22 January 2013

324. Setting up a private git server

Update 11 Feb 2013: fixed a typo that ruined everything.

I've recently moved one of my more mature projects to sourceforge.net, which allowed me to re-discover the joys of using a version management system, in this case git. While I've spent some time playing with SVN in the past, git feels more natural to me. That's it's used widely in the FOSS community certainly doesn't hurt either.

So that got me interested in setting up a local git server for projects that may or may not result in anything tangible i.e. projects that I don't want to put online, but are under so much flux that they may break anytime (and I thus want to be able to roll back).

[A pointer to my students: you can obviously use git to maintain versions of your .tex documents as well...]

In this particular case the development machine and the git host are the same. The project is called shellnmr (an attempt to make a bash-like shell in python for NMR processing)

This is very much inspired by/stolen from: http://tumblr.intranation.com/post/766290565/how-set-up-your-own-private-git-server-linux

Getting set up:

On the git host (which has not yet got a copy of the source code)
sudo apt-get install git
mkdir ~/work/programming/var -p
cd ~/work/programming/var
mkdir shellnmr
cd shellnmr/
git init --bare
Initialized empty Git repository in /home/me/work/programming/var/shellnmr
First time:
I''ll use localhost below because in this particular example the git host and the development machine is the same.

On the/a development machine, where we keep the already existing project in ~/work/shellnmr

cd ~/work/shellnmr
git init
Initialized empty Git repository in /home/me/work/shellnmr/.git/
git add . git commit -m 'initial commit'
[master (root-commit) 5214860] initial commit 2 files changed, 178967 insertions(+) create mode 100644 functions.py create mode 100755 main.py
git remote rm origin git remote add origin me@localhost:/home/me/work/programming/var/shellnmr git push origin master
Counting objects: 2, done. Delta compression using up to 3 threads. Compressing objects: 100% (18/18), done. Writing objects: 100% (2/2), 339.14 KiB, done. Total 2 (delta 5), reused 0 (delta 0) To me@localhost:/home/me/work/programming/var/shellnmr * [new branch] master -> master

Everyday usage:

Say you've edited the code on your development machine and want to commit the changes:
git commit -a
git push


Let's say you go home and want to continue editing the code there and that this is the first time you're doing so:
git clone user@githost:/home/me/work/programming/var/nmrshell nmrshell-code

When you're done editing, just commit as normal;
git commit -a
git push

Let's say you've edited the code on another computer, committed the code, and then want to get the latest updates on your regular development machine again:
git pull origin master

And that's about it.

GUI - gitk:
The debian repos have a git GUI as well. To install do
sudo apt-get install git-gui gitk

Start it by launching gitk from the directory where you keep your files (on the development machine)

20 January 2013

323. Wine 1.5.22 on Debian Testing/Wheezy. Compiling using multiarch

UPDATE 16 May 2013: See here for Wine 1.5.30: http://verahill.blogspot.com.au/2013/05/416-wine-1530-in-chroot.html

Another update: It seems like your mileage in terms of how well Wine will work for you will vary using this method. It works fine for me and I suspect it's because I've built earlier Wine versions of my systems and have ia32-libs-dev installed. This package is no longer available in Testing. ia32-libs installs the libs you need, but does not provide symlinks between .so and .so.X files -- you can probably do that by hand if necessary though. It's not for beginners.

An additional thing to remember is that the 1.5 series of Wine is a development series -- 1.4 is the stable series which is meant for end users. Progress made in 1.5 will be included in 1.6.

NOTE: there are a couple of issues, and they will depend on how your system is set up.
* libosmesa6-dev:i386 will require mesa-common-dev:i386 which will remove libosmesa6-dev:amd64 and more, which is bad.
* libglu1-mesa-dev:i386 depends on libgl1-mesa-dev:i386 which will remove libgl1-mesa-dev:amd64 and more, which is bad.
*  libgstreamer-plugins-base0.10-dev:i386 depends on libgstreamer0.10-dev:i386 which depends on gir1.2-gstreamer-0.10:i386 which depends on gir1.2-freedesktop:i386 which depends on gir1.2-glib-2.0:i386 which depends on libgirepository-1.0-1:i386 which will remove a whole lot of packages (132 on one of my systems, including gnome, gdm3 etc.)

I'm working on figuring out what's triggering this on some systems but not others.
In the mean time see http://verahill.blogspot.com.au/2013/01/308-compiling-wine-1521-on-debian.html to see how to build wine in a chroot, which is safe. You can then install that .deb package on your normal system and HOPEFULLY there won't be any broken dependencies. You won't need the -dev:i386 packages on the install target.

ldd `which wine` 
linux-gate.so.1 => (0x55573000) libwine.so.1 => /usr/local/lib/libwine.so.1 (0x55576000) libpthread.so.0 => /lib32/libpthread.so.0 (0x556ec000) libc.so.6 => /lib32/libc.so.6 (0x55705000) libdl.so.2 => /lib32/libdl.so.2 (0x55867000)
so you really don't seem to need much in the way of shared libs installed.

