05 April 2013

376. Wine 1.5.27 on Debian: i386 chroot

UPDATE 16 May 2013: See here for Wine 1.5.30: http://verahill.blogspot.com.au/2013/05/416-wine-1530-in-chroot.html

Note: Please, if you do have issues actually using the wine binaries built this way, post a comment -- everything is working fine on my systems but I'd like to know exactly what libraries you need to install on the target system to make Wine built in the chroot run to satisfaction.

Preamble: Building wine on Debian Wheezy amd 64 is a PITA at the moment, since some amd64 -dev packages are not co-installable with their i386 counterpart. Such an example is libfreetype6-dev:i386.

If I'm understanding this post correctly I may be confusing the idea behind multiarch vs cross-compiling:

"multiarch provides support for cross-compiling, but we don't have an amd64->i386 cross-compiler - only a biarch (multilib) compiler."

which I interpret to mean that while we generally can compile against 32 bit libs in wheezy using multiarch, it's not necessarily the way it is intended to work (I've never bother to check whether the binaries are 32 bit, or just linked against 32 bit libs). Instead, an alternative way to look at multiarch is that it supports the use of packages linked against 32 bit libs (and puts libraries in arch dependent locations), but not by necessity the compilation of 32 bit binaries (if it does, great). Or maybe I'm wrong. The bottom line is that we might have to accept compiling in a chroot, and then install the 32 bit libs on the target machine to support execution.
I've built wine using chroot in the past, but it was always with the intention of hammering out dependencies.

Getting started:

The Chroot
mkdir $HOME/tmp/architectures/wine32
cd $HOME/tmp/architectures
sudo debootstrap --arch i386 wheezy $HOME/tmp/architectures/wine32 http://ftp.au.debian.org/debian/

sudo mount -o bind /proc wine32/proc
sudo cp /etc/resolv.conf wine32/etc/resolv.conf
sudo chroot wine32

You're now in the chroot:
apt-get update
apt-get install locales sudo vim
echo 'export LC_ALL="C"'>>/etc/bash.bashrc
echo 'export LANG="C"'>>/etc/bash.bashrc
echo ' localhost beryllium' >> /etc/hosts
source /etc/bash.bashrc
adduser sandbox
usermod -g sudo sandbox
echo 'Defaults !tty_tickets' >> /etc/sudoers
su sandbox
cd ~/

Building Wine
While still in the chroot, continue (the i386 is ok; don't worry about it):
sudo apt-get install libx11-dev:i386 libfreetype6-dev:i386 libxcursor-dev:i386 libxi-dev:i386 libxxf86vm-dev:i386 libxrandr-dev:i386 libxinerama-dev:i386 libxcomposite-dev:i386 libglu-dev:i386 libosmesa-dev:i386 libglu-dev:i386 libosmesa-dev:i386 libdbus-1-dev:i386 libgnutls-dev:i386 libncurses-dev:i386 libsane-dev:i386 libv4l-dev:i386 libgphoto2-2-dev:i386 liblcms-dev:i386 libgstreamer-plugins-base0.10-dev:i386 libcapi20-dev:i386 libcups2-dev:i386 libfontconfig-dev:i386 libgsm1-dev:i386 libtiff-dev:i386 libpng-dev:i386 libjpeg-dev:i386 libmpg123-dev:i386 libopenal-dev:i386 libldap-dev:i386 libxrender-dev:i386 libxml2-dev:i386 libxslt-dev:i386 libhal-dev:i386 libcurl4-openssl-dev:i386 gettext:i386 prelink:i386 bzip2:i386 bison:i386 flex:i386 oss4-dev:i386 checkinstall:i386 ocl-icd-libopencl1:i386 opencl-headers:i386 libasound2-dev:i386 build-essential
mkdir ~/tmp
cd ~/tmp
wget http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/wine/wine-1.5.27.tar.bz2
cd wine-1.5.27/
time make -j2
sudo checkinstall --install=no
checkinstall 1.6.2, Copyright 2009 Felipe Eduardo Sanchez Diaz Duran This software is released under the GNU GPL. The package documentation directory ./doc-pak does not exist. Should I create a default set of package docs? [y]: Preparing package documentation...OK Please write a description for the package. End your description with an empty line or EOF. >> wine 1.5.27 >> ***************************************** **** Debian package creation selected *** ***************************************** This package will be built according to these values: 0 - Maintainer: [ root@beryllium ] 1 - Summary: [ wine 1.5.27 ] 2 - Name: [ wine ] 3 - Version: [ 1.5.27 ] 4 - Release: [ 1 ] 5 - License: [ GPL ] 6 - Group: [ checkinstall ] 7 - Architecture: [ i386 ] 8 - Source location: [ wine-1.5.27 ] 9 - Alternate source location: [ ] 10 - Requires: [ ] 11 - Provides: [ wine ] 12 - Conflicts: [ ] 13 - Replaces: [ ]

Compilation took ca 20 minutes. Checkinstall takes a little while (In particular this step: 'Copying files to the temporary directory...').

Installing Wine
Exit the chroot
sandbox@beryllium:~/tmp/wine-1.5.27$ exit
root@beryllium:/# exit

On your host system
Enable multiarch and install ia32-libs, since you've built a proper 32 bit binary:
sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install ia32-libs

Copy the .deb package and install it
sudo cp wine32/home/sandbox/tmp/wine-1.5.27/wine_1.5.27-1_i386.deb .
sudo chown $USER wine_1.5.27-1_i386.deb
sudo dpkg -i wine_1.5.27-1_i386.deb

The tricky bit
The question is what 32 bit libs you need on the host system, if any.
ldd /usr/local/bin/wine
linux-gate.so.1 => (0x55573000) libwine.so.1 => /usr/local/bin/../lib/libwine.so.1 (0x55577000) libpthread.so.0 => /lib/i386-linux-gnu/i686/cmov/libpthread.so.0 (0x556f5000) libc.so.6 => /lib/i386-linux-gnu/i686/cmov/libc.so.6 (0x5570e000) libdl.so.2 => /lib/i386-linux-gnu/i686/cmov/libdl.so.2 (0x55871000) /lib/ld-linux.so.2 (0x55555000)
So far everything is working fine with ia32-libs.

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  1. Joost van Veelen14 April, 2013 18:39

    Thanks for this tutorial/howto! I found that to install the wine package, multiarch must be enabled, and to run the wine executable, the package "ia32-libs" needs to be installed, otherwise it will not be recognised as an executable.

    1. Thanks Joost! I've updated the post with the multiarch, ia32-libs bits now.

  2. Joost van Veelen14 April, 2013 22:13

    In the above configuration, wine did not have any sound drivers available. By installing libasound2-dev:i386 in the build environment (and rebuilding wine), this is fixed.

    1. Thanks again. I've updated the dependency list. I don't use wine for anything other than Word 2003, and even that I do very rarely, so I wouldn't spot things like sound or graphics.

  3. Thanks very much for this! It really helped me. One more remark: If you want to use this with Playonlinux you should change the package architecture to amd64 in checkinstall. Otherwise you won't be able to install playonlinux on the top of it (dependency issue)
