14 August 2013

493. Very, Very Briefly: libreoffice 4 on wheezy -- wheezy-backports

I might be the last person who 'gets' it, but I always presumed that since package versions in backports would be newer they'd automatically be installed.  But apparently that's not the case.

So, enable wheezy-backports, e.g. put this in your /etc/apt/sources.list
deb http://ftp.iinet.net.au/debian/debian/ wheezy-backports main contrib non-free

Then install libreoffice 4:
sudo apt-get install libreoffice -t=wheezy-backports

That's it.

To see what your policies are:
apt-cache policy libreoffice
libreoffice: Installed: 1:4.0.3-2~bpo70+1 Candidate: 1:4.0.3-2~bpo70+1 Version table: *** 1:4.0.3-2~bpo70+1 0 100 http://ftp.iinet.net.au/debian/debian/ wheezy-backports/main amd64 Packages 100 /var/lib/dpkg/status 1:3.5.4+dfsg2-0+deb7u2 0 500 http://ftp.iinet.net.au/debian/debian/ wheezy/main amd64 Packages
and as it turns out the backports repo only has a score of 100, and looking at man apt_preferences:

       If the target release has been specified then APT uses the following algorithm to set the priorities of the versions of a package. Assign:

       priority 1
           to the versions coming from archives which in their Release files are marked as "NotAutomatic: yes" but not as "ButAutomaticUpgrades: yes" like the
           Debian experimental archive.

       priority 100
           to the version that is already installed (if any) and to the versions coming from archives which in their Release files are marked as "NotAutomatic:
           yes" and "ButAutomaticUpgrades: yes" like the Debian backports archive since squeeze-backports.

       priority 500
           to the versions that are not installed and do not belong to the target release.

       priority 990
           to the versions that are not installed and belong to the target release.

To see what's available in backports, do
aptitude search ~Awheezy-backports

12 August 2013

492. Briefly: fixing no sound when playing youtube videos in chrome, iceweasel/firefox

Not sure what caused this, but I suddenly had no sound when playing flash videos in the browser.

Playing flv files using e.g. mplayer works fine. I'm using pulseaudio, and have an ~/.asoundrc file:
pcm.!default.type pulse
ctl.!default.type pulse

alsamixer is working fine and the channels are unmuted.

The solution:
I moved ~/.macromedia to ~/.xmacromedia as suggested at the end of this post: https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=134892.

Didn't even need to restart the browser -- suddenly everything worked.

The question is why is there a ~/.macromedia folder, and what does it do? Might have a look into that at some later point.

07 August 2013

491. Compiling ECCE v7.0 (on debian)

See here for more information about what's new:

Building ECCE 7.0 is done in the same way as previous versions:

While ECCE is distributed as binaries as well, only a 32 bit version is available. To run on 32 bit linux you need to compile your own copy.

See here for Fedora 18 and here for Scientific Linux 6.3. Note that you no longer need to fix the GetOpts issue -- that's already fixed in the new version.

To add new basis sets, read scripts/gbs.README in the ecce source directory, or in apps/scripts/gbs.REAME in the installation directory.

Anyway, building on debian wheezy is simple:
First go to http://ecce.pnl.gov/using/download.shtml and give
sudo apt-get install bzip2 build-essential autoconf libtool ant pkg-config gtk+-2.0-dev libxt-dev csh gfortran openjdk-6-jdk python-dev libjpeg-dev imagemagick xterm
mkdir ~/tmp
cd ~/tmp
tar xvf ecce-v7.0-src.tar.bz2
cd ecce-v7.0/
export ECCE_HOME=`pwd`
cd build/
Checking prerequisites for building ECCE... If any of the following tools aren't found or aren't the right version, hit -c at the prompt and either find or install the tool before re-running this script. The whereis command is useful for finding tools not in your path. Found gcc in: /usr/bin/gcc ECCE requires gcc 3.2.x or 4.x.x This version: gcc (Debian 4.7.2-5) 4.7.2 [..]. Found java in: /usr/bin/java ECCE requires java 1.5.x or 1.6.x This version: java version "1.7.0_25" Hit return if this java is OK... Found javac in: /usr/bin/javac ECCE requires javac to be the same version as java above This version: javac 1.7.0_25 [..] Found xterm in: /usr/bin/xterm Hit return if xterm was found... The /home/verahill/tmp/ecce/ecce-v7.0/scripts/sysdir script identifies the build platform directory as: Because this value is no platform-specific parent directory will be created for ECCE executables, libraries, etc. This works fine unless your site needs support for multiple platforms. Finished checking prerequisites for building ECCE. Do you want to skip these checks for future build_ecce invocations (y/n)? Y

If you're having issues with e.g. mismatching java and javac versions, use e.g.
sudo update-alternatives --config javac 
to correct it.

If you hit Y at the last question, when you re-run ./build_ecce you'll then start building:
Xerces built
Mesa OpenGL built
wxWidgets built
running build_ext wxPython built
Apache HTTP server built
Copying JMS server distribution jms_server.tar.bz2 Making server tar file ecce_server.tar Copying WebHelp tar file eccewebhelp.tar.bz2 Making combined tar file ecce.v7.0.tar Copying NWChem distribution Concatenating install script and combined tar file ecce.v7.0.tar create_ecce_bin finished ECCE built and distribution created in /home/verahill/tmp/ecce-v7.0
You can now install ~/tmp/ecce-v7.0/install_ecce.v7.0.csh as shown in this post: http://verahill.blogspot.com.au/2013/08/487-version-70-of-ecce-out-now.html