Showing posts with label pKa. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pKa. Show all posts

19 September 2012

241. pKa, part 3: ccCA in NWChem. Doing something wrong?

First of all, I'm having problems reproducing the output from 'task ccca' by following the methods described in J. Chem. Theory Comput 2008, 4, 328-334 (scaling 0.9854) or Mol. Phys. 2009,107(8-12),1107-1121. The discrepancies are the energies reported for the MP2/cc-pVTZ-DK and CCSD(T)/cc-PVTZ which leads to a difference in calculated relativistic and correlation corrections. More about that at some other time.

Here's using ccCA in NWChem on acetic acid/acetate and formic acid/formate.
More about how it works in another post.

Basically, the way I am using it the results are very, very poor with  ccCA. All I can think is that I must be doing something wrong.

INPUT files 

Acetic acid input:

Title "aceticacid"
Start  aceticacid


charge 0

geometry autosym units angstrom
 C     -0.312051     -1.36877     0.00000
 H     -0.929226     -1.55822     -0.878253
 H     -0.929226     -1.55822     0.878253
 H     0.548700     -2.02934     0.00000
 C     0.150590     0.0606620     0.00000
 O     -0.897092     0.922315     0.00000
 H     -0.521850     1.81528     0.00000
 O     1.29371     0.435169     0.00000

* library "cc-pvtz"

  mult 1
  XC b3lyp
  grid fine



task ccca

Acetate input:

Title "acetate_ccca"
Start  acetate_ccca
charge -1

geometry autosym units angstrom
 C     -0.0311237     -1.36218     0.00000
 H     0.501926     -1.73727     0.878691
 H     0.501926     -1.73727     -0.878691
 H     -1.05131     -1.75101     0.00000
 C     -0.00500996     0.204086     0.00000
 O     1.14247     0.706045     0.00000
 O     -1.12049     0.771493     0.00000

* library "cc-pvtz"

  mult 1
  XC b3lyp
  grid fine



task ccca

Formic acid input:
Title "formicacid"
Start  formicacid


charge 0

geometry autosym units angstrom
 C     0.410955     -0.132154     0.00000
 H     1.50430     -0.0475164     0.00000
 O     -0.134104     1.09718     0.00000
 H     -1.09846     0.988665     0.00000
 O     -0.203188     -1.15938     0.00000

* library "cc-pvtz"

  mult 1
  XC b3lyp
  grid fine



task ccca

Formate input:
Title "formate"
Start  formate


charge -1

geometry autosym units angstrom
 C     0.00000     0.00000     0.329396
 H     0.00000     0.00000     1.47310
 O     -1.13532     0.00000     -0.189103
 O     1.13532     0.00000     -0.189103

basis "ao basis" spherical print
* library "cc-pvtz"

  mult 1
  XC b3lyp
  grid fine



task ccca


Acetic acid
 Temperature                      =   298.15K
 frequency scaling parameter      =   0.9889

 Zero-Point correction to Energy  =   38.155 kcal/mol  (  0.060805 au)
 Thermal correction to Energy     =   41.060 kcal/mol  (  0.065434 au)
 Thermal correction to Enthalpy   =   41.653 kcal/mol  (  0.066378 au)

 Total Entropy                    =   69.467 cal/mol-K
   - Translational                =   38.179 cal/mol-K (mol. weight =  60.0211)    - Rotational                   =   23.830 cal/mol-K (symmetry #  =        1)
   - Vibrational                  =    7.458 cal/mol-K

 Cv (constant volume heat capacity) =   14.439 cal/mol-K
   - Translational                  =    2.979 cal/mol-K
   - Rotational                     =    2.979 cal/mol-K
   - Vibrational                    =    8.480 cal/mol-K

 ccCA: calculations done, now printing results
 ccCA-P  reference energy =   -228.82035086993045     
 ccCA-S3 reference energy =   -228.82800135561300     
 ccCA-S4 reference energy =   -228.82030423449530     
 ccCA-PS3 reference energy=   -228.82417611277174     
 DK correction            =  -0.13322049012506909     
 CCSD(T) correction       =   -4.8762979862686961E-002
 CV correction            =  -0.20936881324035994     
 Total ccCA-P   energy    =   -229.21170315315857     
 Total ccCA-S3  energy    =   -229.21935363884111     
 Total ccCA-S4  energy    =   -229.21165651772341     
 Total ccCA-PS3 energy    =   -229.21552839599985     
 Thermochemistry available:
            ZPE   =   6.0851792771826778E-002
 ccCA-P   E+ZPE   =  -229.15085136038675     
 ccCA-S3  E+ZPE   =  -229.15850184606930     
 ccCA-S4  E+ZPE   =  -229.15080472495160     
 ccCA-PS3 E+ZPE   =  -229.15467660322804     
 Wrote ccCA-P    energy to the RTDB 
 Leaving ccCA module...

