26 March 2013

371. Hashcat on debian

http://arstechnica.com/security/2013/03/how-i-became-a-password-cracker/ was just published, which made me want to have a look at hashcat.

Note that Hashcat is closed source. An open source alternative is John the Ripper .

Note also that there's a GPU-enabled version of hashcat, ocl-hashcat.

Whether you'll ever have a legitimate need for this stuff depends, but apart from the fun of it -- and the feelings of Power that cracking gives you -- being able to crack the odd password does serve as an eye opener to how easy this can be under the right circumstances. And who knows? You might find a justified use for it, especially if you're in academia where old computers and poor discipline abounds, and you are faced with computers that belong to you but were set up without any proper records.

sudo apt-get install p7zip-full
sudo mkdir /opt/hashcat -p
sudo chown $USER /opt/hashcat
cd /opt/hashcat
wget http://hashcat.net/files/hashcat-0.44.7z
wget http://hashcat.net/files/hashcat-gui-
wget http://runamux.net/search/download/file/95wr2RdM/rockyoutxt.bz2
7z x hashcat-0.44.7z
7z x hashcat-gui-
bunzip2 rockyoutxt.bz2
echo 'export PATH=$PATH:/opt/hashcat/hashcat-0.44:/opt/hashcat/hashcat-gui-0.5.1' >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc

Test run
Let's generate a file of simple passwords to crack:
echo -n "city" | md5sum > test.list
echo -n "n00b" | md5sum >> test.list
echo -n "123654"| md5sum >> test.list
echo -n "Chicago"| md5sum >> test.list
cat test.list
4ed5d2eaed1a1fadcc41ad1d58ed603e 16e029226d8960b2d7cba16cab5f7044 733d7be2196ff70efaf6913fc8bdcabf 9cfa1e69f507d007a516eb3e9f5074e2
Edit the test.list file to remove all the ' - '. Note that you need to run hashcat-gui in your /opt/hashcat/hashcat-0.44/ folder. Start hashcat-gui:

cd /opt/hashcat/hashcat-0.44/

Once it has finished, you can look at the output
cat test.list.out 
733d7be2196ff70efaf6913fc8bdcabf:123654 9cfa1e69f507d007a516eb3e9f5074e2:Chicago 4ed5d2eaed1a1fadcc41ad1d58ed603e:city
Use the rule set best64 and it cracks all passwords and does it fast:

733d7be2196ff70efaf6913fc8bdcabf:123654 9cfa1e69f507d007a516eb3e9f5074e2:Chicago 4ed5d2eaed1a1fadcc41ad1d58ed603e:city 16e029226d8960b2d7cba16cab5f7044:n00b
My account password wasn't cracked by this though, but all that we can be certain that it means is that it would take someone more than 30 seconds to do so. Maybe 35 seconds, maybe 2 years -- we can't tell.

If you want to compare with John the Ripper you could do e.g.
mpirun -n 6 run/./john test.list --wordlist=rockyoutxt --format=raw-md5

to do list-based cracking and
mpirun -n 6 run/./john test.list--format=raw-md5

for brute-force.

John the Ripper works well for windows passwords as well (might write about that in another post)

Linux passwords
To crack actual linux user passwords, you'll need to access /etc/shadow and only root should be able to do that. Looking at /etc/password we have for example
I've made up the string above (using mkpasswd -m sha-512 -S MyySaltt which is salted using MyySaltt. ). Anyway, copy the hash, e.g.


to a file, e.g. nutest.list

man crypt
ID | Method --------------------------------------------------------- 1 | MD5 2a | Blowfish (not in mainline glibc; added in some | Linux distributions) 5 | SHA-256 (since glibc 2.7) 6 | SHA-512 (since glibc 2.7)
The $6$ means that it's a SHA-512 hashed password.

Now run hashcat:
hashcat-cli64.bin -n 6 -m 1800 nutest.list rockyoutxt -r /opt/hashcat/hashcat-0.44/rules/best64.rule

where 1800 means SHA-512 (do hashcat --help to see what code to use) and 6 is the number of threads (six core CPU). You should be able to easily crack this one...

