /boot/config-`uname -r`>.config
make oldconfig

Make sure to answer in the affirmative here:
* Multimedia support
Multimedia support (MEDIA_SUPPORT) [M/n/y/?] Y
* Multimedia core support
Cameras/video grabbers support (MEDIA_CAMERA_SUPPORT) [N/y/?] (NEW) Y
Analog TV support (MEDIA_ANALOG_TV_SUPPORT) [N/y/?] (NEW)
Digital TV support (MEDIA_DIGITAL_TV_SUPPORT) [N/y/?] (NEW) Y
AM/FM radio receivers/transmitters support (MEDIA_RADIO_SUPPORT) [N/y/?] (NEW)
Remote Controller support (MEDIA_RC_SUPPORT) [N/y/?] (NEW) Y

Then build as usual
time fakeroot make-kpkg -j2 --initrd --revision=3.6.0 --append-to-version=-amd64 kernel_image kernel_headers

You can check that it built by

me@lithium:~/tmp/linux-3.6$ ls drivers/media/video/saa7134/*.ko -lah

All that's left now is to install the kernel:
mv ../linux*3.6*.deb . 
sudo dpkg -i *.deb

and you're done (see the original post for loading the driver: i.e. put options saa7134 tuner=48 card=175 in your /etc/modules) -- unless you have an nvidia graphics card, in which case

me@lithium:~/tmp/linux-3.6$ sudo dpkg-reconfigure nvidia-kernel-dkms

-------- Uninstall Beginning --------
Module:  nvidia
Version: 304.48
Kernel:  3.4.0-amd64 (x86_64)

Status: Before uninstall, this module version was ACTIVE on this kernel.

 - Uninstallation
   - Deleting from: /lib/modules/3.4.0-amd64/updates/dkms/
 - Original module
   - No original module was found for this module on this kernel.
   - Use the dkms install command to reinstall any previous module version.


DKMS: uninstall completed.

-------- Uninstall Beginning --------
Module:  nvidia
Version: 304.48
Kernel:  3.6.0-amd64 (x86_64)

Status: Before uninstall, this module version was ACTIVE on this kernel.

 - Uninstallation
   - Deleting from: /lib/modules/3.6.0-amd64/updates/dkms/
 - Original module
   - No original module was found for this module on this kernel.
   - Use the dkms install command to reinstall any previous module version.


DKMS: uninstall completed.

Deleting module version: 304.48
completely from the DKMS tree.
Loading new nvidia-304.48 DKMS files...
Building for 3.4.0-amd64 and 3.6.0-amd64
Building initial module for 3.4.0-amd64

Running module version sanity check.
 - Original module
   - No original module exists within this kernel
 - Installation
   - Installing to /lib/modules/3.4.0-amd64/updates/dkms/


DKMS: install completed.
Building initial module for 3.6.0-amd64

Running module version sanity check.
 - Original module
   - No original module exists within this kernel
 - Installation
   - Installing to /lib/modules/3.6.0-amd64/updates/dkms/


DKMS: install completed.