A new incremental version of wine is out.

There's little difference between building 1.5.21 and 1.5.22 but here it is anyway. The build is very easy on an up-to-date installation of Testing/Wheezy. If you are on stable, the list over needed packages can be found in this post.

See here for recent changes between different Wine versions: http://linux.softpedia.com/progChangelog/Wine-Changelog-148.html

sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386
sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install libx11-dev:i386 libfreetype6-dev:i386 libxcursor-dev:i386 libxi-dev:i386 libxxf86vm-dev:i386 libxrandr-dev:i386 libxinerama-dev:i386 libxcomposite-dev:i386 libglu-dev:i386 libosmesa-dev:i386 libglu-dev:i386 libosmesa-dev:i386 libdbus-1-dev:i386 libgnutls-dev:i386 libncurses-dev:i386 libsane-dev:i386 libv4l-dev:i386 libgphoto2-2-dev:i386 liblcms-dev:i386 libgstreamer-plugins-base0.10-dev:i386 libcapi20-dev:i386 libcups2-dev:i386 libfontconfig-dev:i386 libgsm1-dev:i386 libtiff-dev:i386 libpng-dev:i386 libjpeg-dev:i386 libmpg123-dev:i386 libopenal-dev:i386 libldap-dev:i386 libxrender-dev:i386 libxml2-dev:i386 libxslt-dev:i386 libhal-dev:i386 libcurl4-openssl-dev:i386 gettext prelink bzip2 bison flex oss4-dev checkinstall ocl-icd-libopencl1:i386 opencl-headers gcc-multilib

mkdir ~/tmp
cd ~/tmp
wget http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/wine/wine-1.5.22.tar.bz2
tar xvf wine-1.5.22.tar.bz2
cd wine-1.5.22/
config.status: executing include/wine commands config.status: executing Makefile commands configure: Finished. Do 'make' to compile Wine.
time make -j4 sudo checkinstall --install=no
***************************************** **** Debian package creation selected *** ***************************************** This package will be built according to these values: 0 - Maintainer: [ root@lithium ] 1 - Summary: [ wine 1.5.22 ] 2 - Name: [ wine ] 3 - Version: [ 1.5.22 ] 4 - Release: [ 1 ] 5 - License: [ GPL ] 6 - Group: [ checkinstall ] 7 - Architecture: [ amd64 ] 8 - Source location: [ wine-1.5.22 ] 9 - Alternate source location: [ ] 10 - Requires: [ ] 11 - Provides: [ wine ] 12 - Conflicts: [ ] 13 - Replaces: [ ] [..] Copying files to the temporary directory...
sudo dpkg -i wine_1.5.22-1_amd64.deb

where 4 is the number of cores on your build machine (see here and here for -jN). The build took 13 minutes on a three-core AMD Athlon II X3 445 (3.1 GHz) with -j4. The 'Copying files to...' can take quite a while, so let it run to completion.

Anyway, that's it. An easy build.

18 January 2013

322. Libreoffice and zotero for reference management

I'm happy using latex and bibtex whenever possible, and I'm forced to use Microsoft Office and Endnote in most of my collaborations, so I;m not that interested in libreoffice/openoffice.

However, having heard of a reference manager called Zotero has made me curious to learn more.

You can either get it as a plug-in for firefox, or as a stand-alone program which plugs into any browser of your choice.

While I haven't used Endnote seriously for about half a decade and thus may not know about any fancy recently added functionality, I just can't see any reason whatsoever to use Endnote anymore if you have a choice. Obviously, given the inertia of the 'common user' and the tendency for people to equal costly with good and cheap with rubbish, it will probably take a generation or two for change to happen, no matter how good zotero gets.

And here's another thing: when I went to Google Scholar using Chrome, zotero was recognised, and a list of 'updates' was suggested. I wasn't really interested, until I had a look at them -- Scholar had generated a pretty impressive list of articles that it thought might interest me. The match was surprisingly good. If nothing else I'll certainly make sure to keep my zotero database synced with my bibtex one.

Get it:
sudo apt-get install bzip2
wget http://download.zotero.org/standalone/
tar xvf Zotero-
cd Zotero_linux-x86_64/

First time:
First time you run it it opens a browser window as well as an installation process
For some reason I keep getting errors about DBus even though the dbus-daemon is running. It hasn't caused any other problems beyond the error message in the screenshot.
Even the openoffice I installed for testing purposes got detected

And you're done

To make it work in Chrome, install the extension

The main Zotero window, without any references

Importing a bibtex library

Everything looks ok

If you click on the icon by the arrow you can insert a citation. You need to have zotero running in the background though.
Determine what format to use

Generate the bibliography and you're done

Google Scholar, Chrome and Zotero play nicely together