 Task  times  cpu:     5565.6s     wall:     5650.7s


 Temperature                      =   298.15K
 frequency scaling parameter      =   0.9889

 Zero-Point correction to Energy  =   29.591 kcal/mol  (  0.047157 au)
 Thermal correction to Energy     =   31.853 kcal/mol  (  0.050762 au)
 Thermal correction to Enthalpy   =   32.446 kcal/mol  (  0.051706 au)

 Total Entropy                    =   64.067 cal/mol-K
   - Translational                =   38.129 cal/mol-K (mol. weight =  59.0133)
   - Rotational                   =   23.739 cal/mol-K (symmetry #  =        1)
   - Vibrational                  =    2.199 cal/mol-K

 Cv (constant volume heat capacity) =   11.235 cal/mol-K
   - Translational                  =    2.979 cal/mol-K
   - Rotational                     =    2.979 cal/mol-K
   - Vibrational                    =    5.276 cal/mol-K

 ccCA: calculations done, now printing results
 ccCA-P  reference energy =   -228.25857936176124     
 ccCA-S3 reference energy =   -228.26625083689740     
 ccCA-S4 reference energy =   -228.25849407721080     
 ccCA-PS3 reference energy=   -228.26241509932930     
 DK correction            =  -0.13318127658752132     
 CCSD(T) correction       =   -4.4728554700242285E-002
 CV correction            =  -0.20921905251765338     
 Total ccCA-P   energy    =   -228.64570824556665     
 Total ccCA-S3  energy    =   -228.65337972070282     
 Total ccCA-S4  energy    =   -228.64562296101622     
 Total ccCA-PS3 energy    =   -228.64954398313472     
 Thermochemistry available:
            ZPE   =   4.7193435242008613E-002
 ccCA-P   E+ZPE   =  -228.59851481032464     
 ccCA-S3  E+ZPE   =  -228.60618628546081     
 ccCA-S4  E+ZPE   =  -228.59842952577421     
 ccCA-PS3 E+ZPE   =  -228.60235054789271     
 Wrote ccCA-P    energy to the RTDB 
 Leaving ccCA module...

 Task  times  cpu:     3859.1s     wall:     3910.2s

Formic acid

 Temperature                      =   298.15K
 frequency scaling parameter      =   0.9889

 Zero-Point correction to Energy  =   20.909 kcal/mol  (  0.033320 au)
 Thermal correction to Energy     =   22.902 kcal/mol  (  0.036497 au)
 Thermal correction to Enthalpy   =   23.495 kcal/mol  (  0.037441 au)

 Total Entropy                    =   59.329 cal/mol-K
   - Translational                =   37.387 cal/mol-K (mol. weight =  46.0055)    - Rotational                   =   21.008 cal/mol-K (symmetry #  =        1)
   - Vibrational                  =    0.934 cal/mol-K

 Cv (constant volume heat capacity) =    8.703 cal/mol-K
   - Translational                  =    2.979 cal/mol-K
   - Rotational                     =    2.979 cal/mol-K
   - Vibrational                    =    2.744 cal/mol-K

 ccCA: calculations done, now printing results

 ccCA-P  reference energy =   -189.56748775122853
 ccCA-S3 reference energy =   -189.57364633780318
 ccCA-S4 reference energy =   -189.56733835209894
 ccCA-PS3 reference energy=   -189.57056704451585
 DK correction            =  -0.11856238070660652
 CCSD(T) correction       =   -3.0831132609506540E-002
 CV correction            =  -0.16057296161548607
 Total ccCA-P   energy    =   -189.87745422616013
 Total ccCA-S3  energy    =   -189.88361281273478
 Total ccCA-S4  energy    =   -189.87730482703054
 Total ccCA-PS3 energy    =   -189.88053351944745

 Thermochemistry available:
            ZPE   =   3.3346398704552728E-002
 ccCA-P   E+ZPE   =  -189.84410782745556
 ccCA-S3  E+ZPE   =  -189.85026641403022
 ccCA-S4  E+ZPE   =  -189.84395842832598
 ccCA-PS3 E+ZPE   =  -189.84718712074289
 Wrote ccCA-P    energy to the RTDB
 Leaving ccCA module...

