24 June 2013

462. Olex2 (1.1) on Debian

Olex2 is an open-source program for solving and refining crystal structures. I am not a crystallographer -- I have never (successfully= publication quality output) solved a crystal structure in my life -- and I have no idea whether Olex2 is an alternative or a complement to SHELX.

What I do now is that Olex2 is more of a point-and-click type program with a snazzy GUI, and so it would seem that the learning curve may be shallower than that of SHELX. However, as always you must always be cautious when doing science -- just because it's easy to do, doesn't mean that you're doing it right (I'm looking at you, biologists/physicians/social scientists using statistical software).

But maybe Olex2 makes getting started just easy enough that you can slowly work your way towards actually slowly get to the point where you know and understand what you are doing?

That's my hope anyway.

Quick note: there's no source code on the http://www.olex2.org/ website. However, there's a sourceforge SVN repository: http://sourceforge.net/projects/olex2/

Ideally I should show you how to download and compile and make a .deb package from the source, but sadly I haven't managed to figure it out (I'll add troubleshooting data to this post later). I even tried using the deb rules by http://jupiter.plymouth.edu/~jsduncan/software/olex2.php (again, I might add troubleshooting data later)

Anyway, using the pre-built binaries is easy enough. Only the older version 1.1 seems to be working ok on Debian Wheezy.

Note that I've generated a list of dependencies the lazy way -- by looking at the ldd output.


You'll need a raft of libraries, including libGL. You can get this from different sources depending on your graphics card (or lack thereof). Install libgl1-mesa-glx or libgl1-fglrx-glx (ati) or libgl1-nvidia-glx (nvidia). Then continue.

Again, note that you may want to change the versions of the packages below that you install. Anyway, here's a list that may work:

sudo apt-get install libpng3 libglu1-mesa libgtk2.0-0 libatk1.0-0 libgdk-pixbuf2.0-0 libpango1.0-0 libglib2.0-0 libfreetype6 libxrender1 libfontconfig1 libx11-6 libxext6 libpng12-0 libxinerama1 libxxf86vm1 libsm6 lib32z1 zlib1g libc6 libpython2.6 libstdc++6 libgcc1 libxcomposite1 libxdamage1 libxfixes3 libcairo2 libxi6 libxrandr2 libxcursor1 libffi5 libexpat1 libpcre3 libxcb1 libice6 libuuid1 libssl1.0.0 libpixman-1-0 libxcb-shm0 libxcb-render0 libselinux1 libxau6 libxdmcp6

Get the compiled binary:
cd ~
wget http://www.olex2.org/olex2-distro/1.1/olex2-linux64.zip
unzip olex2-linux64.zip
cd ~/olex2
sed -i 's./work/distro/olex2-new.$HOME/olex2.g' start

Create the file ~/.local/share/applications/olex2.desktop
[Desktop Entry] Name=Olex2 GenericName=Olex2 Comment=Software for refinement of crystal structures Exec=sh /home/verahill/olex2/start Terminal=false Type=Application Categories=Science Version=1.1
You're now ready to use Olex2. If you launch it by hand, use the start script. Otherwise just launch is from your desktop.

Olex2 is very pretty, but  feels a bit incomplete and buggy though (again, I don't know if these are real issues or not -- and I'm no expert). The issue is that the program seems to throw errors every now and again. For example when clicking on electron density map in the Solve window:
Map sigma 0.000 : CalcFourier {diff=}{r=0.1}{m=} N4esdl25TInvalidArgumentExceptionE mask size at [xlib/fracmask.cpp(Init):22] calcFourier -diff -r=0.1 -m

Problem with version 1.2:
Start Olex2. 1.2 takes a lot longer than 1.1 to start, but that's fine. Click on Tutorials. Click on Maps and Masks. CLick Next five times (the step where you actually create the mask). It triggers the following error:
An error occured running the function/macro next_demo_item Traceback (most recent call last): File "olexFunctions.py", line 480, in func retVal = f(*args, **kwds) File "/home/verahill/olex2_1.2/etc/scripts/Tutorials.py", line 138, in next_demo_item self.run_demo_item() File "/home/verahill/olex2_1.2/etc/scripts/Tutorials.py", line 318, in run_demo_item flash_gui_control(control) File "gui/tools/__init__.py", line 123, in flash_gui_control OV.Refresh() File "guiFunctions.py", line 61, in Refresh olx.Refresh() File "/home/verahill/.olex2/data/4f11cd71424c9e8484c8c4f91644e3b6/olx/__init__.py", line 1319, in Refresh for arg in args: RuntimeError: [repository/pyext.cpp(runOlexFunctionEx):354]: Function 'html.SetImage' failed: wrong html object name: 'IMG_H3-H3-MASKS'Key variable values: args = () kwds = {} al = []

