17 December 2013

535. Briefly: ACS journal latex template -- achemso

There's no outright template for the preparation of tex files for ACS journals. However, there are two files provided: a bibtex styles file, achemso.bst, and a macro file, achemso.cls. Both are available in the texlive-latex-extra package on debian.

Luckily there's a lot of information online, including a demo file: ftp://ftp.dante.de/tex-archive/biblio/bibtex/contrib/achemso/

Anyway, here's a simple file that can act as a template. Have a look at the demo file at ftp.dante.de for a much more exhaustive example, including how to use schemes and insert references.

You can figure out the journal abbreviations from their URLs. Otherwise, page 4 in this pdf has a list: http://www.tug.org/texlive/Contents/live/texmf-dist/doc/latex/achemso/achemso.pdf


\documentclass[journal=inoraj, layout=twocolumn]{achemso}
\author{Vera Hill}
\affiliation{Department of Chemistry, This University, This Country}
\author{I. Lindqvist}
\affiliation{Department of Chemistry, Another University, That Country}
\title{A quick, non-exhaustive tex template}


%\begin{tocentry} %graphical TOC
%TOC text goes here

The ACS should provide a simple template. They don't, so I do.

\section{Results and Discussion}

% \includegraphics{graphic}
% \caption{A figure}
% \label{fig:example}

VH thanks the internet. IL thanks the electron.

See supporting information for additional experimental details.




  1. When you do this aren't the fonts really massive? I got the impression from the ACS website that using their template it created articles which can then be pretty much straight used for publication.

    My font also isn't the same and they are large (using ubuntu 12.04 with texlive-full, also tried using 14.04)

    1. Anake,
      achemso is the ACS template -- see e.g. http://pubs.acs.org/page/4authors/submission/tex.html. In other words, there's no difference between using 'their' template and using the achemso style distributed via debian.

      http://pubs.acs.org/page/4authors/submission/tex.html# -- "Some style files (text and bibliographic) that are available in the public domain may be used for most ACS journals, e.g., jacs.sty and jacs.bst; jpc.sty and jpc.bst; achemso. The use of the achemso style package is strongly encouraged."

      The fonts don't look that large to me (Ive added a screenshot above), and from what I can see (http://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/60029/is-it-possible-to-use-12-pt-font-size-in-the-achemso-package/60030#60030) there's no provision for changing the font size anyway.

      Let me know if the fonts look the same on your system as one mine.