 Task  times  cpu:     1369.3s     wall:     1407.5s

 Temperature                      =   298.15K
 frequency scaling parameter      =   0.9889

 Zero-Point correction to Energy  =   12.385 kcal/mol  (  0.019737 au)
 Thermal correction to Energy     =   14.252 kcal/mol  (  0.022713 au)
 Thermal correction to Enthalpy   =   14.845 kcal/mol  (  0.023656 au)

 Total Entropy                    =   56.927 cal/mol-K
   - Translational                =   37.321 cal/mol-K (mol. weight =  44.9976)
   - Rotational                   =   19.229 cal/mol-K (symmetry #  =        2)
   - Vibrational                  =    0.377 cal/mol-K

 Cv (constant volume heat capacity) =    7.310 cal/mol-K
   - Translational                  =    2.979 cal/mol-K
   - Rotational                     =    2.979 cal/mol-K
   - Vibrational                    =    1.351 cal/mol-K

 ccCA: calculations done, now printing results
 ccCA-P  reference energy =   -189.01189831122844     
 ccCA-S3 reference energy =   -189.01808726799254     
 ccCA-S4 reference energy =   -189.01171261173857     
 ccCA-PS3 reference energy=   -189.01499278961049     
 DK correction            =  -0.11851294005154500     
 CCSD(T) correction       =   -2.6430727035545942E-002
 CV correction            =  -0.16057463040127118     
 Total ccCA-P   energy    =   -189.31741660871680     
 Total ccCA-S3  energy    =   -189.32360556548090     
 Total ccCA-S4  energy    =   -189.31723090922694     
 Total ccCA-PS3 energy    =   -189.32051108709885     
 Thermochemistry available:
            ZPE   =   1.9751889903778755E-002
 ccCA-P   E+ZPE   =  -189.29766471881302     
 ccCA-S3  E+ZPE   =  -189.30385367557713     
 ccCA-S4  E+ZPE   =  -189.29747901932316     
 ccCA-PS3 E+ZPE   =  -189.30075919719508     
 Wrote ccCA-P    energy to the RTDB 
 Leaving ccCA module...

Solvation energy

Solvation energy may seem easy to calculate, but difficult to calculate accurately using implicit methods, in particular for ions. I used the optimized structures from above, and then did a single-point COSMO (rsolv 0. Not ideal)  at RDFT(b3lyp)/cc-pVTZ/

Acetic acid: -8.59 kcal/mol
Acetate: -72.33 kcal/mol
Formic acid: -8.90
Formate: -72.59 kcal/mol
H+: -624.61 kcal/mol (lit. value)

Free energies:  
G: ccCA-P+(Hcorr-T*Scorr)
 G(acetic acid): -229.21170315315857*627.503+(41.653-298.15*69.467/1000)-8.59
 G(acetate): -228.64570824556665*627.503+(32.446-298.15*64.067/1000)-72.33
 G(formic acid): -189.87745422616013*627.503+(23.495-298.15*59.329/1000)-8.90
 G(formate):  -189.31741660871680*627.503+(14.845-298.15*56.927/1000)-72.59
 G(H+): -6.28 kcal/mol (lit. value) -264.61 (lit. value)=-270.89 kcal/mol

Results: Direct approach:
Don't forget to account for the standard state. R=1.9858775(34)×10−3 kcal/(K.mol)
11.0435795929699 kcal/mol=46.2063370169861 kJ/mol =>
=8.1 (which is very bad -- it should be close to 4.75)

7.01850845285312 kcal/mol=29.3654393667375 kJ/mol
pKa=5.1 (which is quite bad -- it should be close to 3.75)

Results: Isodesmic approach
From an older post:
"Assuming that we know that formic acid has a pKa of 3.75, then DG_solution=pKa*RT/log(e)=3.75*8.314*298.15/log10(e)/1000=21.404 kJ/mol. The reverse reaction is -21.404 kJ/mol."
That's about 5.116 kcal/mol

4.02507114014588 kcal/mol+5.116 kcal/mol =9.14107114014588 kcal/mol <=> pKa= 6.7
Which is better, but still not as good as here.