25 March 2013

370. Compiling ECCE 6.4 on Scientific Linux 6.3 (Carbon; Red Hat; CentOS)

!NOTE! If you provide ECCE with 'localhost' as the hostname, be aware that this will block outside access: http://www.nwchem-sw.org/index.php/Special:AWCforum/st/id858/#post_3178

This build is almost identical to that on Fedora 18. I'm posting it as a separate post since I suspect a fair number of nwchem/ecce users are using Scientific Linux/CentOS/Red Hat. The main difference between fedora 18 and scientific linux 6.3 is that you don't have to worry about getops.pl errors on scientific linux. Yes, no manual patching, which probably reflects the more conservative approach in SL/RHEL than in fedora.

1. Get the files
Go to http://ecce.emsl.pnl.gov/using/download.shtml, fill out the form and download ecce-v6.4-src.tar.gz and put it in ~/tmp.

2. Install dependencies and build
sudo yum install vim csh gcc gcc-c++ gcc-gfortran java-1.7.0-openjdk-devel python-devel ant gtk2-devel libjpeg-turbo-devel libtool ImageMagick libXt-devel xterm mesa-libGLU-devel
cd ~/tmp
tar xvf ecce-v6.4-src.tar.bz2
cd ecce-v6.4/
export ECCE_HOME=`pwd`
cd build/
Do you want to skip these checks for future build_ecce invocations (y/n)?
Answer yes

Xerces built
Mesa OpenGL built
wxWidgets built
wxPython built
Apache HTTP server built
Copying JMS server distribution jms_server.tar.bz2 Making server tar file ecce_server.tar Copying WebHelp tar file eccewebhelp.tar.bz2 Making combined tar file ecce.v6.4.tar Copying NWChem binary distribution nwchem-6.1.1-binary-rhel5-gcc4.1.2-m32.tar.bz2 Copying NWChem common distribution nwchem-6.1.1-binary-common.tar.bz2 Concatenating install script and combined tar file ecce.v6.4.tar create_ecce_bin finished ECCE built and distribution created in /home/me/tmp/ecce-v6.4
3. Install
cp ~/tmp/ecce-v6.4/install_ecce.v6.4.csh ~/
cd ~
Extracting ECCE distribution from ./install_ecce.v6.4.csh... hostname: Unknown host Main ECCE installation menu =========================== 1) Help on main menu options 2) Prerequisite software check 3) Full install 4) Full upgrade 5) Application software install 6) Application software upgrade 7) Server install 8) Server upgrade IMPORTANT: If you are uncertain about any aspect of installing or running ECCE at your site, please refer to the detailed ECCE Installation and Administration Guide at http://ecce.pnl.gov/docs/installation/2864B-Installation.pdf Hit at prompts to accept the default value in brackets. Selection: [1] 3 Host name: [localhost (could not successfully ping science!)] localhost Application installation directory: [/home/me/ecce-v6.4/apps] Server installation directory: [/home/me/ecce-v6.4/server] ECCE v6.4 will be installed using the settings: Installation type: [full install] Host name: [localhost] Application installation directory: [/home/me/ecce-v6.4/apps] Server installation directory: [/home/me/ecce-v6.4/server] Are these choices correct (yes/no/quit)? [yes] yes

Put the following in your ~/.bashrc:
export ECCE_HOME=/home/me/ecce-v6.4/apps export PATH=${ECCE_HOME}/scripts:${ECCE_HOME}/scripts/parsers:$PATH alias stopecce='/home/me/ecce-v6.4/server/ecce-admin/stop_ecce_server' alias startecce='/home/me/ecce-v6.4/server/ecce-admin/start_ecce_server'
and do
source ~/.bashrc

Make sure that you hostname is in your hosts file, e.g. localhost localhost.localdomain localhost4 localhost4.localdomain4 science! ::1 localhost localhost.localdomain localhost6 localhost6.localdomain6
where science! is my hostname (I regret using ! in the hostname, but oddly I haven't actually had issues with it yet. Still, don't do it.). If it's not, you'll get a ton of errors.

4. Run.
You can now start ecce by doing

I've tested this on a headless box (small intel Atom with 512 Mb RAM) and it worked fine. I tried running calcs locally as well, and everything worked.

24 March 2013

369. Compiling ECCE 6.4 on Fedora 18

UPDATE 16 April 2013:
The getops.pl issues has now been fixed in the latest release of ECCE

Original post
(there were initially some issues with getops.pl being deprecated. Fixed now)

This post on the NWChem/ECCE forum got me interested in trying to build ECCE on Fedora 18.