Problems with compiling:
sudo apt-get install libwxgtk2.8-dev
mkdir ~/tmp/svn_co
cd ~/tmp/svn_co
svn checkout svn://svn.code.sf.net/p/olex2/code/branches/1.2 olex2-1.2
cd olex2-1.2/
/home/verahill/tmp/svn_co/olex2-1.2/gxlib/gxapp.cpp: In member function ‘esdl::TUndoData* gxlib::TGXApp::Name(gxlib::TXAtom&, const olxstr&, bool)’: /home/verahill/tmp/svn_co/olex2-1.2/gxlib/gxapp.cpp:2003:73: error: no matching function for call to ‘gxlib::TGXApp::SynchroniseBonds(gxlib::TXAtomPList)’ /home/verahill/tmp/svn_co/olex2-1.2/gxlib/gxapp.cpp:2003:73: note: candidate is: [..] /home/verahill/tmp/svn_co/olex2-1.2/gxlib/gxapp.cpp: In member function ‘esdl::TUndoData* gxlib::TGXApp::Name(const olxstr&, const olxstr&, bool, bool)’: /home/verahill/tmp/svn_co/olex2-1.2/gxlib/gxapp.cpp:2136:71: error: no matching function for call to ‘gxlib::TGXApp::SynchroniseBonds(gxlib::TXAtomPList)’ /home/verahill/tmp/svn_co/olex2-1.2/gxlib/gxapp.cpp:2136:71: note: candidate is: [..[ make[1]: *** [/home/verahill/tmp/svn_co/olex2-1.2/obj/gxapp.s] Error 1 make[1]: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs.... make[1]: *** [/home/verahill/tmp/svn_co/olex2-1.2/obj/gxmacro.s] Error 1 make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/verahill/tmp/svn_co/olex2-1.2' make: *** [all] Error 2

There's a CMakeLists.txt file, but when doing e.g.
mkdir build_olex
cd build_olex/
cmake ../olex2-1.2

I get
CMake Error: Error in cmake code at /home/verahill/tmp/svn_co/olex2-1.2/CMakeLists.txt:49: Parse error. Expected a command name, got unquoted argument with text "${olex2_html_SRCS}". -- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!

461. Briefly: setting up SHELX on linux (crystallography)

Nothing difficult, but putting up instructions won't hurt anyone.

SHELX is THE crystal structure refinement software. I'm not a crystallographer, but it never hurts familiarising yourself with the tools of  your collaborators.

Register using this page (if you're an academic user): http://shelx.uni-ac.gwdg.de/SHELX/register.php
To find the answer to the xtal question, use google.

You'll then receive an email with a password. Now go to
where you'll find instructions.

Download all the files:

Several of my files became corrupted the first time I downloaded them for some reason: anode.bz2, shelx[cde].bz2, shredcif.bz2.

I'm presuming that you're downloading the files to ~/Downloads

Here are the 'good' md5sums:
219183542ada47a17e5528bf217f9261 anode.bz2 61335e6b9cf2e654242db80822f32681 ciftab.bz2 918fe0a04e59589938a81a93d8e3eaff shelxc.bz2 e65580af087989aa4958eb53dcd8a473 shelxd.bz2 bc5cad6e4129fa61bbde49207cd4d244 shelxe.bz2 5390146a4b516425fb7b326533443ba7 shelxl.bz2 95617863be917743df55bd94509504fb shelxs.bz2

While you're at it, download the testdata from http://shelx.uni-ac.gwdg.de/~gsheldr/bin/test_data/: cdetutorial_andrea.zip, ciftab_templates.zip, difficult_sad.zip, ltests.zip, pn1a.zip

sudo apt-get install bunzip2 xargs
mkdir ~/tmp/shelx-2013 -p
cd ~/Downloads
cp shredcif.bz2 shelxe.bz2 shelxd.bz2 shelxc.bz2 ciftab.bz2 anode.bz2 shelxl.bz2 shelxs.bz2 ~/tmp/shelx-2013
cd ~/tmp/shelx-2013/
ls *.bz2|xargs -I {} bunzip2 {}
chmod +x *
sudo cp * /usr/local/bin

If you downloaded the test data:

mkdir ~/tmp/shelx_examples
cd ~/Downloads
cp cdetutorial_andrea.zip ciftab_templates.zip difficult_sad.zip ltests.zip pn1a.zip ~/tmp/shelx_examples
cd ~/shelx_examples
ls *.zip |xargs -I {} unzip {}

And you're done. Now, learning how to use SHELX, and how to use it properly, is a different matter on which I am not qualified to write.

21 June 2013

460. Briefly: Crystallography software: CCSD Mercury

The Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre (CCDC)/Crystal Structure Database (CSD) has a free structure viewer called Mercury. Downloading and installing it is pretty straightforward, but still makes for a reasonable post.

To install
Go to http://www.ccdc.cam.ac.uk/SupportandResources/Downloads/pages/ProtectedDownloadProductList.aspx and click on Mercury. It'll take you to a license agreement page, Click accept to continue. Note that it won't work if you are blocking cookies.

Download Mecury 3.1 for Linux, and the 3.1.1 patch for linux. I'll presume that you downloaded the files to ~/Downloads.

cd ~/Downloads
chmod +x mercurystandalone-3.1-linux-installer.run

Finally, create a file called
[Desktop Entry] Name=Mercury GenericName=CCDC Mercury Comment=Visualization of crystal structures Exec=/home/verahill/.Mercury_3.1/bin/mercury Icon=/home/verahill/.Mercury_3.1/icons/mercury_48x48.png Terminal=false Type=Application Categories=Science Version=3.1
Update to 3.1.1
cd ~/Downloads
chmod +x csdsystempatch-5.34.2-linux-installer.run

And you are done! Note that you will want to have working OpenGL for this to look ok.