Using the E+zpe energies doesn't help much:
9.10100587110175 kcal/mol <=> pKa=6.68

I really have no idea why the results are so bad when I had reasonable results with DFT/b3lyp/6-31++G** which should be worse than the E(CBS)+E(CC)+E(CV)+E(DK) approach for calculating electronic energies.

Solvation energies are a bit different and could explain some of the difference. Using the solvation energies from here I got:
7.76107114008302 kcal/mol <=> pKa=5.69. Not 4.75, but closer.

Using rsolv 1.3 I get
10.1610711401063 kcal/mol which is bad.

More thinking.
  This paper says that the gas phase free energy for the deprotonation of acetic acid should be 341.1 kcal/mol
(-228.64570824556665*627.503+(32.446-298.15*64.067/1000)-6.82)-(-229.21170315315857*627.503+(41.653-298.15*69.467/1000))=340.75 kca/mol
We're within 1 kcal/mol 

The same paper states 338.5 kcal/mol for formic acid:
(-189.31741660871680*627.503+(14.845-298.15*56.927/1000)-6.82)-(-189.87745422616013*627.503+(23.495-298.15*59.329/1000))=336.67 kca/mol

For our direct solution phase pKa calculation formic acid was off by about 1.9 kcal/mol which is similar to the error here.

14 September 2012

236. Calculating pKa, part 1:Example (attempt) of an isodesmic reactions in NWChem

Back to learning about computational approaches to chemistry. The usual warnings apply: why would you trust anything that I say about anything? I'm writing anonymously, and I may misunderstand things at times. So make sure that you compare what I write with that of other sources and make up your own mind.

Anyway, I found a fairly detailed presentation in which they were using Gaussian 98 here:

While that should be ok to reproduce, it's not that straightforward to do even with Gaussian, since G09 and G03 don't report solvation parameters in the same way (or detail) as G98.

I'm also a lot keener on NWChem than Gaussian for various reasons, not least that it's 'free' (both libre and gratis) while Gaussian inc. has been accused of doing somewhat unfriendly things in the name of protecting their business interests.

See here and here for an example, and then here for a rebuttal from Gaussian inc. I know that EMSL/Pacific Northwest National Lab that develop NWChem and ECCE are prohibited from using Gaussian since they are considered as being competitors.

Back to science.

Our test example will be acetate, and we'll use formic acid to correct our results.
The fact that this post is very long is due to the amount of detail supplied -- I prefer to show some of the more obvious things so that people can learn from what I post -- and I learn by writing the post.

But first let's just do everything using direct methods.

We work with a thermochemical cycle:

IF we can't calculate the DG_solution directly (i.e. too expensive) we can optimise our structures in the gas phase, and then calculate the solvation energy for those structures.

Then DG_sol=DG_gas+DG_solvation(B)-DGsolvation(A).
(more generally sum of DG_solv(prod) - sum of DG_solv(reactants)).

1. pKa of Acetic acid using direct methods

We can either do
H3CCOOH -> H3COO- + H+
H3CCOOH + H2O -> H3COO- + H3O+

Optimise acetic acid and acetate in the gas phase and do frequency calculations to get the enthalpy and entropy. Then use the gas phase structures and do single point calculations using COSMO to get the electrostatic solvation energies. Finally, use standard state corrections.

A. Optimise acetic acid in the gas phase and do frequency calculation

Title "aceticacid_gas"
Start  aceticacid_gas
charge 0

geometry autosym units angstrom
 C     0.0402340     0.0308110     0.0402340
 H     -0.600803     -0.611482     0.679201
 H     0.679201     -0.611482     -0.600803
 H     -0.607055     0.659335     -0.607055
 C     0.903928     0.890481     0.903928
 O     0.814831     2.23989     0.814831
 O     1.78275     0.299052     1.78275
 H     2.25438     1.03276     2.25438

basis "ao basis" spherical print
  H library "6-31++G**"
  O library "6-31++G**"
  C library "6-31++G**"

  mult 1
  XC b3lyp
  grid fine


task dft optimize
task dft freq

which gives

         Total DFT energy =     -229.102415550663
      One electron energy =     -550.833155571059
           Coulomb energy =      230.555870626149
    Exchange-Corr. energy =      -29.497734561879
 Nuclear repulsion energy =      120.672603956126