I'm presuming that you just clicked your way through the fedora 18 installation so that e.g.  java-1.7.0-openjdk is already installed.  Note that the default partitioning scheme in Fedora may lead to a very small (<1 Gb) /tmp partition, which may prevent you from building properly, so be aware.

Building form source will solve at the very least :
* the issues of there being no 32 bit binary (build your own)
* issues with ubuntu libraries (libXfixes) if you try to install an older 32 bit binary

You'll also have access to the source code which means that you could -- at least in theory -- contribute to the project by doing bug fixes.

Building is easy once you've got all dependencies figured out. The initial run of the build script misses the detection of two required sets of packages: openGL libs, and perl-Digest-MD5

Start here

1. Download
Go to http://ecce.emsl.pnl.gov/using/download.shtml, fill out the form, and download the source code on the next page (ecce-v6.4-src.tar.gz). Create the folder ~/tmp (mkdir ~/tmp) and put ecce-v6.4-src.tar.bz2 in ~/tmp

2. Prepare
tar xvf ecce-v6.4-src.tar.bz2
cd ecce-v6.4/
export ECCE_HOME=`pwd`
cd build/
sudo yum install vim csh gcc gcc-c++ gcc-gfortran java-1.7.0-openjdk-devel python-devel ant gtk2-devel libjpeg-turbo-devel libtool ImageMagick libXt-devel xterm mesa-libGLU-devel kernel-devel perl-Digest-Perl-MD5 perl-Digest-MD5

(if you're doing this in virtualbox, the way to get openGL libs is via the virtualbox guest additions, and in order to build those you'll need the kernel headers (kernel-devel package) for the currently running kernel)

3. Build

The script will see if all the requirements are met by stating what version is needed and echoing the currently installed version of different dependencies. Presumably all of the requirements will be met after installing the dependencies in step 2. At the very end you'll be asked

Do you want to skip these checks for future build_ecce invocations (y/n)? Y

Answer Y. The run build_ecce again and again...

Xerces built
Mesa OpenGL built
wxWidgets built
This step will fail if you don't have openGL libs installed.

running build_ext wxPython built
Apache HTTP server built
Making combined tar file ecce.v6.4.tar Copying NWChem binary distribution nwchem-6.1.1-binary-rhel5-gcc4.1.2-m64.tar.bz2 Copying NWChem common distribution nwchem-6.1.1-binary-common.tar.bz2 Concatenating install script and combined tar file ecce.v6.4.tar create_ecce_bin finished ECCE built and distribution created in /home/verahill/tmp/ecce-v6.4
This step will fail with
make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/verahill/tmp/ecce-v6.4/src/apps/vizthumbnail'

make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/verahill/tmp/ecce-v6.4/src/apps'

Can't locate Digest/MD5.pm in @INC (@INC contains: /usr/local/lib64/perl5 /usr/local/share/perl5 /usr/lib64/perl5/vendor_perl /usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl /usr/lib64/perl5 /usr/share/perl5 .) at /home/verahill/tmp/ecce-v6.4/build/create_ecce_bin line 37.

BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /home/verahill/tmp/ecce-v6.4/build/create_ecce_bin line 37.

if you don't have perl-Digest-MD5 installed.

4. Installation
You can now install ecce:
cd ..

and follow the instructions. This post has an overview of the installation process, as do several of the posts here: http://verahill.blogspot.com.au/p/compilinginstalling-software-for.html

5. Patching
getops.pl has been deprecated in perl 5 -- see under incompatible changes on this page: http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Features/perl5.16
Luckily, the fix is simple:

Assuming that you install ECCE in ~/ecce-v6.4
cd ~/ecce-v6.4/apps/scripts
sed -i 's/require "getopts.pl";/use Getopt::Std;/g' *
sed: couldn't edit codereg: not a regular file
set -i 's/Getopts/getops/g' * cd parsers/ sed -i 's/require "getopts.pl";/use Getopt::Std;/g' * set -i 's/Getopts/getops/g' *

While getopts.pl has been deprecated, Getopt::Std supplies both a getop() and a getopts() function. I've done a little bit of testing (vib calcs, energy calcs) and so far everything looks great.

If you're still having issues, make sure that Getopt is in /usr/share/perl5

6. Run
You can now have fun with ECCE