 Numeric. integr. density =       31.999999816803

     Total iterative time =      3.6s
 Temperature                      =   298.15K
 frequency scaling parameter      =   1.0000

 Zero-Point correction to Energy  =   38.683 kcal/mol  (  0.061646 au)
 Thermal correction to Energy     =   41.568 kcal/mol  (  0.066243 au)
 Thermal correction to Enthalpy   =   42.160 kcal/mol  (  0.067186 au)

 Total Entropy                    =   69.198 cal/mol-K
   - Translational                =   38.179 cal/mol-K (mol. weight =  60.0211)
   - Rotational                   =   23.855 cal/mol-K (symmetry #  =        1)
   - Vibrational                  =    7.164 cal/mol-K

 Cv (constant volume heat capacity) =   14.327 cal/mol-K
   - Translational                  =    2.979 cal/mol-K
   - Rotational                     =    2.979 cal/mol-K
   - Vibrational                    =    8.368 cal/mol-K

So that G=-229.102415550663*(627.503 kcal/Hartree)+(42.160 kcal/mol-298.15*(69.198 cal/molK)/1000)=-1.4372e+05 kcal/mol

B. Optimise acetate in the gas phase and do frequency calculation

Title "acetate_gas"

Start  acetate_gas


charge -1

geometry autosym units angstrom
 C     0.0405721     0.0285481     0.0405721
 H     -0.601438     -0.613690     0.678620
 H     0.678620     -0.613690     -0.601438
 H     -0.605857     0.658809     -0.605857
 C     0.904975     0.886806     0.904975
 O     0.825186     2.23364     0.825186
 O     1.77103     0.316179     1.77103

basis "ao basis" spherical print
  H library "6-31++G**"
  O library "6-31++G**"
  C library "6-31++G**"

  mult 1
  XC b3lyp
  grid fine


task dft optimize
task dft freq                     

which gives

         Total DFT energy =     -228.540046314754
      One electron energy =     -539.474204198295
           Coulomb energy =      229.063209931484
    Exchange-Corr. energy =      -29.339040486703
 Nuclear repulsion energy =      111.209988438759

 Numeric. integr. density =       32.000000595562

     Total iterative time =      2.9s


 Temperature                      =   298.15K
 frequency scaling parameter      =   1.0000

 Zero-Point correction to Energy  =   30.023 kcal/mol  (  0.047845 au)
 Thermal correction to Energy     =   32.271 kcal/mol  (  0.051427 au)
 Thermal correction to Enthalpy   =   32.863 kcal/mol  (  0.052371 au)

 Total Entropy                    =   64.022 cal/mol-K
   - Translational                =   38.129 cal/mol-K (mol. weight =  59.0133)
   - Rotational                   =   23.766 cal/mol-K (symmetry #  =        1)
   - Vibrational                  =    2.127 cal/mol-K

 Cv (constant volume heat capacity) =   11.112 cal/mol-K
   - Translational                  =    2.979 cal/mol-K
   - Rotational                     =    2.979 cal/mol-K
   - Vibrational                    =    5.153 cal/mol-K
so that G=-228.540046314754*(627.503 kcal/Hartree)+(32.271 kcal/mol-298.15*(64.022 cal/molK)/1000)=-1.4338e+05 kcal/mol

Putting A and B together: (-228.540046314754*(627.503)+(32.271-298.15*(64.022/1000)))-(-229.102415550663*(627.503)+(42.160-298.15*(69.198/1000)))=344.54 kcal/mol

We haven't accounted for solvation or the proton yet.

C. Solvation of acetic acid

Title "aceticacid_solvation"
Start  aceticacid_solvation


charge 0

geometry autosym units angstrom
 C     -0.313400     -1.37257     0.00000
 H     -0.932151     -1.56367     -0.882188
 H     -0.932151     -1.56367     0.882188
 H     0.551887     -2.03461     0.00000
 C     0.149260     0.0607660     0.00000
 O     1.30165     0.439500     0.00000
 O     -0.897630     0.927778     0.00000
 H     -0.523912     1.82535     0.00000

basis "ao basis" spherical print
  H library "6-31++G**"
  O library "6-31++G**"
  C library "6-31++G**"

  mult 1
  XC b3lyp
  grid fine


task dft energy

which gives
                  COSMO solvation results

                 gas phase energy =      -229.1024156124
                 sol phase energy =      -229.1172649438
 (electrostatic) solvation energy =         0.0148493315 (    9.32 kcal/mol)

D. Solvation of acetate

Title "acetate_solvation"
Start  acetate_solvation


charge -1

geometry autosym units angstrom
 C     -0.0308736     -1.36399     0.00000
 H     0.503418     -1.74042     0.882388
 H     0.503418     -1.74042     -0.882388
 H     -1.05531     -1.75261     0.00000
 C     -0.00485953     0.199667     0.00000
 O     -1.12642     0.778065     0.00000
 O     1.14855     0.713544     0.00000

basis "ao basis" spherical print
  H library "6-31++G**"
  O library "6-31++G**"
  C library "6-31++G**"

  mult 1
  XC b3lyp
  grid fine


task dft energy

which gives
                  COSMO solvation results
                 gas phase energy =      -228.5400463128
                 sol phase energy =      -228.6567490452
 (electrostatic) solvation energy =         0.1167027324 (   73.23 kcal/mol)

Putting A, B and solvation energies together: 
[(-228.540046314754*(627.503)+(32.271-298.15*(64.022/1000)))-(-229.102415550663*(627.503)+(42.160-298.15*(69.198/1000)))]-[73.23-9.32]=344.54-63.910=280.63 kcal/mol

E. The Proton
If you try to do any calculations on an isolated proton you get and SCFE of zero, and you won't do much better in terms of thermochemical data. Yet, monoatomic gases obviously still posses entropy and enthalpy. Instead, the document I cite above uses the ideal gas partition function for ideal monoatomic gases which gives a value of 6.28 kcal/mol for the free energy of a proton.  The last reference states that the free energy for a proton in the gas phase is experimentally determined to be -6.28 kcal/mol and that the free energy of hydration is -264.61 kcal/mol (experimental).

[(-228.540046314754*(627.503)+(32.271-298.15*(64.022/1000)))-6.28-(-229.102415550663*(627.503)+(42.160-298.15*(69.198/1000)))]-[73.23+264.61-9.32]=338.26-328.52=9.74 kcal/mol =40.752 kJ/mol
We're not done yet though -- make sure to continue to 'F. Standard States'

F. Standard States

We know that

DG=DG^0+RT ln (Q).

We have a bit of a problem. We're doing calculations in the gas phase (pressure) but looking at predicting solution values (concentration). Also, I don't fully get it yet, so my explanation is probably a bit fuzzy.

 So if A+B-> C+D we get Q=(C*D)/(A*B) but for A -> C+D we get Q=(C*D)/(A) or (1 bar x1 bar/1 bar)= 1 bar = 101350 Pa => nRT/P=1*8.314*298.15/101350=0.024458 m3= 24.46 L. The concentration of each species is 1 mol/bar which in volume terms means 1/24.46 L.

And the A -> C + D situation is what we have if we look at
HA -> H+ + A-

Q=((1/24.46)*(1/24.46)/(1/24.46))=1/2.4.46 which gives
DG=DG^0-RTln(24.46)=DG^0-7924.9 J/mol

Thus, we need to correct for the standard state: 40.752 -7924.9/1000=32.827 kJ/mol

G. Calculating pKa

Since (in solution so that concentrations are 1 M)
DG=DG^0+RTln(K), where K=([H3COO][H+])/([H3COOH])
DG=DG^0+(RT ln([HCOO]/[H3COOH])+RTln (10^(-pH)), where RT ln([HCOO]/[H3COOH])=RTln(1/1)=0 so
DG=DG^0+RTln (10^(-pH))=DG^0+RT log (10^(-pH)/log(e)=DG^0-(RT/log(e)) * pH
Which for equilbrium, where pH=pKa and DG=0, turns into

pKa= DG*log(e)/(RT)=(32.827*1000)*log(e)/(8.314*298.15)=5.75

Not that great as predictions go (exp: pKa=4.75). Looking at some of the literature one error lies in the size of the solvation energies. Possibly one should tune the parameters used in the COSMO.

2. Isodemic reaction/correction

Using formic acid
This approach is based on 1) the similarity between two compounds and 2) us knowing the DG_solution parameter for one of them.

Assuming that we know that formic acid has a pKa of 3.75, then DG_solution=pKa*RT/log(e)=3.75*8.314*298.15/log10(e)/1000=21.404 kJ/mol. The reverse reaction is -21.404 kJ/mol.

We skip a few steps.
Here are the calculated parameters for formic acid (using the same method as above):

Formic acid

SCFE: -189.772804709496 Hartree
Enthalpy correction: 23.773 kcal/mol
Entropy correction: 59.339 cal/mol
Solvation energy: 9.99 kcal/mol

SCFE:  -189.217943605798 Hartree
Enthalpy correction: 15.016 kcal/mol
Entropy correction: 56.992 cal/mol
Solvation energy: 72.47 kcal/mol

[Just for kicks we quickly look at what the prediction is:
accounting for everything (solvation, proton etc.)
((-189.217943605798*627.503+(15.016-298.15*56.992/1000)-72.47) +(-6.28-264.61))-(-189.772804709496*627.503+(23.773-298.15*59.339/1000)-9.99)=6.7498 kcal/mol
6.7498*4.184-7924.9/1000=20.316 kJ/mol <=> pKa=1000*20.316*log10(e)/(8.314*298.15)=3.56]

The isodesmic approach:

Here we look at

This combined reaction has a
DG_solution=DG_solution(acetic acid/acetate)+DG_solution(formate/formic acid)
DG_solution(acetic acid/acetate)= DG_solution-DG_solution(formic acid/formate)
=DG_solution-(-21.404 kJ/mol)
=DG_gas+[DG_sol(acetate)+DG_sol(formic acid)-DG_sol(acetic acid)-DG_sol(formate)]+21.404 kJ/mol
(-228.540046314754*(627.503)+(32.271-298.15*(64.022/1000)))+(-189.772804709496*627.503+(23.773-298.15*(59.339/1000)))-(-229.102415550663*(627.503)+(42.160-298.15*(69.198/1000)))-(-189.217943605798*627.503+(15.016-298.15*(56.992/1000)))+(-73.23-9.99+9.32+72.47)+5.116 kcal/mol= 8.11 kcal/mol= 33.93 kJ/mol

Here we don't need to fiddle with standard states or experimental values for solvation of the proton.

pKa= DG*log(e)/(RT)=(33.93*1000)*log(e)/(8.314*298.15)=5.94
which is even worse than before...
We want ca 27 kJ/mol = 6.48 kcal/mol. Paradoxically this may be due to the ab initio approach to the pKa of formic acid actually giving a very reasonable value.

Using Propanoic acid
So let's try the isodesmic approach using propanoic acid as our reference instead.

Propanoic acid

SCFE:  -268.419515785389 Hartree
Enthalpy correction:  60.894 kcal/mol
Entropy correction:  75.184 cal/mol
Solvation energy:  8.15 kcal/mol

SCFE:   -267.857478200414 Hartree
Enthalpy correction: 52.096 kcal/mol
Entropy correction:  75.392 cal/mol
Solvation energy:  72.14 kcal/mol

pKa=4.86 <=> 27.739 kJ/mol= 6.63 kcal/mol

(-228.540046314754*(627.503)+(32.271-298.15*(64.022/1000)))+(-268.419515785389*627.503+(60.894-298.15*(75.184/1000)))-(-229.102415550663*(627.503)+(42.160-298.15*(69.198/1000)))-(-267.857478200414*627.503+(52.096-298.15*(75.392/1000)))+(-73.23-8.15+9.32+72.14)+6.63 kcal/mol=7.4324 kcal/mol=31.097

pKa= DG*log(e)/(RT)=(31.097*1000)*log(e)/(8.314*298.15)=5.45

It's a bit better, but still a bit off.

3. Conclusion:
The isodesmic approach is not magic and it relies on the similarity of two compounds, one for which there are experimental data, causing similar computational issues. Under the right conditions it's a useful approach, whereas under other conditions -- where a body of experimental data exists -- it might just be easier to determine the correlation between experimental and calculated data via fitting.

The approach worked better for the acetate/propanoate pair than the formate/acetate pair -- and one would consider acetic acid and propanoic acid to be more similar than formic acid and the higher acids. We're still far off from obtaining a perfect result though.

An additional problem is obviously the sensitivity of pKa to the DG -- one pH unit is about 1.36 kcal/mol, which is very small given the usual errors in DFT level calculations. I've seen indications online (google!) that the accuracy of b3lyp is about 3 kcal/mol, and one can always debate the accuracy of a highly empirical method like COSMO.